
Superintendent's Message


Welcome to Wayne Local Schools!

I am excited to be back with Wayne Local Schools as the new Superintendent.  It is an honor for me to be here!

On Behalf of the Board of Education, the staff, and myself, it is our mission to provide opportunities for each child of WLS to achieve the ability to be successful in any endeavor they choose after high school.  It is also our desire to have a safe and positive environment for students and staff to enjoy the aspects of learning while developing relationships that will last a lifetime.

The reputation of Wayne Township and Wayne Local Schools, and their cooperation with each other, remain committed to ensuring our school communities inspire our youth and the future of our society.  We are in this together as we provide the foundation that will sustain each child during and well beyond high school graduation.  For that, I personally am very proud!

As we strive to make a positive difference in the life of each student, I encourage each of you to be involved with your child’s school and education in every positive manner possible. That involvement will sustain the effective learning environment and the joy of school each day for our WLS students!

Thank you, and I look forward to meeting each of you as we proceed on this educational and life-long journey!

Go Spartans!

Sam Ison
