Athletics News

Good News Friday - January 13th , 2017

Posted on: January 13, 2017


ONE CALL NOW One Call Now is Wayne Local School’s Emergency Notification System.  It is used to contact students and school staff quickly and effectively by phone, email, and/or text message. You can receive phone calls, text alerts or emails regarding School Closings, Delays, or other Special Events/Circumstances. Text messaging and emails will be received faster than phone calls; so we always encourage subscribers to sign up for text and/or email.   To register, please send the following information to Kelly Miller at :  

  • If you are Subscribing or Unsubscribing
  • Phone number that is being contacted
  • Parent’s name and student’s name
  • Phone number that you can be reached at if we have questions
  • State your preference of notification:

 Phone call and text and/or Email You may also call Kelly Miller at 513-897-2776 ext. 3007 or email her if you have any questions.

“Join the Conversation”   Wayne Local Schools will be holding two (2) open invitation community forums on January 17th and January 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the elementary media center.   Our District will be embarking on a facilities planning process this calendar year.  We will be discussing our current facilities and identifying both the physical facility needs and educational needs for our students.  We want and need community input to help guide the work.  We are committed to gathering feedback from a wide range of stakeholders; your participation in the development of a master facilities plan is important to us.  By holding two different open sessions on January 17th and January 19th you can choose the evening that works best in your schedule.   Thank you for considering this opportunity to “Join the Conversation” as we explore facility updates.  If possible please RSVP the date you plan to attend with Helen Voiles, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. 513 897-6971 or  Pat Dubbs Superintendent of Schools

PROJECT EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORMS DEADLINE FEBRUARY 24, 2017 It’s that time again to nominate an excellent Educator or an Innovative Teacher.  Remember the educator must hold a current teaching certificate and work at Wayne Local.  You can access the nomination form 2 different ways. 

  • You can nominate deserving teachers by completing the on-line form on the website – just click on - and click on “PROJECT EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORM” to open –  complete the requested  information and when you hit “submit” the document will be emailed to Project Excellence in Lebanon. NOTE: nominations received that have the text area left blank will be discarded  “Text Area” What does this educator do that exemplifies excellence in teaching? Please be as specific as possible.  
  • If you prefer you may print the Project Excellence form for 2017 by clicking here.  This document can be mailed via US Mail – send to Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc., Project Excellence Committee, P O Box 802, Lebanon 45036 or scanned and emailed to .   Nominations will close Friday – February 24, 2017.

EMPTY BOWLS Date: January 21st 4- 7:30 (while supplies lasts) Where: Front lobby of the high school What: Food, Bowls & Basketball games!  What can I do?:  Come to the sale! Buy a bowl or just donate.  Make food for the event!   What is Empty Bowls? It is a fundraiser for our art program here at the school and to help fight hunger! Handmade bowls will be sold (with food in them) January 21st during three home basketball games to raise funds. A donation will be made investing back into our Food To Go program to fight hunger among our own students. Food To Go sends food home with students in need over the week ends each week!   Students and staff have been coming into the art room for the past few months to build/throw and glaze ceramic bowls. So far we have had the pleasure of hosting in the art room to work on bowls, both student councils, the girls’ basketball team, administration, teachers, and art club students! They have created 75+ bowls with more to be fired for the sale!!!    There have been many who have already expressed interest in coming to buy a bowl so don't miss out on the opportunity to support the arts and fight hunger among the youth of our community.          See you soon! The Art Department   Contact: Bethany Lamb Kristen Gebhardt

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM MS. LIPINSKI’S CLASS   Well, we are back in action!  It was a whirlwind of a first week back, but the students got right back into it.  I do hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Break.  Last week was the end of second quarter, and so this week begins a brand-new clean slate.   In Math, we are getting ready to go into Chapter 5 which is the chapter on multiplication and division.  The students learn both of these math concepts within the same chapter.  The students are very excited about learning both.  Every week we are also reviewing chapters 1 through 4.  We are jumping back in our time machine to review place value, expanded form, word form, standard form, and 3-digit addition and subtraction.  Students should also be logging onto First in Math at home for fact fluency practice.  We log in at school on my Winbooks in the classroom.  The students enjoy earning their “stickers” as well as mastering their facts.   Before Christmas break, the students went around the world on the Polar Express and visited such countries as Australia, Germany, Japan, and Mexico.  They learned about each country’s different holiday traditions.  The students made fireworks, a tangram Christmas tree, and an origami Christmas tree.  After all of our busy travels, the students are now back in Waynesville, Ohio and ready to begin the New Year.  Last week the students began reading “Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type”.  It is a humorous fiction selection in our Journeys reading series. In the story, poor Farmer Brown is dealing with some very smart cows that have a typewriter in the barn.  Ask your student what their demands are?   Again please remember to make sure that you are reading for at least 15 minutes for 5 nights a week as well as practicing math for 10 minutes.  Also, please study with your child for their spelling tests on Friday.  Their list will go home every Monday so you can study during the week.  Again, thank you very much for your wonderful home support.  Wow, this school is now half over and I cannot believe it!  I really have enjoyed working with your children and getting to know them. Please if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at   Happy New Year! Amy Lipinski

ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNER NEWS   The OELPA (Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment) was administered for the first time in the spring of 2016.  The results for this assessment came back into our district in November.  This new language assessment replaced the OTELA.  The OELPA has three student performance levels: Proficient, Emerging and Progressing.  The students are still assessed in the areas of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing and receive a score on a range from 1 to 5 based on their individual performance.  The OELPA is a computer based assessment and all English Language Learners from Kindergarten through 12th grade are given the assessment on an individual basis.  Each student is working hard at obtaining their academic English in order to be more successful in school.  The students are using online tools such as,, and in order to practice their skills and become more familiar with the computer.  The students are working hard and making good progress towards obtaining proficiency in English.   Tracy Reeves

MRS. VOELKER’S EXTENDED-DAY KINDERGARTEN CLASS! January is a busy month in Extended Day Kindergarten. We have been in school for 88 days now and kindergarteners have learned a lot!  We are continuing to learn many letters, sounds, numbers, word families and “Word List” words. Thus far, your child has learned the letters: Mm, Ss, Tt, Cc, Pp, Nn, Ff, and the vowel Aa.  This month, students have learned to “Flip the Sound” from the short sound to the “long-strong” sound or the long vowel sound, and use the “Fish and Tail” strategy when getting stuck on an unknown word.  We have learned 6 Hunk and Chunks: -ing, sh, ch, th, -all & wh.  We have learned 7 literacy strategies and the word families: -ap, -at, -am, -ag, & -an.  In addition, we have started to sound out CVC words and Nonsense Words. We sing/dance the Phonics Dance each day. Please ask your child to sing and do the movements to this dance and name an object that matches each of these sounds. Please keep reviewing the Word List including color and number words, word families, and sight words. Students should be able to read all 44 “Word List” words from the orange Communication Folder. I encourage parents to work each night with their child to support what they are learning at school.  To help your child with writing fluency, have them practice spelling the sight words located in the orange communication folder.          In math, kindergartners do “Number Talks” each day to develop number sense.  We are almost finished with Chapter 7 on flat and solid (3-D) shapes. In Chapter 7, students should be able to identify the flat shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and hexagon.  They will also need to know the Solid Shapes:  sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, and pyramid.  Next week, we will begin Chapter 8 on Numbers to 100.    We have also been very busy completing 2nd Quarter Assessments. This information will go home today on report cards. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress on their report card, please contact me ASAP to schedule a conference.  Conferences are 4-7pm on Thursday, February 16th.        Happy Winter!   Your Partner in Education, Darcey Voelker Kindergarten

HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING IN 5TH GRADE ELA:   We are midway through a unit on social justice.  The students have been working on mastering the language arts standards for informational text while reading about some of the key figures surrounding the civil rights movement.  Students have also been working on the writing standards by conducting research on their “passion projects.”  The Chromebooks provided by the PTA have been very helpful in our research and in providing an online extension to our classroom.  We are very grateful for the blended learning opportunity.    Julie Gray

Waynesville Baseball 9th Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, February 18   This is just a reminder that the Waynesville High School Baseball team will be sponsoring their ninth annual mattress sale on Saturday, February 18. Please keep this fundraiser in mind if you or anyone you know is in the market for a new mattress set this year. This has been a very successful fundraiser for us over the past several years, and we are very excited to sponsor this mattress sale once again this year. All proceeds directly support the Waynesville baseball program. Brand new, name brand, top quality mattress sets with full manufacturer warranties. Much higher quality for price than a retail store! All sizes, price ranges, delivery and free layaway will be available. If you are considering buying a new mattress, check out this fundraiser!! There will be mattress showroom set up in the Middle School cafeteria on Saturday, February 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you have any questions or need a new mattress before our sale, please contact Ultimate Fundraising Solutions at    Ryan Hill, Head Coach Waynesville Varsity Baseball

ART DEPARTMENT NEWS   All students are working hard and have created some amazing projects over the first half of the school year.  We set a date for the art show! The show will be on Thursday, April 27th from 7:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., then from 4:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Work from the elementary, middle and high school will be displayed from all art classes. Mark your calendars; we are excited to see you there!    Carlee Bollin, Bethany Lamb, Kristen Gebhardt and Laura Byrnes    See what is going on in our departments on Instagram!  wls_art_showcase and spartan_photo

SUB PARAPROFESSIONALS NEEDED   WLS is in need of sub paraprofessionals to work with our special needs children.  If you are interested please fill out the WLS Non-cert application.  You must have both your BCI and FBI background checks on file with WLS.  Please turn in the application at the Superintendent’s Office.



