Athletics News

Cross Country Runs to Victory!

Posted on: September 7, 2017
cross country symbol

Our JH girls started the day with a 5th place finish out of 17 full teams. Leading the way was Kate Handle placing 6th followed by some fantastic runs resulting in PR's (Personal Records) by Alyza Camp in 31st, Rachel Ingle in 32nd, Jordan Patterson in 33rd, Ava Amato in 40th, Elizabeth McKeehan in 49th and Vivianna Syvertsen in 96th out of 225 runners. The JH boys finished in 7th out of 23 full teams missing two of our runners. Rhett Bailey lead the way with a 5th place finish and everyone that followed ran a PR or bettered their time from last week. Caden Adams placed 24th, AJ Siedenschmidt 29th, Will Damron 69th, Noah Wooldridge 95th and Ryan Leopold 116th out of 236 runners. Our HS ladies were next and placed 5th of 16 full teams. Hannah Gill ran a blazing fast time of 19:44 becoming only the second girl in school history to break the 20:00 minute barrier placing her 3rd overall in the race of 225 girls. Next was Tara Todd in 15th, Grace Aldrich in 49th, Megan Zidaroff in 51st, Katie Feldmann in 52nd, Megan Handle in 61st, Kenna Harvey in 71st, Teagan Cassidy in 120th, and Lauren Slattery in 190th. Hannah, both Megan's, Teagn and Lauren all ran PR's and everyone ran faster that last week. Our men's team finished the day with a 6th place finish out of 22 full teams. Running the fastest time ever by a Spartan harrier was Colin Amato placing 8th in a sizzling time of 16:49! Our next 3 men all cracked the top 10 fastest times list by finishing in 17:53 - Halen Wick in 32nd, 17:56 - Denver Johnson in 35th, 17:59 - Kaden Harvey in 37th, followed by PR's from Scott Coppock - 18:52 in 69th, Stefan Muterspaw - 19:07 in 77th, and Joe Bensman - 19:49in 89th. Almost everyone else ran a PR on the day. Finishing in order were Cian McGuire, Casey Briggs, Derek Phillips, Joey Phillips, Kameron Bauer, Aaron Fromer and Morgan Lowe. 

          This Saturday we will be at the Brookville Inv. at Golden Gate Park in Brookville, Oh  545 Lewisburg Salem Rd., Brookville, Oh