District News

Good News Friday - March 18th, 2016

Posted on: March 18, 2016
Tags: Gnf



WAYNESVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STARS ARE SHINING BRIGHT!   Waynesville Elementary School is committed to creating a positive environment for all students.  Each month students will have the opportunity to be chosen as a Spartan Star.  To be a STAR the students must follow the school’s overarching rules - be ready, be respectful, be responsible, and be safe.  Each month the building will focus on a specific MegaSkill  and teachers will choose two students that have demonstrated the MegaSkill in class throughout the month. Students chosen as STARS will receive a Spartan Star bracelet and a certificate signed by the building principal, have their picture taken and displayed, and have their name on the electric sign at the entrance of our building. In addition, they will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Spartan T-Shirt! 

LET'S ROCK THE SOCKS!   March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day. Waynesville Middle School will ROCK the SOCKS by wearing mismatched, brightly colored, or fun socks to school on Monday to support people with Down Syndrome. World Down Syndrome Day is held on March 21st of each year. This date is special and represents how people with Down Syndrome have 3 copies of the 21st Chromosome. This a day for everyone to see how people with Down Syndrome are more alike than different!

KINDERGARTEN KIDDOS   Did you know that Curious George is 75 years old? We recently celebrated his birthday and read books about him. We also wrote about Curious George. The kiddos are working so hard during Writer’s Workshop. We are writing stories and labeling our pictures. We are practicing writing sentences with one uppercase letter at the beginning and the correct punctuation at the end.  During our small math groups, we are working on addition and subtraction using our number lines. Thank you for reading at home with your child each evening. Please continue to practice our monthly sight words. If you have any questions about our weekly newsletters, please let me know.   We are ordering t-shirts for our field trip. T-shirt order forms are due on Monday, March 21. Please return the form to your child’s teacher as soon as possible.   Janelle Gaver jgaver@wayne-local.com

MRS. MUTERSPAW'S MARVELOUS FIRST GRADE   As the third quarter winds down I am so pleased with the progress these first graders have made since the beginning of the year.  We have been taking a look back at some of our earlier work and reflecting on how far we've come.  I always enjoy seeing the look on the student's faces when they see their own growth.    Recently the pace has picked up as we have begun learning double digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.  Ask your child to share the songs or rhymes that we have memorized to help them tackle the operation. I can't stress enough how important it is for first graders to have mastered those addition and subtraction facts to ten at this point.  It is much easier for the students who know their facts as we move into more difficult concepts and operations.  Many students have already "graduated" out of our weekly timed tests.  Those who have not will continue to take the timed tests until mastery is achieved.  Spending just 5 minutes each night doing flashcards will go a long way in helping your child reach his or her goal.   We will have learned all of our Phonics Dance hunks-n-chunks prior to spring break.  We will continue to review and practice all of the sounds through the end of the year.  As we enter the 4th quarter of school I will be looking for the students to be applying the hunks-n-chunks in both their reading and writing.  The hunks-n-chunks are very useful when decoding longer and more challenging words, as well as when writing.  At this point in the year, first graders should be able to fluently write 4-5 sentences using correctly spelled sight words and applying their phonics knowledge to unknown words.    The fourth quarter is always an enjoyable time of learning for first graders as we move into our study of life sciences.  Some of the themes we will be exploring are mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, plants, insects, farms, ocean life and ecology.    Thank you for your continued support this year.  I have enjoyed working with your children and watching them grow and I look forward to the remainder of the school year.    Mrs. Muterspaw kmuterspaw@wayne-local.com

MRS. SNELL’S 7TH AND 8TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS   7th grade language arts   The seventh graders in Mrs. Snell’s and Mrs. Burn’s language arts class have been very busy the past few months. Students finished learning about The Holocaust and reading the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. At the end of this unit, students participated in a classroom debate on whether or not the movie and the book portrayed The Holocaust and its events in an accurate way. Students were eager to work in teams, challenge each other, and speak in front of their classmates as they debated and used factual evidence to prove their points. This was a job well done!   Currently students are reading The Battle of Jericho by Cincinnati author Sharon Draper. Before beginning this novel, students completed a webquest to learn more about the dangers of hazing. After the webquest, the students created an “Anti-hazing” Google Slideshow to inform others about what they learned. As we continue reading, students are eager to apply their new knowledge to the story as it gets even more complex.  Everyone is excited to see how it ends.  

