Athletics News

Superintendent's Message July 29th, 2021

Posted on: July 29, 2021
superintendents message lined paper


At this time, mask-wearing in Wayne Local School District will be optional for the 2021-2022 school year.

It is important to recognize that the pandemic response continues to evolve.  The wearing of facial coverings (masks) will be a personal choice (optional) for students and staff based on individual comfort level in the school setting.  Facial Coverings are recommended for those who have elevated health risks or have not been vaccinated.  Warren County has the highest level of vaccinations in southwest Ohio, and is in the top ten (10) in the state.  If state or local health orders change during a time of elevated communicable disease community spread, the superintendent may require the correct use of facial coverings.

The Wayne Local School District does not order quarantines or isolations, but instead works with Warren County Health Department officials in contact tracing and communicating cases.  We will rely on our local health department to determine quarantine requirements for staff and students whether they are vaccinated or not.  Consequently, if our district is presented with a situation in which contact tracing indicates that vaccinated and/or unvaccinated individuals are found to have been exposed, local or state health orders may require that an unvaccinated individual remain home from school during the quarantine period and allow a vaccinated person to remain in school and not quarantine in accordance with applicable health orders.

Currently, federal orders and accompanying guidance state that students and staff are required to wear masks on school buses, whether vaccinated or not, until September 13, 2021, at which time the order may end or possibly extend.

Daily Self-Monitoring:

  • Students and staff should monitor their own temperatures and their health on a daily basis before coming to school.
  • Students and staff will be encouraged to practice personal health hygiene, including covering their cough, washing their hands and staying home when sick.
  • By staying home when you are not feeling well, you will not only help protect others from COVID, but will also help stop the spread of illnesses such as the flu.

Student Illnesses:

  • Any student with a fever over 100F should stay home.
  • Any student that has the following symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home from school and see their primary care provider to be assessed for COVID-19:
  • Any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing


  • Two of the following symptoms: fever (measured or subjective), chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, GI Issues (nausea and vomiting or diarrhea)


  • Any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing, fever (measured or subjective), chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, GI Issues (nausea and vomiting or diarrhea) AND an epidemiological link to a case of COVID-19
  • Students and staff with confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be asked to self-isolate at home for 10 days from the positive test or onset of symptoms.

Returning to School After Illness:

  • If a student is diagnosed as having COVID-19, they must meet the following criteria to return to school:
    • 3 days with no fever (without using fever reducing medication) AND
    • other symptoms improved AND
    • 10 days since symptoms first appeared.
  • Students that only have a fever and no other symptoms and have not had any contact with an individual that has COVID-19 may return to school after they are fever free for 24 hours without using any fever reducing medications.
  • Any other illnesses should be handled in the routine manner according to district policies.
  • To return to school, the child must be transported to school by the parent and must be checked by the school nurse.


  • Daily disinfection and enhanced cleaning will continue.

Learning Spaces:

  • Classrooms and other learning spaces will once again utilize more personalized and collaborative seating arrangements. 

Food Service:

  • Students may have required seating during breakfast and lunch period to facilitate contact tracing if it is so needed.  We will tailor specific food service operations to promote safety for all.  
  • Regular school meals will continue to be provided free of charge to all students, thanks to funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Even so, if your family qualifies for free or reduced lunches, it’s extremely important to fill out the free and reduced lunch application to waive all or partial school fees


  • Visitors are welcomed in our schools.  Each school will share opportunities and protocols for their families.
  • Visitors may be required to adhere to safety protocols such as taking temperatures and completing a health questionnaire.


  • Seating charts will be used to assist with contact tracing if that is needed.
  • Currently, federal orders and accompanying guidance state that students and staff are required to wear masks on school buses, whether vaccinated or not, until September 13, 2021, at which time the order may end or possibly extend.

Athletics and Co-Curricular Activities:

  • Families and community members will once again be able to attend small and large events, including performances and athletic games.
  • The OHSAA and in conjunction with the ODH urge the membership to continue to follow safe protocols to protect everyone, especially those individuals who are not fully vaccinated.