District News

Good News Friday - April 29th, 2016

Posted on: April 29, 2016


Open Enrollment Applications will be accepted Monday, May 2 starting at 8:00 a.m. in the Superintendent’s Office.  Please visit our website to print the application and course request forms.

A NOTE FROM THE CHOIR ROOM   On Saturday, May 7th at 10:40 AM the Middle School Choir will be participating in Junior High OMEA Large Group Contest at Mason Middle School.  This is the first time a Waynesville middle school choir will be attending as well as the first time any middle school music ensemble from Waynesville has ever participated in Junior High OMEA Large Group!     Other important choir dates and performances: Spring Concert - May 16th at 6:30 PM in the high school gymnasium Spring Flower Sale Delivery - May 17th from 2:45-5:45 in the middle school courtyard   Katie Blankenship Choir & Theatre Director  Wayne Local Schools www.thewaynesvillevoice.com kblankenship@wayne-local.com (513) 897-4706 ext. 3114

THIRD GRADE WAX MUSEUM   It’s that time of year again.  It’s time for the THIRD GRADE WAX MUSEUM!  Don’t worry; we are not going to encase the students in wax.  However, the third graders at WES are going to be representing a famous person, one from the past or from the present, in our “wax museum”. The students will choose a famous person that represents our overarching school rules (be respectful, responsible, ready and safe).  The students will spend the next few weeks researching their famous person.  They will be writing an information report when they have finished their research.  For the “wax museum” portion, each child will dress and act the part of their famous person.  Please mark Friday, May 13, 2016 on your calendars!  The “wax museum” will take place from 2:00-2:45 in the elementary school.  This is an event that you will NOT want to miss!   Mrs. Beth Pendergraff bpendergraff@wayne-local.com

SECOND GRADE MUSIC PROGRAM   On Tuesday, May 3rd, the 2nd grade students will perform their Music Program “The Bear Went Over the Mountain” at 2:45 and 7:00 pm in the Elementary Gym. Everyone is invited to come enjoy as our restless Da Bear decides he needs to expand his horizons. Da Bear and his animal friends begin a journey up the mountain in search of adventure and… “to see what he could see,” of course!   The 2nd graders will also travel to Quaker Heights Care Center on Wed. May 4th to perform a shortened version of their program for the residents and visitors at 2:45. The community is welcome to attend this performance as well.   Many thanks, in advance, to all the 2nd grade students, 2nd grade teachers, 2nd grade parents, Elementary staff, PTO, and anyone else that has helped with this program! Your help is greatly appreciated!!   Andrea Stubbs Elementary Music astubbs@wayne-local.com  

GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE WES SCIENCE FAIR!   Waynesville’s fourth and fifth grade students will be participating in the science fair on May 19.  We need judges!!  Judges would need to be here at 12:00 on the 19th.  You do not need any specialized training or an engineering degree to help us out.  We will do a quick training on the day of the science fair and all judges would be finished by 3:00 pm.  Please help if you can!  Contact the Waynesville Elementary office at 513-897-2761 or by email at tburchfield@wayne-local.com.   Tammy Burchfield Waynesville Elementary Principal tburchfield@wayne-local.com 513-897-2761

MRS. BOWERSOX’S CLASS   During the months of March and April, we have been learning all about spring, weather, dinosaurs, baby animals, and farms.  We have read a lot of fiction and non-fiction books on these topics.  We have learned all 26 uppercase letters.  Each day we either complete our Phonics Dance on each letter or sing a song by Dr. Jean titled “Action Alphabet.”  Several times a week we are writing our letters on our white boards.  We love this activity!  Our next theme will be zoo animals and then insects.    In math we have been learning about coins.  We focused on recognition and identification of the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.  This week we learned about our three dimensional shapes.  We learned which shapes roll, slide, and stack.  We sorted real life three dimensional shapes and talked about places where we see these shapes (example-pyramid on top of the LCNB clock on Main Street).   We will learn simple addition and subtraction next week.   We had a great trip to Bonnybrook Farms for our Young Fives/Preschool field trip.  The students had the opportunity to plant a flower, tour the farm, take a wagon ride, and interact with farm animals.  Thank you to those parents who were able to volunteer!   Please remember to send in a healthy snack that is nut free with your child each day.   Your child may bring a pop top water bottle to school or even a cup with some type of pop top or sippy cup for snack time.  Please do not send in water bottles with a screw lid because they easily get spilled and oh the mess they make!!  The kids are young and accidents happen easily in here.   Continue to work with your child on writing and identification of letters and numbers, identification of letter sounds, writing their name correctly (NO reversals), and reading to them each day.  Your home support goes a long way!    Thank You, Mrs. Bowersox cbowersox@wayne-local.com

TESTING, TESTING, TESTING!   The fourth grade students still have two AIR State Test left to take; Math and Social Studies. Please make sure your child is continuing to get enough sleep and eating a good breakfast in the morning to be ready to focus and work hard in class as to prepare for these tests! The fourth grade students have been busy working and reviewing for the upcoming tests. We are excited for the students to show what they know and give their best effort when taking these tests. The students will take the AIR Math Test on May 4th and 5th and the AIR Social Studies Test on May 6th and 9th.   As a reminder, field day for fourth grade students is May 11th. This will be a fun-filled day and a nice reward to look forward to after testing is over! The students are very excited and eager to participate in field day and the teachers are looking forward to watching and spending time with all students!   Good luck to all students!   Ashten Swank aswank@wayne-local.com