8th grade language arts The eighth graders in Mrs. Snell’s class have also been very busy. The students finished reading Copper Sun also by Cincinnati author Sharon Draper. Before beginning this unit, students were able to research information about The African Slave Trade. Students learned much information about this historical event and applied this knowledge to this riveting book. This novel had students begging to read more at the end of each chapter, a definite classroom favorite!   Currently the eighth graders are working hard on argumentative research papers. Students have been guided with topics, but ultimately made the choice of which topics would be supported by scholarly research. They are learning quickly how to evaluate and choose quality sources, as well as organize information in an effective way. As they work through finding and organizing information, Ms. Maloney and Mrs. Snell are very impressed with the work ethic and dedication these students are showing as they go through this process. Excellent job, Eighth Grade Spartans!    Mrs. Snell NSnell@wayne-local.com 

WARREN COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER 2016 SUMMER ENRICHMENT CAMPS It is time to start planning for this summer!  View the Warren County Educational Service Center 2016 Summer Enrichment Camp list and register by simply going to www.warrencountyesc.com . Descriptions and registration forms can be found on the WCESC website.   Please feel free to contact Amy Kistler at amy.kistler@warrencountyesc.com or (513)695-2900 ext. 2902, if you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the Summer Enrichment Camps. 

COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE   The High School Student Council will be hosting a semi-annual Community Blood Drive on Wednesday, March 23rd, from 8-noon in the high school gym.  Student forms can be picked up from the high school office or in the Media Center/Library and need to be returned to Mrs. Miller in the Media Center/Library.  If participating in the blood drive, please bring picture identification that includes your first and last name and your date of birth.  Please contact Mrs. Miller if you do not have this and would still like to donate (we can use the HS yearbook, if accompanied by acceptable proof of birth date.)   Please consider participating!  Giving blood is a generous, compassionate act that saves lives.  Also, the Community Blood Center offers scholarship and grants to participating schools and graduating seniors are recognized at graduation when they have given blood 3 or more times.    Kelly Miller HS/MS Library and Media Center kmiller@wayne-local.com

FIFTH RECORDER CONCERT   On Tuesday, March 22nd the Fifth Grade students will perform their Recorder Concert at 2:45 and 7:00 pm in the Elementary Gym. Everyone is invited to come enjoy as these talented Fifth Graders share their music skills in their final Elementary Music program. This concert will include songs in a variety of music styles and will also feature some of our talented High School instrumentalists as guest performers. Come and enjoy!   Many thanks, in advance, to all the 5th grade students, 5th grade teachers, 5th grade parents, Elementary staff, PTO, and anyone else that has helped with this program. Your help is greatly appreciated!   Andrea Stubbs Elementary Music astubbs@wayne-local.com

ELEMENTARY BOOK FAIR – MARCH 21-25   We will be holding our 2016 Spring Book Fair in house this year from Monday, March 21st through Thursday, March 25th.  This book fair will be slightly different from the Fall Book Fair.  We will not host a family night for the Spring Fair due to busy schedules and the book fair being right before Spring Break.  However we have two great alternatives to Family Night.  You can do all of your ordering online by going to www.scholastic.com/fair .  It will ask you for your school and all you do is put in Waynesville Elementary School.  Some benefits to this are you can send wish lists to loved ones, you can find books for everyone from preschoolers to adults, you can enjoy FREE shipping to the school and all of your purchases will directly benefit our school library program. Online ordering is available March 16th through March 29th.  You can also download the Scholastic Book Fair App from the App Store or Google Play.  From the app you can scan book covers, QR codes or bar codes add them to your wish lists share the lists, watch videos and podcasts about the book or even purchase directly from the app.  The children will visit the book fair during their regularly scheduled library time.  A few adjustments of that schedule may be necessary.   Mrs. Purkey kpurkey@wayne-local.com

6TH GRADE AUCTION   Are you getting ready to spring clean? The 6th grade is beginning to prepare for our end of the year auction. Please consider sharing your gently used or new items, including: board games, sports balls, stuffed animals, movies, and electronic games. We will also gladly accept candy and gift cards to use in our auction. Please bring any donations to the middle school office.   Lindsay Smith lsmith@wayne-local.com    

MIDDLE SCHOOL CONCERT COMING SOON   Mark your calendars for Monday, March 21st at 6:30pm – it’s time for the next Middle School Concert!  All middle school bands and choirs will be performing in the high school gym.  In honor of the month of March, all three middle school bands have been working on marches, learning about the style and form of these unique pieces of band literature.  In addition, each band will be playing a thematic piece that has posed new challenges for our young musicians.  Come support the hard work these students have been making – you will notice a huge difference from December’s Winter Concert!  

UPCOMING DATES FOR WAYNESVILLE BANDS:   Monday, March 21, 2016: Middle School Concert – 6:30pm in the HS Gym Monday, May 16, 2016: Spring Concert – 6:30pm/7:45pm in the HS Gym Friday, May 20, 2016: Jazz Dinner – 6:00pm in the MS Gym   Leslie Schleman Band Director lschleman@wayne-local.com *************************************************


Cathy Joefreda cjoefreda@wayne-local.com
ACADEMIC PLANNING NEWS Abby Shinkle  ashinkle@wayne-local.com

Summer 2016 Mental Health Services available Provided by Solutions Community Counseling and Recovery Centers Summer Programs Available If enough students are interested we can provide our own sessions here at WLS summer 2016. Please turn in interest form to Cathy Joefreda by April 30. Please contact her after that date via email cjoefreda@wayne-local.com Link to program descriptions can be found at  http://whsguidance.weebly.com/summer-mental-health-programming.html  

