District News

*Update* - Spartan Cafe Free Offerings

Posted on: October 16, 2020
red exclamation mark with red words

Update posted:  10/16/2020

Food Services

Wayne Local Schools are pleased to announce that we will be able to extend the free class "A" breakfast and lunch from the Spartan cafes through the end of the school year.  This is available to ALL ON-CAMPUS WAYNESVILLE STUDENTS.   
This program is available and in partnership with Holly Prater of Ohio Department of Education and the USDA.

*Note:  This program will not waive your child's school fees.  In order to apply for school fee waiver, please complete a 2020-21 Free and Reduced Lunch Application

The application may be handed in to the High School, Middle School, Elementary or Central Offices. 

Spartan Cafe Free Offerings

Posted:  9-14-2020

Wayne Local Schools are pleased to announce that beginning Monday, September 14, 2020, ALL ON-CAMPUS WAYNESVILLE STUDENTS will have the opportunity to receive a free class “A” breakfast and lunch from the Spartan cafes.
In partnership with Holly Prater of Ohio Department of Education and the USDA, Wayne Local Schools will have this program from September 14, 2020 through December 31, 2020. 

NOTE: We have also asked the state to approve our VLA students
If approved, below will be the process:
The program will begin Friday 9/18/2020 for all VLA students.  You will need to contact Jeannie Camery at jcamery@wayne-local.com to reserve your meals.  We need to have a count to effectively fill the orders. 
The food pickup will be at 9:45 AM at the side of the Middle School Café entrance (also known as the Spartan Room extrance or "B-2").  If the school has a delay, the time will change to 11:45am.  If we are closed for a calamity day, the pickup will move to the next school day.  The VLA Waynesville students will receive a 5 day pre-packaged offering for the ensuing week.
Again, please note the importance of 1) this is pending state approval 2) you have to place an order or we cannot fill the request.