Athletics News

Cross Country Update

Posted on: October 30, 2017
hannah gill cross country picture

Update:  10-30-17


Congratulations to Hannah Gill 14th in Regional at Troy! She advances to the state meet! Congrats Hannah!! 


cross country runners
Update:  10/20/2017
WOW, what a weekend! Our HS women's team won it's 7th SWBL title in a row, our men's HS team won it's first title since 2008, our JH girls were 2nd behind a strong Eaton team and our JH boys were 3rd only 1 point behind Oakwood. This is the best showing we have ever had at this meet. Congratulations to all! Our JH boys were lead by a 3rd place finish by Rhett Bailey (11:39) and a 5th place finish by Caden Adams (11:45). Along with Caden, AJ Siedenschmidt (13th-12:08), Carson Shutts (24th-12:28), Noah Wooldridge (40th-13:14), Grant Kazmierski (44th-13:25), and Ryan Leopold (95th-15:01) all had PR's on the day and Will Dameron (50th-13:40) was very close as well in the race of 137 runners. The JH girls were lead by Kate Handle's (12:53) 6th place finish and Rachel Ingle's (13:09) 10th place finish, both with PR's. Also with PR's were Alyza Camp (13th-13:29), Ava Amato (19th-13:48), Jordan Patterson (22nd-13:57), and Viviana Syvertsen (41st-15:12) and Elizabeth McKeehan (23rd-14:04) came within 1 second of her best time of the year in the race of 104 runners. 
      Our HS women were in a battle with a very strong Milton-Union team and ended up with there 7th title in a row with a score of 26 to 30 with Dixie a distant 3rd with 95 points. Hannah Gill and Tara Todd finished 1-2 with great times of 19:29 and 19:53 respectively. Megan Zidaroff was 4th in 21:20 all with PR's and Grace Aldrich was 8th in 21:46 all receiving 1st team all-league honors. Second team all-league awards went to Katie Feldmann (11th-22:24), Kenna Harvey (13th-22:46), Megan Handle (15th-23:14), and Teagan Cassidy with a PR of 23:43 in 20th. Lauren Slattery earned honorable mention all-league honors with a 28th place finish in a PR of 26:13. The men's team had to fight for every point but finally beat a team we had never beaten at the league meet before in a really tough Milton-Union team by a score of 29-34 with Dixie 3rd with 83 points. Colin Amato was league champion with an outstanding time and PR of 16:36. Denver Johnson (4th-17:05), Kaden Harvey (7th-17:11), Halen Wick (8th-17:39), and Trevor Camp (9th-17:40) all had PR's and were 1st team all-league. Second team all-league honors went to Stefan Muterspaw (12th-18:12), Scott Coppock (17th-18:50), and Joe Bensman (19th-19:03) all with PR's. Honorable Mention honors went to Derek Phillips (28th-20:11) and Cian McGuire (29th-20:21). Also running PR's on the day were Joey Phillips (34th-21:12), Aaron Fromer (40th-22:04) and Morgan Lowe (51st-24:33). Also running for the Spartans were Casey Briggs (33rd-20:58), Gavin Price (38th-21:39) and Kameron Bauer (49th-24:02). GO Spartans!!!!
      Our season continues this week as the HS go to the district championship at Cedarville University which is the same course we ran on Sept. 16th. Please be at school by 8:45 as we will leave by 9:00. Our women will run at 11:30 and our men will run at 12:15. We will stop after the meet for food. In this meet only our top 7 are allowed to run and they will be Hannah Gill, Tara Todd, Megan Zidaroff, Grace Aldrich, Katie Feldmann, Megan Handle and Teagan Cassidy for the women and Colin Amato, Denver Johnson, Kaden Harvey, Halen Wick, Trevor Camp, Stefan Muterspaw, and Scott Coppock for our men. Congratulations on this honor. The JH will compete for the second straight year at the Ohio Cross Country Middle School State Championships at Dublin Jerome High School, 8300 Hyland-Croy Rd. Dublin, OH 43016. No school transportation will be provided so parents will be responsible to get the runners to the race. Please secure a ride if need be. The course will be open for inspection at any time on Saturday and from 8-10 on Sunday morning. If we registered in the DII race (check with Mrs. Handle) then our girls will run at 1:45 and the boys at 2:15. Please plan on being at the course at least an hour to hour and a half before race time.