5TH GRADE FUN:    In addition to learning about the Iditarod race and participating in project Choose Kind, Waynesville 5th graders have been working on reading and responding to complex text and multi-paragraph essays. The following is a text-dependent essay written by Waynesville 5th grader, Nicholas Ronald in response to two texts regarding year-round schools:      After reading the two letters about why year-round schooling is good or bad, I couldn’t be more convinced that year-round schooling is a bad idea.  I think that some people just overlook the consequences of seemingly good ideas.       First of all, children still need their free time other than just weekends to be themselves.  Sure, you could counter this by saying, “Having only a short break in the summer makes it less likely that children will forget what they have learned.”  But this is easily debunked by the idea, “Year-round schooling would be especially cumbersome for children who find it hard to pay attention for long periods of time.” This is true of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I have a friend with ADHD and he would hate year-round schooling and get unbelievably stressed out by it.  Year-round schooling would only lead to more behavior problems in the classroom, especially with these students. Young children need to spend a long period of each year playing outdoors in warm weather.  I fear that both students and teachers would get tired and lazy with such a long school year.       Year-round school would also cost a lot of money for everyone.  Nick Castellino states, “Year-round schooling will cost school districts too much money.  Costs for supplies, busses, salaries, and heating and air-conditioning are rising every year.” Providing services all year long would only increase this “financial strain and would lead to higher school taxes for citizens.”  The effects of year round schooling would be felt by everyone.       Lastly, look at these startling statistics, Castellino points out, “Some studies have found little or no connection between success in school and the length of the school year.”  It is costing more and has no real benefit!       I agree with Nick Castellino when he says, “Let’s concentrate on the quality of our schools and let kids be kids during the summer.”  He makes a very strong argument, so let’s do the right thing.                                                                          By: Nicholas Ronald

KINDERGARTEN KIDDOS Can you believe we only have four weeks of kindergarten left? We recently completed an author study on Eric Carle. We learned that he is an author and an illustrator. We are authors and illustrators, too! We have been working hard to write and illustrate our own stories during Writer’s Workshop. In math we are working on memorizing our addition and subtraction facts using the numbers 1-5.   Important Kindergarten Dates Monday, May 16- Walking field trip to the Mary L. Cook Library. We will learn about the Summer Reading Program! May 20- Field Trip to Cincinnati Children’s Museum- Permission slips will be sent home next week. May 23- Kindergarten Field Day May 25- Last Day for students   Janelle Gaver jgaver@wayne-local.com

SAFE TIPS FOR A SAFE PROM AND GRADUATION SEASON   The  REDO and SADD Clubs have put together important information to encourage a SAFE and SOBER Prom and graduation for 2016.  This month students will be asked to pledge to be drug free and declare their full understanding of consent.  Additionally students will get daily tips on PROM/Graduation safety during lunch.    Alcohol tops the list for teens in making poor decisions when it comes to traffic accidents and engaging in non-consensual sexual activity.  Please view the following resources for help in keeping your teen safe this spring season. http://starttalking.ohio.gov/Home.aspx http://www.statepatrol.ohio.gov/doc/4.10.CommColumn.pdf S

UMMER READING TIPS   Your children have grown to be great readers this year!  They have learned many new reading skills that will still need to be practiced over the summer to ensure retention and prevent summer reading setback.  Studies have shown that children, who do not read over the summer, may lose two- three months of reading achievement.  Over a six-year period, that can leave a student up to two years behind in reading achievement skills.  This summer, encourage your child to READ!  Reading is a great way to relax and it helps your child enter the next grade level prepared for success!   Below you will find some tips to make summer reading a fun experience for your child. 


  1. Keep books in the car and make sure a good book gets tucked into sports bags and backpacks. 
  2. Get your child his own library card.  Take your child often to browse for books and enjoy the summer reading program at The Mary L. Cook Public Library.
  3. Help your child select books on topics he/she is interested in and on their reading level.  Have your child choose a page in the book (not the first one) and read it.  If he/she doesn’t know five or more of the words, then the book is too hard for pleasure reading. 
  4. Try to limit TV and video games. Have a variety of reading materials around the house for your child to read.  Magazines, books on tape, and newspapers are all great! 
  5. When traveling with your child, ask him or her to read aloud to you traffic signs, road signs, store signs, maps, billboards, words on trucks and vans, menus, and other printed information you see.
  6. Does your child want to learn about something new? Perhaps he or she would like to learn about sewing, cooking, or gardening.  Find a book about it, and have your child read the instructions and then give it a try. 
  7. Have your child keep a journal during summer vacation.  Suggest that your child write at least two or three sentences a day about things he or she does, sees or thinks about each day. Your child can also write a letter to friends, or family telling them what they are doing during the summer to maintain the important writing skills they have developed during the school year.
  8. Play common word and language games such as Scrabble, Hang Man, Boggle, Smart Mouth, and MADLIBS.  It’s a fun way to build vocabulary and strengthen language skills.
  9. Let your child explore some quality reading websites:



Have a safe and relaxing summer vacation! Mrs. Lora Schafer Rainbow Reading Teacher   lschafer@wayne-local.com REFERRALS FOR SUBJECT & GRADE ACCELERATION   All gifted students are eligible to be tested and considered for subject and grade acceleration.