Your Kids and Prescription Drugs FACT:  1 in 6 teens has used a prescription drug to get high or change their mood.  Learn how to Start Talking to your kids about the tough stuff by signing up for the KNOW! Parent Tips. Go to http://www.starttalking.ohio.gov/parents/parenttipsignup.aspx and sign up to receive the bi-monthly parent tips.  Strategies based on fear are not an effective approach to prevention. More than 60 years of studies show that fear based approaches just don’t work and can increase problem behavior. Know! Parent Tips provide guidance on how to start the conversation without using scare tactics.  

Senior Scholarships have been recently posted Current Scholarships for students are posted at http://whsguidance.weebly.com/scholarships.html .  Please check this site frequently as scholarships are updated as they come in. If you would like to receive a text message when new scholarships are posted please text @msjoe13 to the number 81010 .   If you would like to receive reminders via email send an email to msjoe13@mail.remind.com . You can opt out of receiving messages any time.

REMIND Messaging System  Accounts-High School Several teachers are using this safe messaging system to send reminders to students about a class assignment/test, club meetings, scholarship deadlines and more. Go to http://whsguidance.weebly.com/remind-messaging-system-sign-up.html   for more information.  

COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS   College Credit Plus (CCP) gives students the opportunity to take college courses and receive college credit while still on the campus of Wayne Local Schools.  All public school districts must allow college-ready students in grades 7-12 who qualify for college admission to have the opportunity to participate in this new program.    Wayne Local Schools are very proud to have partnered with Sinclair Community College and will be working together to offer the best opportunities for our students.  Students are not required to select Sinclair Community College and can choose other post-secondary opportunities.  It is the student’s responsibility to complete all registration and application policies established at each university or college.   April 1st is the deadline for students to submit to Waynesville High School the Student Letter of Intent to Participate in College Credit Plus form. Visit  http://www.wayne-local.com/ for access of the form.  NOTE – ALL WHS students planning on taking CCP courses at WHS or at a college campus need to complete this form annually. This includes students already in the program from 2015-16.   Reminder: WHS is on Spring Break starting March 25th. Please turn in the WHS Letter of Intent for the CCP program before this date or postmarked no later than April 1st.    May 1st is the deadline for Sinclair’s CCP Application for Summer / Fall Semester:  If you have students who are continuing at Sinclair as a CCP student, they will NOT need to reapply.  Additional information about CCP can be found at:  https://www.ohiohighered.org/ccp     If you have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail.   Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com

WANT TO GET A JUMP ON COLLEGE INFORMATION?  April 21, 2016    7:00PM at Oakwood High School   All Waynesville High School students in grades 9-11 and parents are invited to attend the Oakwood High School College Admissions Professional evening. Parents and students are encouraged to attend to hear about college admissions information from many university experts that will be there representing their campus.  The event will take place at Oakwood High School in the Auditorium @ 7PM.   Abby Shinkle Success Planner ashinkle@wayne-local.com

MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL 2016 SUMMER ACADEMIC OPPORTUNITIES: START PLANNING NOW!     Wright State University offers Pre- College Summer Camps 2016. These programs offer enrichment and exploration of many interesting subjects.    The WSU office of Pre-College Programs in conjunction with the College of Science and Mathematics, College of Engineering and Computer Science, and the University Libraries are pleased to offer Exploring STEMM – Enriching Minds through Science 2016, as well as Residential Camps and Institutes focused on STEMM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine.   Students who are selected will participate in a variety of STEMM disciplines over a two-day period. Students will spend the night one night on campus under the supervision of residential Assistants.  

Exploring STEMM (Grades 7-9) will include: Exploring Human Anatomy, Exploring the  Nano-world  of Precious Metals, Brain Plasticity, No Avatar Needed, DNA and Forensic Science, More than Books: How the Library Supports STEMM students, Demonstrations of Chemistry in Our Lives, Falling Waters (FREE)

Residential Camp (Grades 6-9) will include:  Storm water Management, Architectural Engineering, Busted Physics Facts, Dramatic Theater, Leadership skills, Young Writer’s –Creative Mind. (COST)  

Residential Institutes (10-12) will include: Advanced Web Design, College Test prep, Engineering, Food Science: STEM, Forensic Science, Law and Government, Performance Theatre, Social Work 101, and Take Action – Leadership. (COST)   Deadlines are two weeks before each event that is offered (Beginning June 1, 2016).    Confirmation materials upon completion of application, which must include a nomination letter from a teacher, will be e-mailed.  Applications are taken on a first come first serve basis. This program will fill quickly; early registration is encouraged. Register online.   Feel free to pick up a flyer about the Pre-College Summer Camps in the Middle & High School Offices or for more information about each program offered visit www.wright.edu/precollege Telephone: 937-775-3135, E-mail: precollege@wright.edu  (May) Abby Shinkle Academic Success Planner ashinkle@wayne-local.com

