District News

Elementary Red Ribbon Week Coming October 23rd

Posted on: October 21, 2017

Elementary Red Ribbon Week

October 23rd - 29th

Hands Down - We Are Drug Free!


  • Elementary Students will be learning the history of Red Ribbon Week
  • Students will be decorating and displaying "hands" to show that HANDS DOWN - WE ARE DRUG FREE!
  • Students are invited to participate in the following Red Ribbons Spirit Days by dressing up.  Please make sure to follow the dress code. :-)

Monday         10/23         Sock it to Drugs Day - Wear Wild Socks

Tuesday         10/24         Extreme Red Day - Wear Red

Wednesday    10/25        Lei off Drugs - Hawaiian Theme

Thursday       10/26         Be a Hero Everyday - Superhero Shirt, etc

Friday            10/27         Spartan Spirit against Drugs - Wear Orange and Black

Red Ribbon Week logo