  • A student may be considered for subject acceleration for placement in a classroom with other students who are at a higher grade level (e.g., a Kindergarten student going to a 1st grade room for math).
  • A student may be considered for moving to a higher grade level than would normally be expected for the current year, skipping a grade in school (e.g., moving from 3rd to 5th grade over the summer or starting the year in 2nd grade, moving to 3rd grade during the year, and moving on to 4th grade after the summer).


Parents can contact the gifted coordinators for more information on the subject and grade acceleration policy as defined in the Wayne Board Policy Manual (Sections 5408 & 5410) or they may submit the referral form found on the gifted page of the Wayne Local Schools website.   Please direct any questions to Jessica Spradlin (elementary grades) or Chuck Wiggins (secondary grades) at 513-897-4706 or email at jspradlin@wayne-local.com or cwiggins@wayne-local.comFor subject and grade accelerations for the 2016/17 school year, referral forms should be submitted by April 29, 2016. (5/2)

PREPARING FOR ADVANCED PLACEMENT TESTS   Students enrolled in AP courses are preparing and reviewing for the Advanced Placement Tests in May.  In the upcoming weeks, AP students will be given a practice test that emulates the testing environment they will experience in May.    Below are testing dates for each test: Monday, May 2:  Chemistry Wednesday, May 4:  English Thursday, May 5: Calculus AB/BC Friday, May 6: United States History and European History Monday, May 9: Biology   Theresa Johnson TJohnson@wayne-local.com

UPCOMING DATES FOR WAYNESVILLE BANDS:   Monday, May 16, 2016: Spring Concert – 6:30pm/7:45pm in the HS Gym Friday, May 20, 2016: Jazz Dinner – 6:00pm in the MS Gym   Leslie Schleman Band Director lschleman@wayne-local.com *************************************************

GUIDANCE COUNSELOR NEWS Cathy Joefreda cjoefreda@wayne-local.com

ACADEMIC PLANNING NEWS Abby Shinkle  ashinkle@wayne-local.com

HEALTHPATH SUMMER CAMP-     University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing   The HealthPath Summer Camp is a comprehensive, interactive, and educational three-day camp on the University of Cincinnati’s Uptown Campus for students currently in grades 7 through 9.  This is a great opportunity for Waynesville students to explore the Health Care Profession.  A few students from Waynesville did attend last year and they loved it.  All great feedback.   This year's HealthPath Summer Camp will take place July 27 through 29, 2016. It's targeted to students who are from Adams, Brown, Warren and Clermont counties, or other rural communities in Ohio.   Students will be given the opportunity to experience what it is like to be a health professions college student, where they will participate in college-level courses, simulated patient cases, and inter-professional teamwork. Students will also learn about unfamiliar careers in primary care, as well have the chance to meet with primary care providers and current health profession students at the University of Cincinnati. Participants will be exposed to programs within the Academic Health Center, including College of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Allied Health Sciences and College of Pharmacy.   Additionally, camp participants will receive information on college readiness, and guidance on what courses to take in high school, standardized test prep, and financial aid.   Transportation is provided to our HealthPath Summer Camp, and there is no fee associated with this program.   Through our HealthPath Summer Camp, students will be given the opportunity to experience firsthand what it’s like to be a health professions college student, while interacting in a fun, hands-on environment.  

The application is ONLINE at the website: http://nursing.uc.edu/forms/healthpath-summer-camp.html   Questions? Contact us at Samantha.McKenzie@uc.edu, or 513-558-0132.   Camp Dates: July 27-29, 2016 Cost: Free Location: University of Cincinnati Participants: Students currently in grades 7-9 Registration Deadline: Closed when spots are full   Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com

WiSTEM  (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)  CAMP    Calling all highly motivated young women who are interested in the sciences and have completed 8th grade.   There is an opportunity for a select few female students, interested in science and engineering, to sign up for Sinclair’s first ever summer WiSTEM (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) camp.  The theme is Trek through the Biosphere, and will include many hands-on projects, treks into the community to see how science is used in our lives, and speakers from highly recognized companies in our community who employ workers with science backgrounds.  This will be an excellent opportunity for 10 young women to further explore what they can do with a science/engineering background. For more information contact: deann.hurtado@sinclair.edu   Camp Dates: July 11-15, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Location: Sinclair Courseview Campus in Mason 5386 Courseview Dr., Mason, OH 45040 Participants: Students Who Have Completed 8th – 11th Grades Cost: $100.00  Possible financial waiver available Return w/ payment to: WCESC, Attn: Amy Kistler, 1879 Deerfield Road, Lebanon, OH 45036 Registration Deadline: July 1, 2016 – No refunds after July 1, 2016 Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com

Summer 2016 Mental Health Services available Provided by Solutions Community Counseling and Recovery Centers Summer Programs Available If enough students are interested we can provide our own sessions here at WLS summer 2016. Please turn in interest form to Cathy Joefreda by April 30. Please contact her after that date via email cjoefreda@wayne-local.com Link to program descriptions can be found at  http://whsguidance.weebly.com/summer-mental-health-programming.html  

Your Kids and Prescription Drugs FACT:  1 in 6 teens has used a prescription drug to get high or change their mood.  Learn how to Start Talking to your kids about the tough stuff by signing up for the KNOW! Parent Tips. Go to http://www.starttalking.ohio.gov/parents/parenttipsignup.aspx and sign up to receive the bi-monthly parent tips.  Strategies based on fear are not an effective approach to prevention. More than 60 years of studies show that fear based approaches just don’t work and can increase problem behavior. Know! Parent Tips provide guidance on how to start the conversation without using scare tactics.  

