District News

After Prom Needs Your Help!

Posted on: March 22, 2021
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We need your help in volunteering to put on a great Prom for our kids this year.  Due to a lot of restrictions and unknowns due to COVID, After Prom is partnering with the High School to provide prizes and volunteers for the 2021 WHS Prom.  We are excited to help the Prom Committee this year to put on a fantastic event.
There are several areas that we need your help with.  This year, prizes are going to be given out during Prom, but we need help in getting items.  Also, we will need volunteers to help decorate and set up both for the Red Carpet event and at Southbrook Church.
Attached is a link to sign up to volunteer.  More details are available in the link.  CLICK HERE
If you have any questions, please reach out to Heidi Miltenberger at EMAIL or 937-902-3413.