District News

Congratulations to Linda Applegate and Peggy Becker

Posted on: April 9, 2019
man shaking woman's hand

Project Excellence is a recognition by the Area Progress Council of Warren County, a non-profit foundation, that honors excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County.  This effort is made possible by visionary leaders who are interested in the quality of public education in Warren County.  They recognize that excellent educators are the key to the vibrancy and vitality of our schools and to our communities. Each year, teacher nominations are requested from parents, teachers, students, school administrators, and the general public.  Educators of excellence are identified based on demonstration of excellence in instruction or innovative teaching methods, and raising the bar to excellence for all students.  Project Excellence recognizes excellent performance in the public schools; and rewards the superior educators who impact our community's most valuable resource...our children...our future!  

This year, Waynesville is pleased to announce that we have two recipients of this award.... High School teacher Linda Applegate and Elementary teacher Peggy Becker!

Linda Applegate teaches HS English 12, English 1101/Lit 2220, Speech/Creative Writing, and an AP Language class.

Peggy Becker teaches 3rd grade in the elementary world, with a focus on Science and Social Studies.  

Congratulations to both our Project Excellence Award Recipients!!  Both winners were presented with a planter by Superintendent Pat Dubbs to recognize this prestigious award.  


woman with flowers and people smiling
teacher holding plant and students

Superintendent Pat Dubbs presented the exemplary teachers with a planter to recognize them with this prestigious award. 

Project Excellence, sponsored by Area Progress Council of Warren County Inc, is a non-profit foundation made possible by the volunteer efforts of visionary business leaders who are interested in the quality of public education in Warren County.  They know that excellent teachers are the key to the vibrancy and vitality of our schools and to our community.  Each year, teacher nominations are requested from parents, teachers, students, school administrators and the general public.   Project Excellence recognizes excellent performance in the public schools; and rewards the superior educators who impact our community's most valuable resource...our children...our future!  

Consideration of your nominee will be based on the information you supply. Characteristics of an excellent teacher might include but are not limited to the following:     

  •  Demonstrates consistency and high commitment.
  •  Puts research into practice through their own initiative, is a discretionary risk taker.
  • Implements creative instructional strategies.
  •  Focuses on raising the bar for all students.
  •  Possesses a full understanding of the subject and has the ability to challenge students at all levels.
  •  Is seen by others as genuine, authentic and sincere.
  •  Is a caring, thoughtful person who extends him or her self to make a positive difference.
  •  Shows understanding of others -- parents, children, etc.
  •  Continues to improve personally and professionally.
  • Demonstrates that he/she is committed to continuous improvement. (i.e. constantly looking for new ways to do what they do)
  •  Influences others to improve by modeling the way.
  •  Other positive characteristics may include: motivational, shares ideas, inspires others, supportive, enthusiastic, creative, etc.

Provide as much information as possible about your nominee.  Identify the qualities and characteristics that make him/her excellent. Give examples and state specifically how he/she has had special impact on the lives of his/her students.   


Mail completed nomination to:

Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc.
Project Excellence Committee
Post Office Box 802
Lebanon, Ohio 45036-0802

***Completed nominations are due by February 28, 2019


Please consult the list below for previously recognized Excellent Teachers who are currently ineligible for consideration.

Carlisle Local:  Tracy Glover, Diane Johnson, Erika Sprandel, Leah Warner
Franklin City: Stephen Lake, Laurie Soehner, Susan Curry, Keith Vinson
Kings Local:   Elisa King, Michelle Schumacher, Julianne Elder, Hope Milthaler
Lebanon City:  Coni Duning, Amy Wnek, Anna Shernshang, Karrie Whitsel
Little Miami Local:  Jamie Jackson, Tabitha Smith, Dawn Gasper, Gina Woods
Mason City:  Katie Brosnan, Laura Tonkin, Laura Devaney, Janine Schatz
Springboro Community City: Homer Knightstep, Bridget Lewellen, Julie Crace, Tiffany Page
Wayne Local: Stacy Keeton, Sherria Rasey, Heather Kerns, Cheryl Richards
Warren County Career Center: Yvonne Kaszubowski, Charla Cornwell
WCESC: Sara Harris, Marcia Booher

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The Project Excellence Committee of the Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc. seeks to recognize and honor excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County. We ask your assistance in identifying exceptional educators who demonstrate excellence in instruction or innovative teachers who have pioneered a teaching method.  The educator must hold a current teaching certificate and work for the public school system.

Nomination Form-Side 1

Nomination Form-Side 2