Senior Scholarships have been recently posted Current Scholarships for students are posted at http://whsguidance.weebly.com/scholarships.html .  Please check this site frequently as scholarships are updated as they come in. If you would like to receive a text message when new scholarships are posted please text @msjoe13 to the number 81010 .   If you would like to receive reminders via email send an email to msjoe13@mail.remind.com . You can opt out of receiving messages any time.

REMIND Messaging System  Accounts-High School Several teachers are using this safe messaging system to send reminders to students about a class assignment/test, club meetings, scholarship deadlines and more. Go to http://whsguidance.weebly.com/remind-messaging-system-sign-up.html   for more information.

MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL 2016 SUMMER ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES: START PLANNING NOW!     Wright State University offers Pre- College Summer Camps 2016. These programs offer enrichment and exploration of many interesting subjects.    The WSU office of Pre-College Programs in conjunction with the College of Science and Mathematics, College of Engineering and Computer Science, and the University Libraries are pleased to offer Exploring STEMM – Enriching Minds through Science 2016, as well as Residential Camps and Institutes focused on STEMM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine.   Students who are selected will participate in a variety of STEMM disciplines over a two-day period. Students will spend the night one night on campus under the supervision of residential Assistants.  

Exploring STEMM (Grades 7-9) will include: Exploring Human Anatomy, Exploring the  Nano-world  of Precious Metals, Brain Plasticity, No Avatar Needed, DNA and Forensic Science, More than Books: How the Library Supports STEMM students, Demonstrations of Chemistry in Our Lives, Falling Waters (FREE) Residential Camp (Grades 6-9) will include:  Storm water Management, Architectural Engineering, Busted Physics Facts, Dramatic Theater, Leadership skills, Young Writer’s –Creative Mind. (COST)   Residential Institutes (10-12) will include: Advanced Web Design, College Test prep, Engineering, Food Science: STEM, Forensic Science, Law and Government, Performance Theatre, Social Work 101, and Take Action – Leadership. (COST)   Deadlines are two weeks before each event that is offered (Beginning June 1, 2016).    Confirmation materials upon completion of application, which must include a nomination letter from a teacher, will be e-mailed.  Applications are taken on a first come first serve basis. This program will fill quickly; early registration is encouraged. Register online.   Feel free to pick up a flyer about the Pre-College Summer Camps in the Middle & High School Offices or for more information about each program offered visit www.wright.edu/precollege Telephone: 937-775-3135, E-mail: precollege@wright.edu  (May) Abby Shinkle Academic Success Planner ashinkle@wayne-local.com *************************************************

SPORTS NEWS   Support the Spartans!   Athletic Website:  The athletic website is being completely redone.  If you are currently looking for schedules for the remainder of this school year go to schedulestar.com to view those.  Next year we will have a new site called arbiterlive that will keep all of the schedules up to date for everyone.  I will have a URL once the renovation of the website is updated.  Thanks and sorry for any confusion.

ATHLETIC PHYSICALS this year will be held at Waynesville High School Gymnasium on Monday, May 16th.  Current High School students will begin at 3 pm (grades 9-11).  Current Middle School students will begin at 5:00 pm (grades 6-8).  Cost of the physical will be $10.00.   Make Checks payable to: Wayne Local Schools. Paperwork will be on the school website under the Athletic portion of forms and information.  Make sure you completely fill out all required forms.   Thank you to all of our volunteers that helped out with all four of our track meets that were hosted at Waynesville.  We couldn’t have accomplished everything if it weren’t for all of the great people in the community!  Also, thanks for the hospitality donations by McIntosh’s, Stonehouse, Gameday, B & B, and Subway.  

The Waynesville Middle Schools Boys Track team had back to back invitational victories this past week at Clinton Massie and our home Spartan Invitational held this past Thursday.  Outstanding efforts by the team members helped lead to these huge successes and we were led by top scorers Parker Struewing, Dominic Riviello and Jared Greer.   Mason Shoephoerster continues to score in the top three in both the shot-put and the discus throw while Anthony Curry and Seth Bloom have found their niche in the long jump event and are consistently improving and placing in the event.  Mac Greely has also found his groove in the hurdles and the 400-meter run to score crucial points for the team effort.  Brayden Dietz continues to run sub-sixty (track term: under 1 minute) in the 400-meter run and is impressive as a seventh grader. Also, seventh grader Tanner Johnson has been giving his all to improve in the hurdle events and is getting better every week and will continue as a hurdler prospect for next year.  A big shout out goes to all of the seventh graders whom are competing against runners a year older, but continue to strive for success.  Our seventh graders this year are Colin Amato, Seth Bloom, Daric Brown, Gabe Coppock, Brayden Dietz, Kaden Harvey, Denver Johnson, Tanner Johnson, Payton Layne, Levi Morgan, Stefan Muterspaw, Gavin Price and Cole Walton.  Keep up the great Work! Go Spartans!  

