Athletics News

2020 Youth Basketball Tryouts

Posted on: October 1, 2020
basketball with blue background

2020-21 BASKETBALL SELECT TRYOUTS Download Tryouts Flyer

Grades:  2nd - 6th grade


Please see attached COVID-19 Protocols for Tryouts.  Download Here

Registration Night on Wednesday, October 14th
6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Middle School Gym and Spartan Room

Tryout results and registration materials will be posted on
 Questions? Email us at

flyer with lots of boxes and words

2020 WYBA Basketball Tryout COVID-19 Guidelines  

WYBA COVID-19 Instructions - download

  • Temperature checks will be taken for every person or child entering facility. Anyone having a temp of 100.4 or higher will be asked to leave.
  • A self-check should be given at home before your tryout time. If you are not feeling well or experience any symptoms such as: coughing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, trouble breathing, fainting, throwing up or any other symptoms of COVID 19, please stay home and consult with your local doctor
  • The Director will schedule tryouts apart so that there will be time for staff to clean players tryout area. Tryouts will be staggered start times by 10 minutes.
  • Once your tryout is completed, please exit promptly outside. No meetings or congregating allowed. No exceptions. This helps us space apart tryouts and allow for the staff to clean the court before the next tryout
  • All Coaches will maintain 6 feet apart from players when instructing. Coaches may remove mask while coaching only but must wear a mask at all other times.
  • Players may not share water bottles or drinks at any time
  • Players will sit 6 feet apart on bench.
  • Masks are mandatory
  • The WYBA has the right to deny entry to anyone not following our guidelines and protocols for a safe return to basketball.
  • Anyone leaving facility and reentering must comply with a temp check and wait in line behind others entering. No exceptions.
  • No parking lot huddles after tryouts.
  • We ask that anyone with underlying health issues please stay home. As well as anyone who has a higher chance of contracting COVID 19. Our goal is flatten the curve while minimizing the exposure of others.
  • Thank you for your cooperation. For us to be allowed to return to basketball, we MUST respect and abide by the Governors orders for us to play scrimmages. If we do not comply, our kids will suffer as we do not want any issues with our 2020-2021 season. Please understand that our regulations that we must follow are forced down to us and we must follow the safety protocols strictly for us to provide your child a safe place to play. 
  • Children need sports more than ever now. We cannot wait to see you all.
  • We ask that everyone that comes into this Facility use good judgement
  • If you are sick, stay home-if you have underlying health issues, stay home
  • We are taking the necessary precautions to keep our facility as clean and sanitized as possible
  • Feel free to carry your own sanitizer and or paper napkins if needed
  • We will continue to monitor this situation and follow the guidelines that pertain to COVID 19 and we will keep everyone informed if anything changes

Thank you,

WYBA Board