      This week's team meal will be at the Zidaroff household, 8517 Compton Rd. Waynesville. From Waynesville cross 42 to Corwin and turn left on New Burlington Rd. Go approx 5 miles until New Burlington turns into Compton Rd. 8517 will be on your left. Thank you Zidaroffs! Also Friday night we will be selling the 50/50 raffle tickets again. I'll be asking for volunteers at practice today to sell until the end of 3rd quarter.     
      Last week was a great start to the important races we have been training for. I expect we will continue to run well over the next few meets for the high school and for our last race for the JH runners. Mark your calendars for our awards night which will be Nov 12th at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Waynesville. More on that later. I'm looking forward to continued success over the next few weeks as we bring this season to a close. Go Spartans!
Update:  10-10-2017
Our cross country teams had a very good weekend at Eaton in our last tune-up before the league championship. Starting the day was our freshmen group of Gavin Price, Joey Phillips and Kameron Bauer, they ran in the open race finishing 30th, 33rd and 38th respectively. Next up was the HS women's team who finished in 4th place behind 16th ranked DI school Kings, 11th ranked DIII school Russia, and 21st ranked DII school Eaton, losing to Russia by only 5 and Eaton by only 1 point. That is pretty good company! Hannah Gill lead the way with a 5th place finish followed by Tara Todd in 9th, Megan Zidaroff in 28th, Grace Aldrich in 39th, Megan Handle in 41st, Teagan Cassidy in 50th, Kenna Harvey in 52nd and Lauren Slattery with a new PR in 76th out of about 120 runners. The HS men's race was next with the Spartans placing 3rd behind ranked teams from Kings and Eaton. Colin Amato placed 3rd overall followed by Denver Johnson with a new PR in 13th, Kaden Harvey in 20th, Trevor Johnson 26th, Stefan Muterspaw 44th, Scott Coppock, Nick St. Clair with a PR, Casey Briggs, Cian McGuire, Aaron Fromer, and Morgan Lowe also with a PR in the race of 160 runners. Our JH girls followed up with a second place finish behind host school Eaton with Rachel Ingle leading the way with a top 10 finish followed closely by Alyza Camp in 13th, Ava Amato 14th, Elizabeth McKeehan 15th, Jordan Patterson 16th and Viviana Syvertsen in 42nd out of 100 girls. The JH boys brought home a 3rd place finish behind strong teams from Russia and Monroe. Rhett Bailey placed 7th with Caden Adams hot on his heels in 8th followed by AJ Siedenschmidt in 15th, Carson Shutts 25th, Grant Kazmierski 42nd, Hoah Wolldridge 45th and Ryan Leopold in 93rd out of 142 runners.
         These next few meets are what we have been working toward all season long and I am confident we will be at our best! This weeks SWBL Championship race will be at Sebald Park 5580 Elk Creek Rd. Middletown. This is the same course we ran on Monday Sept. 25th. Please be at school by 7:00, we will leave by 7:15. The women's high school race will be first at 9:30 where we will be going for our 7th championship in a row. We will have a tough battle with a strong Milton-Union team as will our men's team who will race next at 10:10. Milton-Union has never lost a men's CC championship since moving to the Buckeye division of our league in 2009. Our men's team's last league title came in 2008. Our JH girls will do battle with all the teams in our league as there is no divisional breakdown for the JH. I think our toughest fight will be with Eaton in the race that starts at 10:50. Our JH girls have never won a league title before. At a 11:30 the JH boys will defend their title from a year ago with the strongest challenge coming from a very good Monroe team. I believe all of our teams are up to the challenge and it will be a great day of outstanding competition!
         This week's team meal will be at the Wick's at 8221 Cedar Hill Rd. From Waynesville go north on 42 approx. 2 miles and turn left on Cedar Hill. 8221 will be the second driveway on the left. Go up the driveway and it will be the house on the left. You can park in the yard if need be. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Wick for hosting us! 
         I am very excited about the next few weeks! The work everyone has put in and the determination everyone has shown will all come to fruition over the remainder of our season. I Can't Wait! 
Coach P 