BE A HERO Pay it Forward Bag Campaign This Pay it Forward Campaign is designed to have students help others by bringing hygiene products to fill a Hero Bag. The items collected will be distributed to other students on January 27th, 2017.  These items are basic necessities that some families may need to get through the month. There will be collection boxes found in the lobby of both the Middle School and High Schools for you to drop donations. Collections can be made from Monday, January 16th -25th.   Community support is welcome and appreciated as well! ITEMS BEING COLLECTED: ALL BAGS: Shampoo/Conditioner, body wash, toothbrush/toothpaste/floss, and deodorant. Bags will also be filled with additional MALE or FEMALE items. Examples of these extra items:   Males-  men’s comb, finger nail file cleaner/brush, small bottle of laundry detergent and softener sheets, socks, or hair gel.  Female-  feminine products, small brush, hair ties, socks, lotion. Detergent and dryer sheets may also be donated.    Be A Hero was created in memory of Justin Back who consistently gave back to others. This is a great way to be a Hero to someone else.  Any and all donations are appreciated.  This campaign runs through January 20, 2017.  

JANUARY IS APPRECIATION MONTH January serves as Appreciation month in Waynesville. All students grades 6-12 are writing letters of appreciation to one peer and one school employee. All letters will be delivered January 27th! Would you like to join in? Please feel free to write your child, school employee, coach, or another special person a letter of appreciation. Drop your school letters of to the main office in the high school and your will be delivered along with the rest of the appreciation letters the students wrote over the past month.  Perform a Random Act of Kindness on January 27th (3rd annual Day of Appreciation).

High School/Middle School Support groups forming now for second semester. All students brought home a permission slip to participate in the Too Good for Alcohol and Drugs program for males and the Voices Empowerment Group for Females with their interim Nov 29.  An Alateen permission slip went home as well.  If you would like more information on these groups or need a permission slip please go to  (1/17)

ACT –SAT PREP OPPORTUNITIES Waynesville High School JUNIORS are scheduled to take the ACT college admissions test on April 19, 2017 at WHS, within the school day, free of charge.  This is a new Ohio law this creates great opportunity and can cut the cost of college entrance in half to a third of what it was previously.  To help prepare the Juniors for this test, WHS has implemented an ACT Review within the school day during the ETEH time frame.  However, if you feel your child could use extra prep, WHS recommends looking into the LEAProgram.   The LEAP (Learning Environment & Assistance Program) is another avenue to help your child prepare for the ACT.    The LEAProgram assists students to help meet their individual goals. There are many different categories to investigate, however the ACT prep session is highly recommended.  There are currently sessions available in Mason, Ohio.  The course consists of four – 2 hour strategy sessions: English, Mathematics, Reading/Science and Essay taught by top-notch math and English teachers. Each strategy session includes introduction to the ACT and SAT tests, explanation of strategies for particular questions, group practice of strategies, independent practice and question/answer time. The class also includes the administration of a three-hour multiple choice actual ACT test that is scored and students can keep for review. At the conclusion of the course, students will have completed at least 3 full ACT's and 1 SAT. Students must purchase The Official ACT Prep Guide.   Note that the fourth of the five classes will be 4 hours in length to allow for a full-length timed ACT administration. This is an actual ACT that is scored and students get to keep for further review.  All courses limited to 18 students, but they offer several opportunities each time to accommodate many students and a variety of scheduling needs.  It would be important to check dates for availability. Sessions are filling up quickly.  For more information go to   or e-mail Abby Shinkle Academic Advisor/ Career Rep. 

SPORTS NEWS Athletic Schedules: under Athletics   All records and stats can be found at the SWBL website WHS Swim Team The swim team proved it could compete with several DI schools at the Princeton Invitational this past weekend. The team placed 7th overall out of 16 teams missing 5th place by 3 points! It was a very fast meet with the team achieving about 80% best times. Congratulations!   The team participates this week in the largest high school swim meet in the nation. 10 different pools and over 2,500 swimmers will compete this weekend. Prelims for the Spartans will take place at Washington Township Rec Center beginning at 8am. Top Performers Girls    200 Medley Relay 4th place - Meredith, Ball, Cassidy, Worthington             200 Freestyle 1st place - Kierstyn Cassidy             100 Butterfly 6th place - Kylee Meredith             500 Freestyle 2nd place - Kierstyn Cassidy             200 Freestyle Relay 3rd place - Meredith, Worthington, Ball, Cassidy             100 Backstroke 4th place - Kylee Meredith             100 Breaststroke 9th place - Sabrina Ball Boys    200 Medley Relay 8th place - Conley, Shinkle, Richards, Good             200 Individual Medley 13th place - Nate Eshler             50 Freestyle 10th place - Tanner Shinkle             100 Butterfly 5th place - Owen Conley             100 Freestyle 5th place - Tanner Shinkle             100 Backstroke 9th place - Will Kelley             100 Backstroke 14th place - Michael Good             100 Breaststroke 3rd place - Owen Conley             400 Freestyle Relay 5th place - Shinkle, Kelley, Good, Conley            