UNITED STATES SERVICE ACADEMY SEMINARS – APRIL   Interested in learning about the application process for the Air Force, Military, Naval, and Merchant Marines Academy?     Join an informational session in Ohio near you.   Interested students and their parents are invited to attend one of the informational seminars co-hosted by Senator Sherrod Brown and Senator Rob Portman.  There will be nine seminars across the state throughout the month of April.   On Thursday, April 7, 2016 there is a seminar scheduled for Warren County.  Location: Symmes Township Library 11850 Enyart Road Loveland, OH 45140, 6:00- 8:00p.m. More will be scheduled for the Beavercreek, Bowling Green, and Cleveland area- TBA.   Liaison officers from the Naval, Military, Air Force, and Merchant Marine academies will be present to speak and to answer questions.  In addition, Academy Coordinators will discuss the congressional nomination process that will use to select qualified men and women.    The privilege of nominating candidates to the United States service academies is one that entails a great deal of responsibility.  Like the academies, they are interested in students who have demonstrated leadership potential and excellence in academics, athletics, and extra-curricular activities.   If you are a freshman, sophomore, or junior that may be interested in attending one of these seminars, please contact Michael Dustman, Academy Co-Coordinator, or (800) 205-OHIO (6446) or (614) 469-6774.   Abby Shinkle Academic Planning ashinkle@wayne-local.com 

SPORTS NEWS   Support the Spartans!  

Athletic Website:  The athletic website is being completely redone.  If you are currently looking for schedules for the remainder of this school year go to schedulestar.com to view those.  Next year we will have a new site called arbiterlive that will keep all of the schedules up to date for everyone.  I will have a URL once the renovation of the website is updated.  Thanks and sorry for any confusion.  

WAYNESVILLE SPARTANS TO PLAY AT FIFTH THIRD FIELD – DAYTON DRAGONS TICKETS AVAILABLE   The WHS varsity baseball team will once again be selling Dayton Dragons tickets to members of the community. In exchange for the sale of tickets, the varsity team will have the opportunity to play at Fifth Third Field on Thursday, May 5th at 4:30 PM against Oakwood High School. The cost of attendance is free to the high school games. Tickets for Dragons games are for Friday, May 13th beginning at 7:00 PM and Sunday, May 22nd beginning at 2:00 PM. The cost is $10 per ticket. Please feel free to contact me at rhill@wayne-local.com for more information or purchase tickets through any varsity or junior varsity baseball player. Thank you! Ryan Hill

LADY SPARTANS TEAMING UP WITH LEBANON FORD FOR THE ANNUAL FORD TEST DRIVE!   Lady Spartans Basketball Team will be having their annual Ford test drive on Saturday, April 9th between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  The girls will be out getting drivers for this event.  If you are 18 years old or older and have a valid driver’s license we hope that you will come up and test drive a car or truck for us.  After you drive you will get a coupon for 10% off your meal at Gameday and a $5 off card at Stonehouse.  We would like to thank both of these establishments for helping us out.  Your cost is Zero.  All you have to do is take a short test drive and fill out a paper.  Hope to see you there.   You can also email Tim Gabbard at ( tgab_58@yahoo.com) if you would like to schedule a test drive. Coach Gabbard

Spartan Football MULCH Madness The Waynesville High School Football Team will be selling mulch again this year. This annual sale serves as a fundraiser to help offset the cost of our team camp at Higher Ground. Each bag of “Triple Shredded Dark Black Gold” mulch is $5. Free delivery is included with orders of 5 or more bags within a 5 mile radius, and will be dropped off on Saturday, April 30th.  Please see any high school football player or email Coach Philpot at bphilpot@wayne-local.com to place your order. Payment is due by delivery, and checks should be made payable to Waynesville Football. Thank you in advance for supporting Spartan Football!  

Lady Spartans Youth VB Mini-Season Practice Dates: April 18, 20, 25, 27, and May 2, 4. (Always Mondays and Wednesdays) 6th Grade Practices:2:45-5 Grades 2-5: 3:30-5 (We will have them gather in elementary gym and walk to the high school with a coach)  

2016 Waynesville High School Baseball Youth Skills Camp – Saturday, March 19th Waynesville High School Baseball will be holding a youth skills camp on Saturday, March 19th. All players will receive instruction from current players and coaches that will better prepare them to continue on the tradition of excellence in the Waynesville Baseball family. Instruction will be adjusted to meet and improve the specific areas of need as determined by the abilities of each individual camper. 1st  Grade -– 4th Grade - 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM 5th Grade –- 8th Grade - 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Registration forms are available in the middle and high school offices as well as the youth association website. Cost is $25 per player (includes T-shirt). Please contact Coach Hill at rhill@wayne-local.com with any further questions.  

