District News

Cincinnati ESSA Stakeholder Meeting

Posted on: September 6, 2016

Sponsored by Philanthropy Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education, The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, KnowledgeWorks and United Way of Greater Cincinnati

Join in the conversation and contribute to Ohio’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan.

Engage in a regional meeting to share your thoughts and perspective on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Ohio’s developing state plan. This meeting is an exciting opportunity to gather valuable input from various perspectives from local educators, funders, parents, students and community members. The meeting will include an introduction from state superintendent Paolo DeMaria, a brief overview of ESSA and group discussions around specific provisions and options.

Topics for discussion

1. Assessments

2. Accountability

3. Educator Effectiveness 

4. School Improvement 

5. Support for Special Populations 

ESSA, which passed Congress with bipartisan support and was signed into law by President Obama on Dec. 10, 2015, replaced the No Child Left Behind Act. It has shifted broad authority from the federal government to state and local agencies, providing them with greater flexibility and decision-making power. Ohio’s state plan, which is required by ESSA, will be submitted to the federal government in 2017 and will address topics such as standards, assessments, accountability and assistance for struggling schools.

This regional conversation is one of a series of conversations Philanthropy Ohio and its members, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Education, are convening across the state.

Join us for this important conversation, a tremendous opportunity for us to collectively discuss ESSA and how it will impact our students, educators and families in Ohio. Register and share this invitation with colleagues and friends.


Please contact Adrienne Wells at 614.914.2249, awells@philanthropyohio.org

Follow the conversation on Twitter with @philanthropyoh at #ESSAOhio

Registerby Sept. 24; Space is limited. 

Can't make this date? View a list of other regional conversations being held across the state.

Read more Read less When Thursday, September 29, 2016 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (EDT) - Add to Calendar Where Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency, Gwen L. Robinson Conference Hall - 1740 Langdon Farm Road, Cincinnati, OH 45237 - View Map