Lady Spartans win 2 to move to 12-0!!!!!! The Waynesville Lady Spartans Basketball team defeated Milton Union on Saturday and Southeastern on Thursday to move to a perfect 12-0. The team started out slow against the Bulldogs but outscore Milton 16 to 6 in the 2nd quarter and held on for a 40 to 35 win and a 2 game lead in the SWBL.  Rachel Murray led the team with 18 points and Aubrey Rains had 12 in the win.   On Thursday the team played old KTC rival Southeastern and had a great defensive game and won 66 to 47 behind Rachel Murray with 20 and Aubrey Rains with 13.  Marcella Sizer recorded her 6th Double Double of the season with 16 points and 11 rebounds.  It was a total team effort and great defense by all the players.   The Lady Spartans will be at home on Saturday vs Northridge at 12 for JV and 1:15 for the Varsity game.   WHS Lady Spartans Youth Night  Date: 1/19/17 Time: 6:30 Come support the Lady Spartans as they battle it out with the Oakwood Jills. Youth players and coaches will be announced between the JV and Varsity game. Wear your shooting shirts! Players and coaches will get in free!!   

Lady Spartans JV Basketball Now 10-1! The JV grabbed another win in a shortened game against Southeastern last night.  The Lady Spartans stormed out of the gate to start the game, relying on their defense to generate multiple steals and fast breaks.  The defensive pressure continued throughout the game leading the Spartans to a 24-10 victory.  Kenna Harvey led the team in scoring with 8 points and 4 steals.  Kenzie Purkey contributed 7 points, 6 steals, and 2 assists.  Victoria Wheeland scored 4 points and had 2 rebounds, Leianna Flowers scored 3 points and had 2 steals, and Carli Brown scored 2 points and had 3 assists.  Devin Phillips, Kennedy Deters, and Kara Jenkins also contributed solid minutes in the victory over Southeastern.   Last Saturday, the JV beat Milton Union at home 38-33 to remain undefeated in the league.  Scoring was pretty spread out among the Lady Spartans.  Leianna Flowers was the leading scorer with 10 points and 8 rebounds.  Carli Brown contributed 8 points, had 5 assists, and stole the ball 4 times.  Kenna Harvey had 6 points and 4 steals.  Lynzie Hartshorn and Kenzie Purkey each had 5 points and 4 steals.  Devin Phillips scored 4 points and had 4 rebounds.  Kennedy Deters and Victoria Wheeland also put in strong performances dominating the boards.   The JV plays Bellbrook's freshman team this Saturday at home.  The game starts at 12 pm and will be followed by the varsity game against Northridge at 1:30.  Both the JV and Varsity play Oakwood at home next Thursday.  Games start at 6 pm and 7:30 pm.  Come out and support your Lady Spartans!  

Senior Mason Callahan was selected by the National Football Foundation as a finalist for the Southwest Ohio’s “That’s My Boy” Award. The "That's My Boy" Award is given annually at the National Football Foundation banquet to the senior football player who exemplifies excellence.  Student-athletes are nominated by their coaches based on football achievements, academic accomplishments, and other extra-curricular activities. This award is regarded by many as the most prestigious award a high school football player can earn. Mason is 1 of 9 senior football players in Southwest Ohio selected as a finalist for the award to be given in February at a banquet in Cincinnati. Mason was a captain on the football team, earned First Team All SWBL and received Honorable Mention All-Southwest Ohio. In addition to his success in football, Mason is also a 3-year letterman in baseball, a member of the National Honor Society, an active member of the student government, a peer tutor, and carries a 4.0 G.P.A. The success Mason has achieved as a student-athlete is a testament to his hard work and focus on achievement in academics and athletics.  Congratulations Mason!!  

Boys Basketball Update The Freshman basketball team defeated Preble Shawnee 36-28 last Friday, on Saturday they lost to Bellbrook 32-29.  On Tuesday they defeated Madison 43-42 in OT.  The JV basketball team defeated Preble Shawnee 71-56, on Saturday they defeated Bellbrook 41-25.  On Tuesday they suffered their 1st loss of the season 61-60 on a buzzer beater from half court. The Varsity lost to Preble Shawnee 63-48, on Saturday the Spartans lost to Bellbrook 62-56.  On Tuesday the Spartans defeated Madison 67-60. Preble Shawnee Box Score   Bellbrook Box Score   Madison Box Score   The Spartans travel to Milton Union tonight and host Fenwick on Saturday Night.  Games start Freshman 4:30, JV 6:00 and Varsity 7:30.   

The Waynesville High School football program started the 2017 off-season conditioning program.  The Spartans are looking to have a successful off-season to jump-start the 2017 season.  Players will be participating in a variety of exercises and lifts to improve themselves as athletes and make gains to help the overall team.  We look forward to watching these young men achieve their goals and establish a base for a successful season. 