Waynesville Middle School Girls Track kept a consistent record this past week with two solid 3rd place victories at the Clinton Massie Invite and the home Spartan Invite held this past Thursday.  At Clinton Massie, Lydia Vrettos scored a 1st place win in her 200m hurdle race.  Seventh grader Hannah Gill also placed 2nd in her 1600m run.  Both the 4x100 and 4x200 relays placed in 2nd as well with teams consisting of Megan Handle, Lydia Vrettos, Grace Moore, Carli Brown, Willa Pardon, and Caroline Bensman.  For the field events, Peyton Stiles placed 4th in shot put, and Grace VanSchaik placed 5th in discus.  All helped earned crucial points needed for the team.  At the Spartan Invite last night, eighth grader Caroline Bensman placed 1st in long jump.  Megan Zidaroff and D’Laney Lezotte stepped up and helped their teammates in time of need to earn points for our 4x400 meter relay team.  Great job ladies!   This was another banner week for

Spartan Tennis. This past Friday we defeated a good conference rival Preble Shawnee 4-1. On Monday we beat East Clinton 4-1 . We beat Madison Tuesday 4-1 and lost a tough one to Milton Union 2-3 on Thursday. We have a Quad meet Saturday at Northwestern and this Tuesday is our League Tournament at Tom Cloud Park.   Of note is the 12-0 season record of first doubles twin towers of Lucas Mohme and Ryan Teeters. Ben Muth also has an amazing 14-1 record.  

JV Baseball  This week the JV team played Milton Union twice and both resulted in a victory. The first game was won by a score of 13-2 and the second was 13-1. These wins put the Spartans at 14-1 overall and 10-0 in the league. The Spartans take the field again Friday at home against Valley View at 5pm.   

Waynesville Varsity Baseball is now one win away from a 4th straight SWBL title after taking two league games from Milton Union this past week. The Spartans were also winners of the Todd Foster Memorial Tournament in Urbana last weekend, defeating Northeastern and host Urbana in a double header. The Spartans will play Carlisle at home on Monday beginning at 5:00 PM for the SWBL title, with another matchup against the Indians on Wednesday in Carlisle. Waynesville will then head to Fifth Third Field on Thursday at 4:30 PM to play Oakwood. Friday is senior night and the Spartan bats will host Bellbrook in a night game beginning at 7:00 PM. The regular season wraps up with another night contest on Saturday, May 7 at 7:00 PM against Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy. Come out and support your Spartan baseball team (16-2) as they look to wrap up another SWBL title and head into OHSAA tournament play.

Varsity softball enjoyed another week of solid play from both Varsity and JV teams.  Varsity softball gained 2 wins against Oakwood and Milton-Union.  Although a 2nd contest with Milton-Union ended with a 1 run loss, Emily Wells and Madisyn Wamsley each hit their first Home Runs of the season.  Tori Wilson picked up the complete game win at Home against Milton-Union, and Sarah Jones did the same on the road at Oakwood.  JV girls had 2 solid showings against Middletown Madison and Milton-Union this week, continuing to ensure a bright future for our overall softball program.  Softball schedules are posted on the Waynesville website, and this is our final week of play before tournament play begins.  Come out and support our girls at Home next week. GO SPARTANS!  

Boys Varsity Track Runner-Up at Franklin-Bart Owens Invitational! Spartan first place finishers were: Trevor Johnson- 400m dash (52.6): 4x100m relay [Jimmy Plummer, Bret Grismer, Jake Hardin, Trevor Johnson,]- (44.0): Bret Grismer- 100m dash (10.9), 200m dash (22.3) Second place finishers: Trevor Johnson- High Jump (6’): 4x800m relay [Max Austin, Brian Evans, Austin Phillips, Kyle Rodriguez]- (8:47): Max Austin- 1600m run (4:15.15) Third place finishers: Trevor Johnson- Long jump (20’5”): Logan Bloom-Discus (119’): Jimmy Plummer- 200m dash (23.5): Max Austin- 2 mile run: 4x400m relay [Rodriguez, Fink, VanDyke, Hardin]- (3:46)  

Girls Varsity Track Runner-Up at Franklin-Bart Owens Invitational! First place finishers:  Brooke Lezotte- Long Jump (15’ ½”). 200m dash (27.5): 4x800m relay [Emily O’Connor, Tara Todd, Katie Feldmann, Alison Coleman]- (10:52): Emily O’Connor- 800m run (2:35): Alison Coleman- 3200m run (12:33) Second place finishers: Megan Osterhage- 100m dash (14.0): 4x100m relay [Megan Osterhage, Brooke Lezotte, Jessica Gill, Madison Dietz]- (53.9) Third place finishers: Madison Dietz- Long Jump (14’ 3’’): Jessica Gill- High Jump (4’9”): Tara Todd- 800m run (2:46): Sabrina Ball- 100m hurdles (18.1)

Youth Basketball Camp Summer 2016 May 31st - June 3rd 1st – 2nd Grade (Boys and Girls) 8:00 to 10:00 am   3rd – 6th (Boys and Girls) 10:30am to 1:00pm Registration Form http://www.wayne-local.com/media/athletics/Waynesville%20Spartans%20Basketball%20Camp%202016%201.pdf   Questions please contact: Mike Arlinghaus, Head Coach marlinghaus@wayne-local.com (513) 897-4706 ext 3119

WAYNESVILLE SPARTANS TO PLAY AT FIFTH THIRD FIELD – DAYTON DRAGONS TICKETS AVAILABLE   The WHS varsity baseball team will once again be selling Dayton Dragons tickets to members of the community. In exchange for the sale of tickets, the varsity team will have the opportunity to play at Fifth Third Field on Thursday, May 5th at 4:30 PM against Oakwood High School. The cost of attendance is free to the high school games. Tickets for Dragons games are for Friday, May 13th beginning at 7:00 PM and Sunday, May 22nd beginning at 2:00 PM. The cost is $10 per ticket. Please feel free to contact me at rhill@wayne-local.com for more information or purchase tickets through any varsity or junior varsity baseball player. Thank you! Ryan Hill