Inaugural Waynesville Baseball Cornhole Tournament – March 19, 2016 – 1:00 PM Tickets are now on sale for the inaugural Waynesville Baseball Cornhole Tournament on March 19th. The cost is $20 per team. All teams are guaranteed at least three games, pizza, water, and entry into raffle drawings. Games will begin at 1:00 PM in the outfield of the varsity baseball diamond. In case of inclement weather, games will be played on the football field or in the middle and high school gyms. Tickets are available through any high school baseball player and the MIDDLE school office.  *Please contact Coach Hill at rhill@wayne-local.com with any further questions.

All records and stats can be found at the SWBL website   swblsports.com  


2015 - 2016 SEASON  
ADULT PASS          $80 This includes admission to all regular season Waynesville H.S. & M.S. home contests 
STUDENT PASS         $50 This includes admission to all regular season Waynesville H.S. & M.S. home contests 
FAMILY PASS FOR FAMILY OF FOUR          $200 This includes admission to all regular season home games for a family of 4.  Families larger than 4 can include additional immediate family members for $25 each.  

At the admission gate, your name will appear on a pass list allowing you to sign-in to each event.  

Adult and Student individual admission prices for league games are: 

$6 - high school football and basketball games
$5 - other high school sports games
$4 - middle school games

The Waynesville Athletic Department hosts approximately 90 ticketed home events annually.  As you can see, the season pass is a real bargain; a family of 4 attending as few as 9 home events would begin saving money.   If interested in purchasing a season pass, visit the high school office or contact the Waynesville Athletic Department at (513) 897-8756.  

Contribute to Waynesville Community Field: Our students have a high quality, outdoor artificial turf system available for practice and events.  Our durable surface provides superior playability with an excellent drainage system.  The natural looking aesthetics with long lasting performance will enhance our outdoor programs for years to come.  You can still support this project by making a lasting contribution.  $10,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes recognition on larger slot yard lines and 8x8 brick, in game recognition announcement, field signage $1,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes Name on a yard line recognition sign and 8x8 brick.  Be a Brick Sponsor:  One 4X8 brick with a minimum gift of $250 =3 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces.  One 8X8 brick with a minimum gift of $500 = 6 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces. Your personalized brick can be in recognition of students, alumni, families, corporations and organizations, in our honorarium brick yard by the scoreboard area. Brick Sponsors can use PAYFORIT and pay online https://www.payforit.net/MakeItemPaymentEx.aspx .  Brick text can be emailed to  fundraiser@wayne-local.com    

Connect with Waynesville Athletics The athletic department is connecting with Spartan fans and alumni through Facebook. Like us at www.facebook.com/WaynesvilleAthletics to see current events, team pictures and news articles from the past added weekly, and chances to win prizes.   Follow us on Twitter for live in game updates, pictures and video clips @SpartansLive   Find up to date schedules, listen or watch game broadcasts, and see spotlighted events at www.spartanslive.com  

Advertise with Us There are numerous ways in which you can partner with the athletic department to promote your business or group. If you’re interested in connecting with people though Waynesville Athletics contact 513 897-8756 for details on available opportunities. Athletic Director Mr. Brandon Philpot  bphilpot@wayne-local.com WLS resident senior citizens (age 62 and over) are eligible for a free pass for all home sports events - Senior citizens who live in the Wayne Local School District can contact Helen at the central office for the passes. 897-6971

TRANSPORTATION SAFETY TIPS Students Riding the Bus should: • Obey instructions of bus driver and/or bus attendant; • Be seated immediately; • Remain seated, facing forward; • Share seats equally; • Be courteous; • Respect property. • Keep all body parts inside bus; • Keep aisles clear; and • Maintain good conduct. BUS ROUTES For your convenience an alphabetical street name list with bus numbers and driver’s names is located on the Wayne Local website www.wayne-local.com  or click here.

WELLNESS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IMPROVES QUALITY OF LIFE   Do you want to add years to your life?  Or life to your years? Feeling your best boosts your zeal for life!  Too much sitting and other sedentary activities can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.  One study showed that adults who watch more than 4 hours of television a day had a 46% increased risk of death from any cause and an 80% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease.  The American Heart Association recommends at least 150-minutes of moderate activity each week.  An easy way to remember this is 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.  But three 10-minute periods of activity are as beneficial to your overall fitness as one 30-minute session.  This is achievable!  Physical activity may also help encourage you to spend some time outdoors. Tips:  Start slowly.  Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of activity on most or all days of the week (or whatever your doctor recommends).  Exercise at the same time of day so it becomes a regular part of your lifestyle.  Find a convenient time and place to do activities.  Try to make it a habit, but be flexible.  If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.  FLU SEASON   Flu season up until this point has been relatively mild, but flu activity is predicted to increase over the coming weeks.  The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.   Flu symptoms: Fever or feeling feverish/chills; Cough; Sore Throat; Runny or Stuffy Nose; Muscle or body aches; Headaches; Fatigue   Flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby.   You may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.  If your child is diagnosed with flu they should remain home until symptoms are gone and the child is without fever for 24 hours.   Jen Royalty, RN, BSN Wayne Local School Nurse jroyalty@wayne-local.com