Junior High Girls Basketball 8th Grade - Preble Shawnee (Won 46-22) January 9th. The Lady Spartans came out and got an early first quarter lead and never looked back. Lead offensively by Leah Butterbaugh and Jaden Lawrenz who are one and two in PPG for the 8th grade along with Lydia Anderson who had her best game of the season by far. Defensively the ladies were led by two of the three Captains, Hannah Gill and Kiersten Williams. Middletown Madison (Won 33-21) January 100h. The 8th grade group as a whole had been looking forward to this game since Christmas break and looking forward to going into Madison and defeating the Mohawks. The girls had the goal as a team to come out and fluster Madison from the start and as a team they achieved that goal forcing 13 first half turnovers and 20 for the game by the Mohawks.  Dixie (Won 58-10) January 12th: The scoring surge for the 8th grade came from an almost record performance by Leah Butterbaugh who had 32* points in the winning effort along with 8 of her teammates also scoring on the night. The 8th grade is riding a four game winning-streak heading into a tough week with games against Bellbrook and Monroe. 7th Grade Girls Basketball: Preble Shawnee (Won 29-20) January 9th:The 7th grade Lady Spartans gained a hard fought victory over longtime rival Preble Shawnee on Tuesday after a rough first half. The girls came out and forced eight of Preble Shawnee’s nine total turnovers in the second half lead by aggressive defense from Savanna Amburgy and Ashley Lukens. Offensively in the second half the girls scored 18 of their 29 points with Alexei Van Schaik and Emma Whitaker contributing 12 of the 18. Middletown Madison (Won 23-5) January 10th: Not yet understanding the rivalry that is Waynesville vs. Madison in girls’ basketball the 7th grade had a more relaxed lead up to the game than did their 8th grade teammates. After having a rough first half finding the basket the girls came out and hit three 3’s in the half from Jade Ghanayem, Darby Frederick and Emma Whitaker along with some solid rebounding on both ends of the floor from Ryleigh Anderson to seal the win early. Along with learning after watching the 8th grade game up close, the girls understand the rivalry a little better now.  Dixie (Won 40-16) January 12th: After another slow start the girls had to use their defensive skills to fuel their offense in the second quarter lead by Emma Whitaker who had 7 of her 9 points in the second. The second half is when the girls as a whole put on the defensive pressure lead by Savanna Amburgy and Katelyn Case who also contributed 16 of the 40 points. This marks the 7th grade ladies 7th win in a row!   This Tuesday, January 17th the 7th and 8th grade will be hosting Bellbrook starting at 5:00pm and then a special 6th grade game to follow. Having all three junior high level teams playing on the same night should make for a fun evening, please come out and show your support for all three teams!  

The Waynesville High School baseball team will be sponsoring their Ninth Annual mattress sale on Saturday, February 18. Brand new, top quality mattress sets with full manufacturer warranties. Much higher quality for price than a retail store! All sizes, price ranges, delivery and free layaway will be available. Floor models will be on display at Waynesville Middle School from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 18. We will be taking orders and everything will be ready for pick up or delivery within 2 weeks.

ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE MAKES SELECTIONS!!   The Waynesville Athletic Hall of Fame committee selected four new inductees and two special inductees for the class of 2016. They are: Steve Jones class of 1972 - Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country Mike Cassidy class of 1985 - Football Candice Raab class of 2006 - Swimming Ben Roser class of 2008 - Tennis   The Special inductees are:  Rod Weirauch - coaching Elaine Coffman - athletic booster   The 1997 Baseball team will also be honored.  This team was the first baseball team to win a District Championship under the direction of Coach Larry Williams.   The Induction brunch will be held on Saturday, January 21st at the Waynesville United Methodist Church at 9:30.  Tickets are available for $20 per adult and $10 for children under 12.   Contact Tim Gabbard at Waynesville Athletic Family Passes are still available for purchase from the High School Office.             Family of 4 = $200.00 Additional (Student/Children = $25.00 each)             Adult Pass = $80.00             Student Pass = $50.00   If interested in purchasing a season pass, visit the high school office or contact the Waynesville Athletic Department at (513) 897-8756.  

Contribute to Waynesville Community Field: Our students have a high quality, outdoor artificial turf system available for practice and events.  Our durable surface provides superior playability with an excellent drainage system.  The natural looking aesthetics with long lasting performance will enhance our outdoor programs for years to come.  You can still support this project by making a lasting contribution.  $10,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes recognition on larger slot yard lines and 8x8 brick, in game recognition announcement, field signage $1,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes Name on a yard line recognition sign and 8x8 brick.  Be a Brick Sponsor:  One 4X8 brick with a minimum gift of $250 =3 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces.  One 8X8 brick with a minimum gift of $500 = 6 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces. Your personalized brick can be in recognition of students, alumni, families, corporations and organizations, in our honorarium brick yard by the scoreboard area. Brick Sponsors can use PAYFORIT and pay online .  Brick text can be emailed to    Advertise with Us There are numerous ways in which you can partner with the athletic department to promote your business or group. If you’re interested in connecting with people though Waynesville Athletics contact 513 897-8756 for details on available opportunities. Athletic Director Mr. Chip King WLS resident senior citizens (age 62 and over) are eligible for a free pass for all home sports events - Senior citizens who live in the Wayne Local School District can contact Helen at the central office for the passes. 897-6971 

TRANSPORTATION SAFETY TIPS Go directly home or to a location designated by your parents when exiting the school bus.   INFORMATION ABOUT SCHOOL CLOSING FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER   As we head into winter it is very important for parents to have back up plans in place for delays, early dismissals and closures.   We understand that our decision to open or close schools in bad weather has a big effect on families. We also understand that our students are better served by being in school. As always, our top priority is the safety of our students.  We will always try to make our decisions as early as possible.  Your child will feel safer if they know what they are to do in these situations. BUS ROUTES For your convenience an alphabetical street name list with bus numbers is located on the Wayne Local website.