Update:  9-27-2017

Monday out team ran up at Madison to check out where League is being held. The top 2 teams got a trophy and the top 12 runners received medals. We were not expected to run fast since we had just raced Saturday; however, this is is how the high school performed:

Our boys placed 4th out of 10 teams. Colin Amato medaled, placing 3rd out of 130 guys. Although he was the only one to do so, Halen Wick(28th), Denver Johnson(29th), Kaden Harvey(30th), Scott Coppock(47), and Stefan Muterspaw(48) all placed top 50! The rest of the guys came in as a pack and still managed to, for the most part, beat their goal time or Saturday's race time.
The High School Girls ended up taking home a first place trophy beating out 5 other teams. Tara Todd(2nd) and Hannah Gill(3rd) crossed simultaneously to medal out of 69 girls. Also medaling, was Grace Aldrich (8th) and Megan Handle(9th). Megan Zidaroff (13th) also was apart of this pack during the majority of the run, but just missed out by one spot, still running a great time. The other girls ran either a personal best or faster than their goal time/previous race.
cross country picture
Update:  9-18-2017
For High School this weekend for cross country, the top 50 received medals.
Our boys: -Placed 3rd out of 31 teams
-Colin Amato(8), Kaden Harvey(20), Denver Johnson(21), and Halen Wick(31) all medaled out of 380 boys
Our girls: -Placed 13th out of 31 teams
- I medaled(11) out of 317 girls
cross country picture

Update:  9-13-2017

At the Greenville Invitational on Saturday 9/2, our JH girls started the day with a 5th place finish out of 17 full teams. Leading the way was Kate Handle placing 6th followed by some fantastic runs resulting in PR's (Personal Records) by Alyza Camp in 31st, Rachel Ingle in 32nd, Jordan Patterson in 33rd, Ava Amato in 40th, Elizabeth McKeehan in 49th and Vivianna Syvertsen in 96th out of 225 runners. The JH boys finished in 7th out of 23 full teams missing two of our runners. Rhett Bailey lead the way with a 5th place finish and everyone that followed ran a PR or bettered their time from last week. Caden Adams placed 24th, AJ Siedenschmidt 29th, Will Damron 69th, Noah Wooldridge 95th and Ryan Leopold 116th out of 236 runners. Our HS ladies were next and placed 5th of 16 full teams. Hannah Gill ran a blazing fast time of 19:44 becoming only the second girl in school history to break the 20:00 minute barrier placing her 3rd overall in the race of 225 girls. Next was Tara Todd in 15th, Grace Aldrich in 49th, Megan Zidaroff in 51st, Katie Feldmann in 52nd, Megan Handle in 61st, Kenna Harvey in 71st, Teagan Cassidy in 120th, and Lauren Slattery in 190th. Hannah, both Megan's, Teagn and Lauren all ran PR's and everyone ran faster that last week. Our men's team finished the day with a 6th place finish out of 22 full teams. Running the fastest time ever by a Spartan harrier was Colin Amato placing 8th in a sizzling time of 16:49! Our next 3 men all cracked the top 10 fastest times list by finishing in 17:53 - Halen Wick in 32nd, 17:56 - Denver Johnson in 35th, 17:59 - Kaden Harvey in 37th, followed by PR's from Scott Coppock - 18:52 in 69th, Stefan Muterspaw - 19:07 in 77th, and Joe Bensman - 19:49 in 89th. Almost everyone else ran a PR on the day. Finishing in order were Cian McGuire, Casey Briggs, Derek Phillips, Joey Phillips, Kameron Bauer, Aaron Fromer and Morgan Lowe.