Spartan Football MULCH Madness The Waynesville High School Football Team will be selling mulch again this year. This annual sale serves as a fundraiser to help offset the cost of our team camp at Higher Ground. Each bag of “Triple Shredded Dark Black Gold” mulch is $5. Free delivery is included with orders of 5 or more bags within a 5 mile radius, and will be dropped off on Saturday, April 30th.  Please see any high school football player or email Coach Philpot at bphilpot@wayne-local.com to place your order. Payment is due by delivery, and checks should be made payable to Waynesville Football. Thank you in advance for supporting Spartan Football!  

Lady Spartans Youth VB Mini-Season Practice Dates: May 2, 4. (Always Mondays and Wednesdays) 6th Grade Practices:2:45-5 Grades 2-5: 3:30-5 (We will have them gather in elementary gym and walk to the high school with a coach)   All records and stats can be found at the SWBL website   swblsports.com   If interested in purchasing a season pass, visit the high school office or contact the Waynesville Athletic Department at (513) 897-8756.  

Contribute to Waynesville Community Field: Our students have a high quality, outdoor artificial turf system available for practice and events.  Our durable surface provides superior playability with an excellent drainage system.  The natural looking aesthetics with long lasting performance will enhance our outdoor programs for years to come.  You can still support this project by making a lasting contribution.  $10,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes recognition on larger slot yard lines and 8x8 brick, in game recognition announcement, field signage $1,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes Name on a yard line recognition sign and 8x8 brick.  Be a Brick Sponsor:  One 4X8 brick with a minimum gift of $250 =3 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces.  One 8X8 brick with a minimum gift of $500 = 6 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces. Your personalized brick can be in recognition of students, alumni, families, corporations and organizations, in our honorarium brick yard by the scoreboard area. Brick Sponsors can use PAYFORIT and pay online https://www.payforit.net/MakeItemPaymentEx.aspx .  Brick text can be emailed to  fundraiser@wayne-local.com    

Connect with Waynesville Athletics The athletic department is connecting with Spartan fans and alumni through Facebook. Like us at www.facebook.com/WaynesvilleAthletics to see current events, team pictures and news articles from the past added weekly, and chances to win prizes.   Follow us on Twitter for live in game updates, pictures and video clips @SpartansLive   Find up to date schedules, listen or watch game broadcasts, and see spotlighted events at www.spartanslive.com   Advertise with Us There are numerous ways in which you can partner with the athletic department to promote your business or group. If you’re interested in connecting with people though Waynesville Athletics contact 513 897-8756 for details on available opportunities. Athletic Director Mr. Brandon Philpot  bphilpot@wayne-local.com

WLS resident senior citizens (age 62 and over) are eligible for a free pass for all home sports events - Senior citizens who live in the Wayne Local School District can contact Helen at the central office for the passes. 897-6971 *************************************************

TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION SAFETY TIPS Always obey the school bus rules and the directions of the bus driver. These rules are for your own safety. BUS ROUTES For your convenience an alphabetical street name list with bus numbers and driver’s names is located on the Wayne Local website www.wayne-local.com  or click here. *************************************************

WELLNESS Tips for a Better Night of Sleep   Here are a few tips for getting a better night of sleep:


TRANSPORTATION SAFETY TIPS Always obey the school bus rules and the directions of the bus driver. These rules are for your own safety.

BUS ROUTES For your convenience an alphabetical street name list with bus numbers and driver’s names is located on the Wayne Local website www.wayne-local.com  or click here. *************************************************

WELLNESS Tips for a Better Night of Sleep   Here are a few tips for getting a better night of sleep:


  • Install room-darkening shades and turn down the thermostat to create an ideal room for sleeping that is dark and cool.
  • Neutralize sounds such as a snoring partner, barking dog, or vehicles outside with some type of white noise.
  • Strengthen your mental association between your bedroom and sleep by keeping computers, TVs, and work materials out of your bedroom.
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.
  • Create a bedtime ritual such as taking a warm bath or reading a book.
  • Keep pets out of your bedroom (or at least off your bed) if they wake you during the night.
  • Consider using a pillow between your legs for better alignment of the hips and to reduce pain on the lower back which could wake you.  Back-sleepers may consider a pillow under their knees.
  • Turn the lights down low before bed, which signals your brain to produce melatonin, the hormone that brings on sleep.
  • Avoid heavy foods late in the day, which can cause indigestion and/or heartburn.  If you are hungry before bed, consider a light snack with complex carbs and dairy such as cereal with milk or crackers and cheese.
  • If you are a clock-watcher at bedtime, consider putting your alarm in a drawer, under the bed, or turn it away from view.
  • Avoid beverages within two hours of bedtime to prevent middle-of-the-night bathroom trips, which often make it difficult to get back to sleep quickly.  If you frequent the bathroom at night, keep a nightlight in the bathroom to avoid turning on bright lights at night.
  • Create a to-do list for the following day so you can help to free your mind at bedtime.


  If you experience ongoing sleeplessness, you should get checked by a doctor.  Insomnia could be a symptom of other underlying problems, such as depression, acid reflux, arthritis, or asthma.