WELLNESS WC Combined Health District Newsletter – Jan 2016   HEALTHY WEIGHT BASICS:  ENERGY BALANCE   Energy is another word for “calories.”  What you eat and drink is ENERGY IN.  What you burn through physical activity is ENERGY OUT.  Energy balance is the balance between ENERGY IN AND ENERGY OUT.  This balance is needed to maintain a healthy weight.  Other factors that affect a person’s weight include metabolism (the way your body converts food and oxygen into energy), genes, and the environment.  Changes in our environment that make it harder to do things that keep us healthy have a lot to do with our overall increase in weight over the past few decades.  For example:

  • We’re an in-the-car and sit-behind-a-desk society.For many of us-parents and children alike-daily life doesn’t involve a lot of physical activity and exercise.If we want to be active, we have to make an effort.
  • Food is everywhere, and so are messages telling us to eat and drink.We can get something to eat in places where it was never available before and going out to eat or getting carryout is easy.
  • Food portions at restaurants and at home are bigger than they used to be.

Becoming overweight doesn’t happen overnight.  It happens over time-when the energy we take in by eating is not in balance with the energy we burn from being active.  Think of it as balancing your “lifestyle budget.”  For example, if you know you and your family will be going to a party and may eat more high-calorie foods than normal, then you may wish to eat fewer calories for a few days before so that it balances out.  Or, you can increase your physical activity level for the few days before or after the party, so that you can burn off the extra energy.   Here’s another way of looking at energy balance in real life.  Eating just 150 calories more a day than you burn can lead to an extra 5 pounds over 6 months.  That’s a gain of 10 pounds a year.  If you don’t want this weight gain to happen, or you want to lose the extra weight, you can either reduce your ENERGY IN or increase your ENERGY OUT.  Doing both is the best way to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.   Here are some ways to cut 150 calories (ENERGY IN):

  • Drink water instead of a 12-ounce regular soda
  • Order a small serving of French fries instead of a medium, or order a salad with dressing on the side instead
  • Eat an egg-white omelet (with three eggs), instead of whole eggs
  • Use tuna canned in water (6-ounce can), instead of oil

Here are some ways to burn 150 calories (ENERGY OUT), in just 30 minutes (for a 150 pound person):

  • Shoot hoops
  • Walk two miles
  • Do yard work (gardening, raking leaves, etc.)
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Dance with your family or friends

For more nutritional information or to find out about the Warren County Combined Health Districts free nutrition and weight-loss class please visit or call 513-695-1477.

GUIDELINES FOR KEEPING CHILDREN HOME FROM SCHOOL DUE TO ILLNESS   It is sometimes difficult to decide when and how long to keep an ill child home from school. The following guidelines represent the more common childhood illnesses.   CHICKEN POX: A skin rash consisting of small blisters, which leave scabs. A slight fever may or may not be present. There may be blisters and scabs all present at the same time. Your child should remain home until all blisters have scabbed over, usually 5-7 days after the appearance of the first crop of blisters. COMMON COLD: Irritated throat, watery discharge from the nose and eyes, sneezing, chills and general body discomfort. Your child should remain home if symptoms are serious enough to interfere with your child’s ability to learn. Medical care should be obtained if symptoms persist beyond 7-10 days, fever develops, or discharge becomes yellow to green. FEVER: If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater (or 1 or 2 degrees above the child’s normal temperature) (s)he should remain home until (s)he has been without fever for a full 24 hours. Remember fever is a symptom indicating the presence of an illness. FLU: Abrupt onset of fever, chills, headache and sore muscles. Runny nose, sore throat, and cough are common. Your child should remain home from school until symptoms are gone and the child is without fever for 24 hours. HEAD LICE: Lice are small grayish-tan, wingless insects that lay eggs called nits. Nits are firmly attached to the hair shafts, close to the scalp. Nits are much easier to see and detect than lice. They are small white specks, which are usually found at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Following lice infestation, your child may return to school after receiving treatment with a pediculicide shampoo. PAIN: If your child complains, or behavior indicates, that (s)he is experiencing persistent pain, (s)he should be evaluated by a physician before your child is sent to school. PINKEYE: Redness and swelling of the membranes of the eye with burning or itching, yellow or green drainage coming from one or both eyes, or crusts on the eyelids. Your child should remain home from school until receiving 24 hours of antibiotic therapy, as determined by your physician, and discharge from the eyes has stopped. SKIN RASHES: A physician should evaluate skin rashes of unknown origin before your child is sent to school. STREP THROAT AND SCARLET FEVER: Strep throat usually begins with fever, sore and red throat, possibly pus spots on the back of the throat, tender swollen glands of the neck. With scarlet fever there are all the symptoms of strep throat as well as a strawberry appearance to the tongue and rash of the skin. High fever, nausea and vomiting may also occur. Your child should remain home from school until receiving a full 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and until without fever or vomiting for 24 hours. Most physicians will advise rest at home 1-2 days after a strep infection. VOMITING AND DIARRHEA (INTESTINAL VIRAL INFECTIONS): Stomach ache, cramping, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, possible fever, headache, and body aches. Your child should remain at home until without vomiting, diarrhea or fever for a full 24 hours. If your child has had any of these symptoms during the night, (s)he should not be sent to school the following day.   Jen Royalty Wayne Local School Nurse

