District News

Building Our Community's Future Now

Posted on: November 7, 2017
all in for waynesville schools sign


Updated:  November 7, 2017 



BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  A bond levy is designed for the construction and maintenance of capital property. A “fix-it-as-it breaks” approach will ultimately be more expensive in the long term compared to building a new, more efficient facility. Without significant funds earmarked for construction and maintenance, the district will eventually have to use operating funding to address physical needs as they arise in our aging elementary. Those decisions will impact education and students. We want to use our operating funds to support our community’s expectation of academic excellence.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  The need for a new elementary is real and the timing and financials make sense. The State of Ohio will contribute over 4.5 million dollars to our project; the equivalent of 21 cents on the dollar for new educational space. However this is a limited opportunity; we will not qualify for more state assistance in the future. It is very likely this type of state support will totally disappear.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  We live in an age where school safety has to be at the forefront of building design. Accessibility to technology is also important and it will continue to change the way we live our lives. In education, technology has become an invaluable tool that enhances teaching and learning outcomes.  Safety and technology are a part of our new facilities plan


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  A new facility will feature contemporary spaces. In every area of our elementary we are undersized; classroom sizes as well as common areas such as gymnasium, cafeteria, fine arts, hallways, restrooms and handicap access are below current standards.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  The time is now for Wayne Local Schools to address an elementary school first built in 1915. The newest classrooms were built in 1956. The classroom spaces do not have air conditioning. We’ve managed our facilities well, however the major building systems (heating, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, roof) are simply nearing or have exceeded their expected useful life. There is not a zero-cost option to address the elementary. The State of Ohio’s professional, physical assessment of the building identified over sixteen million dollars to repair and upgrade our current elementary.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  Our school campus is a daily destination for community members whether we are in school or not. This high volume of activity causes traffic and parking issues complicated by current campus limitations. An improved school transportation and traffic plan is a part of our facilities planning. It will help reduce traffic congestion and create a safer environment for our students, staff and visitors. 


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  Waynesville has produced excellent results that everyone can be proud of but it is time to pursue excellence in a more modern environment; one that supports learning for all our students in a safe, clean, comfortable, collaborative, creative, flexible and engaging learning community.  Wayne Local Schools will be on the November 7, 2017 ballot with a 4.68 mills bond issue that will place our elementary students in a new building solution.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  We have many ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) challenges:  it is important that we recognize special education students and meet their unique needs while being compliant under standards established by ADA.  Waynesville Elementary has narrow and long corridors that increase congestion and travel time to shared spaces.  Our food service configuration increases time to serve food and for students to sit and eat. The gymnasium and art room are simply too small and outdated.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  Wayne Local partnered with Ohio School Facilities Commission to do a total physical assessment that included electrical, plumbing, mechanical systems, infrastructure and a learning space assessment.  The physical assessment of the building revealed cost estimates of over sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) to renovate and upgrade the present Waynesville Elementary School.  Our elementary building has been well maintained, which has allowed it to be used for multiple generations; however a large portion of the building systems and materials are past their expected efficient useful life span and should be replaced.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  Wayne Local Schools will be on the November 7, 2017 ballot with a 4.68 mills bond issue and is in-line to receive 21 cents on the dollar (21%) funding for the educational elements of the project from the State of Ohio. Wayne Local Taxpayers have contributed more than their fair share to Columbus over time; this is a unique opportunity for some of that money to come directly back to our community.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  Our latest grade card released by the Ohio Department of Education shows that Waynesville continues to be high performing. Excellence at Waynesville is complemented by an atmosphere of enthusiastic support by our staff and effort by our students. Strong schools mean a strong Waynesville; a community with strong property values and appeal to young and new families. The bond issue is an opportunity to protect and preserve the future of Waynesville.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  Community members expressed interest in saving or incorporating historical elements of the 1915 building into new construction. The school district and public library as partners have a vision for the century old building. The facade (front and side) of the 1915 building would be preserved to cultivate pride and a link to our school and community’s past.  A community center in the middle of the school campus provides opportunities for our students and the community. A planned auditorium and flexible meeting space allow for school and community programming


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:  A new two-story elementary building with future planned expansion areas (if ever needed) will house preschool through 6th grade. Classrooms will be a minimum of 900 square feet compared to our present 600 square feet. Small classrooms limit the number of possible student configurations, overall flexibility, and reduce organized storage opportunities.  Already small classrooms become cluttered with learning materials; creating distraction, congestion and an overall cramped feel. A modern sized gym, cafeteria, media center and other educational spaces will also be incorporated into the new elementary. Modern HVAC, lighting, electrical systems, plumbing and fixtures as well as ADA and safety considerations will all be present in the new elementary.


BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY’S FUTURE NOW:   The design phase of new facilities are truly a community effort that takes into consideration a school community’s many needs as well as its wants. After passage of Issue 19 the design process involves everyone from students, teachers, staff, school district leaders, and community.  A well designed project will strengthen the future of Waynesville.