
Wayne Local Schools Preschool Program 

We will no longer be accepting 2023-24 Preschool Applications. 

The window has closed.   

Wayne Local Schools will be accepting preschool applications for 2023/24 through electronic submission.  The link will be available at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 to complete and submit.  If you are unable to submit electronically, an application may be hand delivered to the Elementary School Office beginning on March 1st, HOWEVER, the application will have a time-stamp starting at Noon on March 1st as applications electronically received in the morning will take precedence. 




Any questions, please email Omalee Stephenson at  

Wayne Local Schools offer services to both special needs and typical children with curriculum and settings tailored to the science of early childhood education.  The children must be residents of Wayne Local School District. 

The Wayne Local School preschool provides both center-based and itinerant (visiting) teaching for children ages 3-5 who are identified by their district as children who would benefit from specific interventions to address delays or needs.  Teachers, aides and therapists work with children to achieve goals specified in their Individual Education Plans (IEP’s).  Typical children are also an important part of the preschool classrooms, serving as peer models and sharing in activities based on Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards. 

  • Special needs children enter the program through evaluations by the district’s special education department.  Typical children are accepted, as space permits, through enrollment application and the payment of a deposit.  Children are accepted throughout the school year as space is available. 
  • Classes run Monday through Thursday; morning (8:40 am - 11:32 am) or afternoon (12:40 pm - 3:32 pm)
  • All of our teaching staff are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and have at minimum a bachelor degree in Early Childhood, or Special Education, or both.
  • Each class has sixteen children or less.  Every teacher is supported by at least one aide.  These classrooms are inspected and licensed according to standards set by the ODE.
  • The preschool staff along with our kindergarten teachers receives professional development designed to enhance each child’s educational experience.  The preschool staff is knowledgeable with current content standards, curriculum and licensing requirements.

 Yes, we do……

  • Provide a joyful environment for kids.
  • Have a quality staff.
  • Educate our staff continuously.
  • Respect differences.
  • Provide varied learning opportunities.
  • Support all stakeholders.
  • Facilitate transitions.
  • Accommodate all abilities.
  • Nurture kids, families and communities.
  • Promote learning through play

Preschool applications are filled on a first-come, first served basis, according to space. Returning preschool students will have preference over new students, but will have applications approved in the same manner as other students.  Once classes are filled a waiting list will be maintained for open seats during the school year.

Preschool Timeline:

March 1, 2023 - Begin accepting applications.

10 Days after Acceptance Letter – Parent confirms acceptance in writing and pays the application/materials fee.  Failure to pay the application/materials fee within 10 days forfeits your spot and a student on the waiting list will be contacted.  Application/materials fee may be given to the Elementary Office.

Enrollment Packets – Enrollment Packets will be given to accepted students after application/materials fee has been paid. 

Preschool Screenings – Preschool screenings will be announced at a later time. 


Preschool Cost:

 Application/Materials Fee:  Typical Child - $70      

Application/materials fee expected 10 days after child has been accepted into program.

 Typical Child Tuition Fee:  WLS collects fees from typical peers which help to offset the cost of conducting preschool within our district.  Fees are $255 per month September through May.  The fee is paid by the first of each month.  If payment is not received by the 10th of the month a $25 fee will be assessed.  Non-payment will terminate your child’s inclusion in the preschool program.  Monthly tuition checks may be given to the Elementary Office or you can pay online through  The online system can be accessed on the Wayne Local website.  Preschool payments are still due in the event of family vacations, weather delays or cancellation.

For further information, contact:  Waynesville Elementary Office 513 897-2761

Special Needs Preschool Student – If you think you have a child with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 5 and would like them to attend Waynesville Preschool, you may contact Ms. Laura Collier at