2016/2017 SEVENTH GRADE VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS The Ohio Department of Health has revised the School Immunization Requirements effective January 4, 2010. All students are to receive an additional dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) vaccine BEFORE entering the seventh grade. If your child has received a Tdap vaccine within 5 years of entering the seventh grade (2012 or later), this will meet the requirement.   Additionally, beginning with the start of the 2016-2017 school year, one dose of meningococcal vaccine is required prior to entry into the 7th grade. This requirement is met if your student has had this vaccine at any time before entering 7th grade.  

2016/2017 SENIOR VACCINATION REQUIREMENTS Meningococcal: Beginning with the start of the 2016-2017 school year, all pupils entering the 12th grade are required to be vaccinated against meningococcal. A second (2nd) dose of meningococcal) vaccine is required prior to entry into the 12th grade. The second (2nd) dose must be administered on or after the 16th birthday with at least eight (8) weeks between the first and second dose. If the first dose of meningococcal  vaccine was administered after the 16th birthday, a second dose is not required. If a pupil is 15 years of age or younger, only one  dose is required. Any questions please contact Jennifer Royalty, Wayne Local School Nurse, 513-897-4350 or jroyalty@wayne-local.com

GENERAL INFORMATION CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT Ohioans who suspect child abuse or neglect now have one phone number that can put them in contact with child welfare or law enforcement officers in their county. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) launched 855-OHCHILD (855-642-4453), where reports can be anonymous.

CHILD FIND A Search for all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21. Child find is the process of identifying, locating and evaluating children with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services. Contact: Mr. Pat Dubbs, Superintendent at 513 897-6971. 2016/17 School Calendar  This calendar was adopted at the February 8, 2016 BOE meeting.

TWO-HOUR DELAY SCHEDULE  Plan “B” – Two Hour Delay School Schedule

844-SaferOH (844-723-3764)

SaferOH Tip Line Read more.

PAY FOR IT Student fees can be paid online by signing up for Pay For It.  If you are interested in paying fees online visit our website and enroll. ONE CALL NOW/SEND WORD NOW One Call Now is Wayne Local School’s Emergency Notification System. 

BCI AND FBI BACKGROUND CHECKS BCI & FBI Background Check Information

STUDENT INSURANCE  If you are interested in Student Insurance, please click here

KROGER CARDS PLEASE RE-REGISTER YOUR CARD – IT ONLY TAKES A FEW MINUTES SEE LINK BELOW. Please forward on to anyone you think may be interested.  Thank-you partnering with Kroger for your fundraising efforts. The 2015-2016 Kroger Community Rewards Program begins May 1, 2015 and enrollment officially opened April 1, 2015. All supporters must re-register their card for the new program year. Re-enrolling only takes a few moments and is completed in a few simple steps. To re-enroll: 1. Visit our website at www.krogercommunityrewards.com. 2. Sign in using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, just click on "forgot password" and a link will be sent to your email to change your password. 3. Enter your organization's five digit 82139 Wayne Local Schools number or the first three letters of the organization's name, click search. 4. Select your organization by clicking on the circle to the left of your organization's name. Thank you for your support!

SCRIP BENEFITS WAYNE LOCALWLS Spartan Scrip Central is here for your gift giving needs. Scrip is a win-win for both you and WLS. Here is how it works – you purchase gift cards from various retailers at face value and WLS gets a percentage back from the sale.  Read More.

NOMINATE A STAFF MEMBER OF THE MONTH Dear Waynesville High and Middle School Staff, Parents, and Students,   Waynesville High and Middle Schools need your help! In striving to be the World’s Greatest Schools, we would like to celebrate the World’s Greatest Staff. We need to recognize and reward our outstanding staff members for the tremendous amount of hard work they give to each student.   Please nominate any staff member (this includes teachers, administrators, and classified staff) who have made an impact on your life, education, or in any other positive way. Forms are available in the main office, or by emailing me at kphillips@wayne-local.com. Together, we can honor excellence at Waynesville Middle and High Schools!   October’s Winner: Sharon Vogel, high school November’s Winner: Abby Shinkle, high school and middle school   Thank you, Karyn Phillips Coordinator of Student Services for Waynesville High/Middle School

WAYNE LOCAL PRESCHOOL PROGRAM   Wayne Local Schools offers services to both special needs and typical children with curriculum and settings tailored to the science of early childhood education.   The Wayne Local School preschool provides both center-based and itinerant (visiting) teaching for children ages 3-5 who are identified by the district as children who would benefit from specific interventions to address delays or needs.  Teachers, aides and therapists work with children to achieve goals specified in their Individual Education Plans (IEP’s).  Typical children are also an important part of the preschool classrooms, serving as peer models and sharing in activities based on Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards.   Please visit the Wayne Local website to find out about our Preschool application process, timeline, enrollment packets, screenings and cost.  Applications are onlineApplications are being accepted in the Superintendent’s Office.  Applications must be hand delivered. (Applications will NOT be accepted prior March 1.)