2016/2017 SEVENTH GRADE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS The Ohio Department of Health has revised the School Immunization Requirements effective January 4, 2010. All students are to receive an additional dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) vaccine BEFORE entering the seventh grade. If your child has received a Tdap vaccine within 5 years of entering the seventh grade (2012 or later), this will meet the requirement.   Additionally, beginning with the start of the 2016-2017 school year, one dose of meningococcal vaccine is required prior to entry into the 7th grade. This requirement is met if your student has had this vaccine at any time before entering 7th grade.  

2016/2017 SENIOR VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS Meningococcal: Beginning with the start of the 2016-2017 school year, all pupils entering the 12th grade are required to be vaccinated against meningococcal. A second (2nd) dose of meningococcal) vaccine is required prior to entry into the 12th grade. The second (2nd) dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday with at least eight (8) weeks between the first and second dose. If the first dose of meningococcal  vaccine was administered after the 16th birthday, a second dose is not required. If a pupil is 15 years of age or younger, only one  dose is required. Any questions please contact Jennifer Royalty, Wayne Local School Nurse, 513-897-4350 or jroyalty@wayne-local.com *************************************************

GENERAL INFORMATION CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT Ohioans who suspect child abuse or neglect now have one phone number that can put them in contact with child welfare or law enforcement officers in their county. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) launched 855-OHCHILD (855-642-4453), where reports can be anonymous.

CHILD FIND A Search for all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21. Child find is the process of identifying, locating and evaluating children with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services. Contact: Mr. Pat Dubbs, Superintendent at 513 897-6971. 2016/17 School Calendar  This calendar was adopted at the February 8, 2016 BOE meeting.

TWO-HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE  Plan “B” – Two Hour Delay School Schedule

844-SaferOH (844-723-3764) SaferOH Tip Line Read more.

PAY FOR IT Student fees can be paid online by signing up for Pay For It.  If you are interested in paying fees online visit our website and enroll. ONE CALL NOW/SEND WORD NOW One Call Now is Wayne Local School’s Emergency Notification System. 

BCI AND FBI BACKGROUND CHECKS BCI & FBI Background Check Information

STUDENT INSURANCE  If you are interested in Student Insurance, please click here

SCRIP BENEFITS WAYNE LOCALWLS Spartan Scrip Central is here for your gift giving needs. Scrip is a win-win for both you and WLS. Here is how it works – you purchase gift cards from various retailers at face value and WLS gets a percentage back from the sale.  Read More.

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM PLEASE RE-REGISTER YOUR CARD – IT ONLY TAKES A FEW MINUTES SEE LINK BELOW. Please forward on to anyone you think may be interested. Thank-you for partnering with Kroger for your fundraising efforts. The 2016-2017 Kroger Community Rewards Program begins May 1, 2016 and enrollment officially opened April 1, 2016. All supporters must re-register their card for the new program year. Re-enrolling only takes a few moments and is completed in a few simple steps. To have your current supporters re-enroll: 1. Visit our website at www.krogercommunityrewards.com . 2. Sign in using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, just click on "forgot password" and a link will be sent to your email to change your password. 3. Enter your organization's five digit 82139 Wayne Local Schools number or the first three letters of the organization's name, click search. 4. Select your organization by clicking on the circle to the left of your organization's name. Thank you for your support!

NOMINATE A STAFF MEMBER OF THE MONTH Dear Waynesville High and Middle School Staff, Parents, and Students,   Waynesville High and Middle Schools need your help! In striving to be the World’s Greatest Schools, we would like to celebrate the World’s Greatest Staff. We need to recognize and reward our outstanding staff members for the tremendous amount of hard work they give to each student.   Please nominate any staff member (this includes teachers, administrators, and classified staff) who have made an impact on your life, education, or in any other positive way. Forms are available in the main office, or by emailing me at kphillips@wayne-local.com. Together, we can honor excellence at Waynesville Middle and High Schools!   October’s Winner: Sharon Vogel, high school November’s Winner: Abby Shinkle, high school and middle school   Thank you, Karyn Phillips Coordinator of Student Services for Waynesville High/Middle School ************************************************* 

PTO NEWS ELEMENTARY PTO   WE hope everyone has a had a great 2015/2016 school year ...it's hard to believe this year will soon be over...but here are still lots of fabulous ways you can help!   Please join us for our  last PTO  meeting for this school year  on Tuesday, May 3rd at 4 p.m. in the elementary  media center. We will be discussing Field days, teacher appreciation week (who would like to help with a daily idea), Staff appreciation luncheon  upcoming science fair, as well as holding elections for new officers for next year ( are you interested in being an officer or coordinator) and more !   Teacher Appreciation week..... is the 1st week of May..... be sure to let your teachers know how much they are truly appreciated for ALL they do!! Take a minute to have your kids make their teacher a card, send in some chocolate, just say Thank you when you see them! PTO will be providing a little treat each day that week as a Thank You!   WE will be hosting a STAFF APPRECIATION BACKYARD BBQ for ALL WAYNE LOCAL STAFF.....on May 4th, can you provide a SIDE DISH or dessert,  if so drop off to either the middle or elementary school office that morning by 9am. You can sign up at the following link  :Here is a link to your new group meal: http://www.PerfectPotluck.com/meals.php?t=NUPD2263   Field Days are right around the corner ..... we will once again need fingerprinted volunteers to help in the tent passing out water and popsicles. This is the best seat in the house, you are right down on the field under a pop up tent to help offer you some shade from the sun!! Please let us know if you can help wespto2010@gmail.comMay 9th-5th , May 10th-3rd, May 11th-4th, May 12th-1st, May 13th-2nd . We will also be sending home a sign up link> Mr. Cook will also need fingerprinted volunteers to help on the field. Sign up at the following link: http://www.mysignup.com/fielddays2016  