GENERAL INFORMATION CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT Ohioans who suspect child abuse or neglect now have one phone number that can put them in contact with child welfare or law enforcement officers in their county. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) launched 855-OHCHILD (855-642-4453), where reports can be anonymous.

CHILD FIND A Search for all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21. Child find is the process of identifying, locating and evaluating children with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services. Contact: Mr. Pat Dubbs, Superintendent at 513 897-6971. 2016/17 School Calendar  This calendar was adopted at the February 8, 2016 BOE meeting. TWO-HOUR DELAY AND EARLY RELEASE SCHEDULES  Plan “B” – Two Hour Delay School Schedule  & Plan “B” – Two Hour Early Release Schedule

844-SaferOH (844-723-3764) SaferOH Tip Line Read more.

PAY FOR IT Student fees can be paid online by signing up for Pay For It.  If you are interested in paying fees online visit our website and enroll. ONE CALL NOW One Call Now is Wayne Local School’s Emergency Notification System.  It is used to contact students and school staff quickly and effectively by phone, email, and/or text message. You can receive phone calls, text alerts or emails regarding School Closings, Delays, or other Special Events/Circumstances. Text messaging and emails will be received faster than phone calls; so we always encourage subscribers to sign up for text and/or email. BCI AND FBI BACKGROUND CHECKS

BCI & FBI Background Check Information 2016/17 STUDENT INSURANCE  If you are interested in Student Insurance, please click here SCRIP BENEFITS WAYNE LOCAL WLS Spartan Scrip Central is here for your gift giving needs. Scrip is a win-win for both you and WLS. Here is how it works – you purchase gift cards for various retailers at face value and WLS gets a percentage back from the sale.  Read More.

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM PLEASE RE-REGISTER YOUR CARD – IT ONLY TAKES A FEW MINUTES SEE LINK BELOW. Please forward on to anyone you think may be interested. Thank-you for partnering with Kroger for your fundraising efforts. The 2016-2017 Kroger Community Rewards Program begins May 1, 2016 and enrollment officially opened April 1, 2016. All supporters must re-register their card for the new program year. Re-enrolling only takes a few moments and is completed in a few simple steps. To have your current supporters re-enroll: 1. Visit our website at . 2. Sign in using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, just click on "forgot password" and a link will be sent to your email to change your password. 3. Enter your organization's five digit 82139 Wayne Local Schools number or the first three letters of the organization's name, click search. 4. Select your organization by clicking on the circle to the left of your organization's name. Thank you for your support!


  • We have a new email address!  If you would like to contact the PTO please use
  • If you weren't able to sign up for our email and/or One Call updates during Back to School Night please send us an email and let us know you would like to be added.  We will also be utilizing the Wayne Local website this year to post updates, information and meeting notes for anyone who isn't able to attend our meetings.  
  • BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION:  The PTO collects box tops all throughout the school year so they can be sent in at any time with your student.  We keep a running tally for contests so make sure you send them in baggies of 50 with the teacher's name on the bag.  Parent help is always needed so if you can help with clipping and counting please let us know.

  2016/2017 PTO Officers  President: Jen Pond Vice Pres.#1 Mindi Squire Vice Pres. #2 Jamie Manley Treasurer: Courtney Buck Secretary: Jessica Dupps

COMMUNITY NEWS Community announcements are provided as a courtesy for the community. WLS does not endorse or promote any activity.