WAYNE LOCAL HALL OF FAME   The Wayne Local Hall of Fame exists to recognize individuals who exemplified excellence in two categories: 1) Academic Leadership (accomplishments while a student in the Wayne Local School District, and/or 2) Success and Citizenship (accomplishments after graduation from Wayne Local School District, or while an employee of the school district, or for other significant contributions to the school district). Nomination forms may be picked up in the Superintendent's office or found on the Wayne Local website “Hall of Fame form”.  Deadline for forms is March 30, 2016. The recipients of the Hall of Fame award will be announced at the 2016 Wayne Local Alumni Dinner Saturday, May 28.   Mail the nomination form to Wayne Local Schools, Attn:  Pat Dubbs, 659 Dayton Rd. Waynesville, OH  45068.  Forms may be emailed to pdubbs@wayne-local.com  please cc hvoiles@wayne-local.com  

PTO NEWS ELEMENTARY PTO   Please join our group on Facebook (Waynesville Elementary PTO) for updated information on events, activities, market day, fundraisers and more!!! If you need to contact us for any reason feel free to do so at  wespto2010@gmail.com   We would like to invite you to our monthly PTO meetings. They are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 4pm, in the elementary school library (media center). All are welcome to attend and generally we have child care provided by the NHS students. We would love to hear your new ideas and suggestions.   Do you know what PTO stand for? Parent Teacher Organization. Unlike some schools we do not collect dues to be part of the PTO, everyone is invited and encouraged to be part of this great organization. Everything the PTO does is done by volunteers, no one is paid to help with any of our events.  We are all parents like you, with 1 or more kids who attend the Wayne local school district, our kids play sports and do after school activities, many of us also coach baseball, basketball, soccer, football or lead cub scouts, boy scouts or girl scout troops. We love to come together to come up with fun ideas for the students of our schools. We really would love to see some new parents volunteer to help at different events, it is a great way to meet others in our community!!        Have you ever considered an officer position on the PTO before? This year would be a great opportunity to shadow our current officers, as many of them have served 2 consecutive terms in their current position. Our bylaws state that you can only serve 2 consecutive terms in a particular position, so several will either need to take a different position or have someone replace them. We would love to have some new faces come in and shadow us this year. For more information you can contact me Michelle Weaver (PTO president) at wespto2010@gmail.com  

   wmspto1@gmail.com / 723 Dayton Rd.  Waynesville, OH 45068
 LIKE us on Facebook: Waynesville Middle School PTO                             
 Email: wmspto1@gmail.com 

          To See the Minutes from our last meeting click the link:  https://www.facebook.com/WaynesvilleMiddleSchoolPTO
   Please remember--bring in your box tops, coke rewards, labels for education.  If you have coke rewards please enter them and then donate the points to Waynesville Middle School.  The Coke Rewards and Campbell’s food labels will end this summer. Please trim the BOX TOPS and Campbell’s food labels, place them in a baggie and drop them off in the middle school office.  Thanks for your support!   We need to have some more volunteers for our activities at the middle school so if you would like to help with the PTO please email:wmspto1@gmail.com
   PTO Officers
 Marsha Gober- President   
 Christie Stricker-Treasurer

COMMUNITY NEWS Community announcements are provided as a courtesy for the community. WLS does not endorse or promote any activity.  

WAYNESVILLE CHAMBER NEWS Support Waynesville by visiting the Waynesville Chamber website and learn what is happening in Waynesville! The Best of Warren County Nominations are in and Waynesville area businesses and attractions are nominated in several categories. Now, we need you to vote for us, from Monday, March 7 through Sunday, March 20. Click on the link below and VOTE for Waynesville. http://www.ohioslargestplayground.com/about/contests/best-of-warren-county

Easter Egg Hunt March 26, 2016    2:00 PM (Rain or Shine) Held:  Waynesville Pharmacy Rear Lot

Egg Hunt time divided up by Age
2:00 PM-Newborn to age 3
2:20-Age 4 - 6
2:40-Age 7 - 12
3:00 PM Door Prizes Announced
Bring your own basket.  Each Egg Hunt Participant receives a free Easter coloring book!!!!! Park in the Waynesville Pharmacy Parking Lot Food Trucks on Site!!!   Be sure to come visit Mc Nasty’s Great Good Truck, Kona Ice Truck, Go Cupcake, and Mattster’s Hot Dog Truck Sponsored by Waynesville Pharmacy, Waynesville Urgent Care, and Crossview Christian Church. 