Science Fair is for all 4th & 5th grade students this year and will be May 19th..... Mrs. Bunn and Mrs. Holland are in need of tons of people to come help judge from 12-2:45 that afternoon.... you don't need to be fingerprinted to help with this. It is lots of fun, we welcome retirees , grandparents anyone who likes to see what children create. You don't have to be an engineer, science major, etc ... you just need to like to work with children! Please contact: cbunn@wayne-local.com if you can help.   WANT TO HELP.... but aren't able to come into the school?? We are looking for parent to enter coke rewards codes in and then transfer them to the school. Wea re also looking for people to clip boxtops. These are all things you can do from you home. We will send home with your student ...then you send back in once complete. Contact me at wesptop2010@gmail.com if interested.       PLEASE SEND IN ALL BOXTOPS, LABELS FOR EDUCATION, COKE REWARDS, TYSON LABELS BEFORE the end of the school year! Labels for Education has announced after 42 years they will be discontinuing their program at the end of 2016 ... you will begin noticing that products will no longer have labels on them. Please start sending in your labels so our coordinator Beth Anticoli can get them ready to be mailed in.   We had a great turn in for BOX tops, as the school year draws to a close please send in any additional labels you may have collected, many of the bonus labels expire during the summer months and we want to be sure the school earns the extra money for those labels. Thank you to all that turned in for the last submission.    The PTO will be having our 2nd fundraiser of the year when we return from spring break..... we will be trying something new and  selling flower bulbs to help brighten up your yard!! Look for the flier and order brochure when we return            We would like to invite you to our monthly PTO meetings. They are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 4pm, in the elementary school library(media center). All are welcome to attend and generally we have child care provided by the NHS students. We would love to hear your new ideas and suggestions.    Do you know what PTO stand for? Parent Teacher Organization. Unlike some schools we do not collect dues to be part of the PTO , everyone is invited and encouraged to be part of this great organization. Everything the PTO  does is done by volunteers, no one is paid to help with any of our events.  We are  all parents like you, with 1 or more kids who attend the Wayne local school district, our kids play sports and do after school activities, many of us also coach baseball, basketball, soccer, football or lead cub scouts, boy scouts or girl scout troops. We love to come together to come up with fun ideas for the students of our schools. We really would love to see some new  parents volunteer to help at different events, it is a great way to meet others in our community!!        Have you ever considered an officer position on the PTO before? This year would be a great opportunity to shadow our current officers, as many of them have served 2 consecutive terms in their current position. Our bylaws state that you can only serve 2 consecutive terms in a particular position, so several will either need to take a different position or have someone replace them. We would love to have some new faces come in and shadow us this year. For more information you can contact me Michelle Weaver (PTO president) at wespto2010@gmail.com  

MIDDLE SCHOOL PTO   Next Meeting Thursday, May 5, 2016 in the Middle School Conference Room   Please sign up to bring food for staff appreciation lunch http://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=NUPD2263         wmspto1@gmail.com / 723 Dayton Rd.  Waynesville, OH 45068
 LIKE us on Facebook: Waynesville Middle School PTO                              Email: wmspto1@gmail.com         To See the Minutes from our last meeting click the link:  https://www.facebook.com/WaynesvilleMiddleSchoolPTO Please remember--bring in your box tops, coke rewards, labels for education.  If you have coke rewards please enter them and then donate the points to Waynesville Middle School.  The Coke Rewards and Campbell’s food labels will end this summer. Please trim the BOX TOPS and Campbell’s food labels and place them in a baggie and drop them off in the main office.  Thanks for your support!   We would like to have some more volunteers for our activities at the middle school so if you would like to help with the PTO please email:wmspto1@gmail.com   PTO Officers
 Marsha Gober- President    Christie Stricker-Treasurer *************************************************

COMMUNITY NEWS Community announcements are provided as a courtesy for the community. WLS does not endorse or promote any activity.

2016 RECYCLE RALLY When:  Saturday, May 14th 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Where: Wayne Local Schools What:  We will be accepting large items such as couches, chairs, bikes, lawn mowers, white goods, tires, metal, box springs, etc.            

LCNB Shred Day event will be held on site from 9 am- noon, too!   How much:     Nominal CASH ONLY fees will apply for the following services: Freon removal (refrigerators and air conditioners: $15/ unit Tires NO RIMS:  Light car or truck: $3  Semi tires: $6  Tractor tires:  $15 Good to know:  It is a felony to travel with more than 10 tires per vehicle per ORC 3734.83. Make multiple trips if needed. No:                  Hazardous waste (paint, chemicals, motor oil, etc.)                         Prescription medications                         Batteries Must:               Show proof of residency of Wayne Township, Waynesville or Corwin For more information, please visit www.waynetownship.us  or call Erin Hartsock at (513) 897-3010 x 2

COME & JOIN US FOR THE 2016 WHS AFTER PROM Wiki Wiki Luau Where:                 Crossview Christian Church                                 4237 E. Social Row Rd. When:&n