WAYNESVILLE YOUTH FOOTBALL   Waynesville Youth Football needs coaches for the 2017 football season! We are looking for coaches for grades 2-6. Please email Robert Hughes if you are interested in coaching. Please include your contact information and the grade you are interested in coaching. Questions about the positions can also be sent to email address listed below.   Robert Hughes Youth Football Board President 2017

WAYNESVILLE BASEBALL SOFTBALL SIGN-UPS Where:   Elementary Cafeteria When:  Wednesday, Jan 25 – 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.             Saturday, Jan 28 – 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.             Wednesday, Feb 1 – 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. T-ball – Boys – Ages 4-5 T-ball – Girls – Ages 5-6 Boys Baseball – K-8th Girls Softball – U8-U18 There will be NO online registration Uniforms will be sized after teams have been chosen. Board member will be available for any questions. All fees are due at time of registration.  $25 late fee will be applied. Email questions: Weight Loss & Detox Free Seminar Monday, January 16 7:00 p.m. Wayne Township Bldg 6050 North Clarksville Rd. Waynesville Q – Dr. Jim Byers at 513 897-0997

WAYNESVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Save the Date: February 27- Harlem Wizards   Our Athletic Boosters works closely with the Athletic Department and coaches to help provide funding for team items that are outside of the school budget. Boosters also assists in funding large projects. This past year Boosters has spent over 50K for projects such as: Athletic fields, locker rooms, team rooms, bleachers, Pom Poms, golf bags, swim jackets and training equipment for basketball and volleyball.   Fundraisers include: Fall/Winter/Spring Sports Program Senior Recognition Ads Hawg Dog Sauerkraut Booth Concession Stands   Boosters meet every third Monday of the month and we ask that each sports program to have a representative at our meetings.   Thank you for your continued support of the Waynesville Spartans! Sincerely, President, Steve Stanley  

AWANA Clubs – Club 56 Awana Club – Preschool (must be 3 years old by Sept. 30) to 4th grade Club 56 – 5th and 6th graders Wednesdays 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Sept. 7 to April 26 First Baptist Church, 1009 Lytle Rd., Waynesville  513-897-1009 Register Online at

WAYNESVILLE CHAMBER NEWS Support Waynesville by visiting the Waynesville Chamber website and learn what is happening in Waynesville!

VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS NEEDED Wayne Township Fire Department is seeking Volunteer Firefighters. Wayne Twp. will provide all training that is required. If interested please contact Chief Scherer at 513-897-3010 Ext. 1 or complete application located on website WWW.WTFIRE.Org and return to mailing address on the top of application.

FREE COMMUNITY DINNER Everyone is invited to attend a free Community Dinner. The Community Meal will be offered every month (on the last Friday of the month)  at the Waynesville United Methodist Church, 297 North Street, Waynesville.  This outreach project is supported from a grant received through the Ohio River Valley District.

MARY L. COOK LIBRARY NEWS Mary L Cook website: To find out what is happening at the Mary L Cook Library, just go to their website: and click on Newsletter. Preschool Storytimes for 3 - 5 year olds (including kindergartners)  @ The Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Rd., Waynesville, OH Thursdays 10:30 - 11:15 a.m.  Or  Thursdays 6:45 - 7:30 p.m. Registration requested. We play games, sign songs, hear stories, and share laughs.  For more information please contact Kathy Daniels 513-897-4826 (4/14)  

Shadow Science for Preschoolers (3yrs. – Kindergarteners) and a Caregiver Friday, January 27 4:00pm to 4:30pm at The Mary L. Cook Public Library. We see shadows every day, inside and outside.  Let’s learn more about them and experiment with them. All children should bring an adult with them.  Required Registration will begin January 9. Questions, please contact Kathy Daniels 513-897-4826  381 Old Stage Rd. Waynesville, OH 45068 (1/20)  

Lego Fun for Grades 1 – 5 at The Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Rd. Choose one day to join us, Monday, January 23 6:00pm – 7:00pm Or Saturday, January 28 10:30am – 11:30am We supply Legos of all sizes and a theme. You supply your imagination! You will have lots of fun building a creation based on a theme. Registration is required for these programs and will begin January 9. (1/20)

It's Toddler Laptime! The winter series of toddler (2 year olds) laptimes will be held Tuesday evenings from 6:45 to 7:10 p.m. beginning January 17th & running thru February 21. Sign-up begins January 3rd!      Stories, games, songs, fingerplays and, occasionally, crafts will be shared with the toddlers during laptimes.  These sessions involve parents as active participants.  Registration begins Tuesday, January 3rd, and must be completed in person at the Library.     Contact Miss Kathy (Kathy Daniels), Youth Services, if you have any questions.      513-897-4826    (1/13)  

Join us for an American Girl Winter Tea Party at The Mary L. Cook Public Library for young ladies ages 8 and up on Saturday, January 21, 2017.  We are offering two parties this year; the first will be 10:30am – 12:00. The second party will be 12:30pm – 2:00pm.  Required registration will begin January 3.  Each party will be limited to 20 participants. Questions regarding this program, please contact Kathy @ Mary L. Cook Public Library - 381 Old Stage Rd. 513-897-4826 (1/13) Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Road Waynesville, OH 45068 513-897-4826 fax 513-897-9215 www.

SUBSCRIBE OR UNSUBSCRIBE TO GNF If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to Good News Friday, please go to our website and on the far left column under GNF enter your email address, mark subscribe or unsubscribe and submit. Wayne Local School’s web site. Please visit our web site to get information about our schools. Follow on Twitter    Friend on Facebook    Forward to Friend   Copyright © 2015 Wayne-Local Schools, All rights reserved.  You are receiving this email because you subscribed on our website.