CAESAR CREEK LAKE ACTIVITIES 1) April 9th - Spring Lake Clean-Up On April 9th, join park rangers around the lake as we clean up the shoreline in preparation for the summer recreation season. We provide the trash bags and gloves if you provide the man power. The event starts at 9am and will go till Noon. Please pre-register by calling 513-897-1050. 2) April 15th -16th - BIOBLITZ! Our annual BIOBLITZ! Event will take place beginning at 4pm on Friday, April 15th and going till 6pm on Saturday, April 16th. Park Rangers, local experts and citizen scientists come together to try and find as many species as possible around the lake. Join experts as they search for birds, mammals, fish, insects and more! Learn all about the life that lives at your back door through hands on learning experiences. Free camping is available near the Visitor Center for all those who request it with pre-registration. This program is great for working towards any natural resource scout badges.  Pre-register by calling the Visitor Center at 513-897-1050.   Samantha Bachelder CIG, Park Ranger Caesar Creek Lake 4020 N. Clarksville Road Waynesville, OH 45068 Phone: 513-897-1050

Progressive Women’s Club Invites Local High School Seniors to Apply for   Scholarships Deadline: April 11th The Progressive Women’s Club has long offered scholarships to local graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated scholastic merit, leadership and community service. This club is a group of Waynesville-area women who are dedicated to strengthening our community through service, philanthropy and education. Members raise funds to distribute to local nonprofit charities and to offer educational scholarships.  Members also contribute their time and talent in support of other community needs.      Any graduating high school senior residing in the Wayne Local School District may apply for a Progressive Women’s Club Scholarship. This means applicants may be enrolled in Wayne Local Schools, private school, parochial school, vocational school, or may be home schooled.    Wayne Local High School seniors may obtain the application form from High School Guidance Counselor Mrs. Cathy Joefreda-Wells.  Forms also may be obtained via email by writing Lisa Gooding, PWC Scholarship Chairperson, at lagooding22@gmail.comDEADLINE for submitting completed application packets to the Progressive Women’s Club is April 11th.  Details are in the application.  Also, scholarship recipients and their parents are invited to attend the Progressive Women’s Club dinner meeting, Wednesday, May 4th.  (4/8)

FREE COMMUNITY DINNER Everyone is invited to attend a free Community Dinner. The Community Meal will be offered every month (on the last Friday of the month)  at the Waynesville United Methodist Church, 297 North Street, Waynesville.  This outreach project is supported from a grant received through the Ohio River Valley District.

AWANA Clubs and Club 56 Wednesdays 6:15-7:45 September 9 to April 27 First Baptist Church Waynesville,1009 Lytle Rd 513-897-1009 Register online at www.fbcwaynesvile.net AWANA is for preschool (must be 3 years old by September 30) to 4th grade. Club 56 is for 5th and 6th graders. Children will enjoy fun game times, handbook time in a small group memorizing Bible verses, and a large group council time.

MARY L. COOK LIBRARY NEWS Mary L Cook website: www.mlcook.lib.oh.us To find out what is happening at the Mary L Cook Library, just go to their website:   www.mlcook.lib.oh.us and click on Newsletter. Attention grades 5 – 8:      You’re invited to help us solve the mystery of Rock ‘n’ Roll Over Dead. Come to The Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Rd., Waynesville on Friday, April 8 from 6:30 to 8:00p.m. * Library will be closed to the public during this event. CALL 513-897-4826 to register.  Registration beginning March 21 is required and limited to 35 teens.  ?’s ask for Kathy or Sheila danielka@marylcook.com  RSVP NO Later than Thurs. April 7. (4/1)

Lego Fun for Grades 1 – 5 at The Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Rd. Choose one day to join us, Monday, March 21 6:00pm – 7:00pm OR Saturday, April 2 10:30m – 11:30am We supply Legos of all sizes and a theme. You supply your imagination! You will have lots of fun building a creation based on a theme.  Registration is required for these programs and will begin March 7. (3/25)

Weather Science for Preschoolers (3yrs. – Kindergarteners) and a Caregiver at the Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Rd.  Friday, March 18 4:00pm to 4:30pm.  We will be exploring weather with several hands on activities.  All children should bring an adult with them.  Required Registration will begin February 29. Questions, please contact Kathy Daniels 513-897-4826 (3/18) Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Road Waynesville, OH 45068 513-897-4826 fax 513-897-9215 www. mlcook.lib.oh.us

SUBSCRIBE OR UNSUBSCRIBE TO GNF If you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to Good News Friday, please go to our website www.wayne-local.com and on the far left column under GNF enter your email address, mark subscribe or unsubscribe and submit. Wayne Local School’s web site. www.wayne-local.com Please visit our web site to get information about our schools. Follow on Twitter    Friend on Facebook    Forward to Friend   Copyright © 2015 Wayne-Local Schools, All rights reserved.  You are receiving this email because you subscribed on our website.  Our mailing address is:  Wayne-Local Schools 659 Dayton Rd. Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Add us to your address book unsubscribe from this list    update subscription preferences