District News

Festival Volunteers Needed in the Apple Flappins Booth

Posted on: September 21, 2017
deep fried apples

The Waynesville Middle School Apple Flappin' Booth at the Sauerkraut Festival is looking for volunteeers to work two hour shifts. If you are able to help in the booth, please contact Cindy Raab at craab@wayne-local.com. The funds raised from the booth help pay for supplies for the classrooms and activities. You will receive a remind of your shift time before the festival. 

The shifts that still need workers are:

Saturday: 11:15-2:00 (1 person)

                 1:45-4:30 (1 person)

                 4:15-7:00 (3 people)

                  6:45-8:30 (5 people)

Sunday: 8:30-11:00 (4 people)

           11:15-2:00 (7 people)

             1:45-4:00 (6 people)

             3:45-6:00 (6 people)

Thank you for your support!