District News

Good News Friday February 24th, 2017

Posted on: February 24, 2017


PROJECT EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORMS DEADLINE TODAY (See article below for more information.)

2017/18 PRESCHOOL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 AT 8:00 A.M. (See article below for more information.) 2017/18 School Calendar This calendar was adopted at the February 13, 2017 BOE meeting.

SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS Don’t forget to check the Wayne Local website for senior scholarships

FERGUSON'S FABULOUS FOURTH   As this school year continues to fly by, the students continue to work hard and show great progress in their learning!   Students in all classes have been busy learning about Greek mythology and what some popular allusions to Greek myths mean.  For example, what does it mean when we say that "someone has the Midas touch" or "something is your Achilles' heel?"  We continue to read and respond to the outstanding selections in our Journeys reading series, using our close reading strategies as we do so to make us better, stronger readers.  I am extremely impressed at the number of students earning Rock Star Reader certificates for their achievements on the online non-fiction reading program Newsela!  The wall outside the classroom is becoming covered with these award certificates.  Way to go, students!  All classes are also working hard at preparing for the upcoming AIR state test in Reading on April 6 and 7 by practicing state test type questions online via an excellent program called Edulastic.  I am proud of the growth the students have shown in working on this program.   The Advanced ELA classes just finished reading the novel Snow Treasure and have started their next novel, Number the Stars.  Both novels have similar themes and historical settings, so it will be enriching to compare and contrast these novels when we have completed Number the Stars.  Students continue to write on their blogs at Kidblog.com, and the growth shown in their writing is amazing to see. The Advanced classes have also just begun an Enrichment activity about roller coasters.  Students will be researching, writing about, reporting on, and designing roller coasters in numerous ways!  Stay tuned!   The Split Block ELA class has also been working hard.  They recently read several Greek myth plays, resulting in much fun.  A challenge they proved they were up to was to read about, then compare and contrast in an essay, Cesar Chavez and Mohandas Ghandi.  Ask a student in this class about these amazing men. Happy March, everyone!   Melissa Ferguson mferguson@wayne-local.com Grade 4 ELA

DETAILS FROM MS. DURHAM’S KINDERGARTEN CLASS   The school year is going by quickly. It is hard to believe in a few days it will be March. As we head into spring, please remember that the temperature can change from day to day. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather each day. We go outside everyday unless it is raining or below 32 degrees.   In language arts, we are reinforcing letters and their sounds and applying it in our writing. We are blending sounds and breaking words into individual sounds. We have learned about proper nouns and verbs in the present, past and future tenses. Our word list continues to grow and we practice our new words each week. We are experts at telling what an author and an illustrator do. We can tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction texts. We are able to answer questions about what is read to us and what we read independently. We are learning how to retell a story from the beginning to the end by including the setting, characters, problems, solutions, and key events. Each night, the children should be reading at home and practicing their word list words.   In addition to those activities, we have also read books about animals, science, and nature. We also listened to books about the new year, snowmen, the 100th day of school, Groundhog’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. We enjoyed books by the authors Jan Brett and Laura Numeroff. We would write about the topics or authors and complete fun projects that went along with it.   In math, we began the new year by exploring 3D solids and plane figures. We learned about the figures attributes and how they were the same and different. We have been learning how to model large numbers using cubes. We practiced counting to 100 by 1s and 10s. Currently, we are comparing quantities in sets as well as number to determine which set is greater than or less than the other set.  Next week, we will continue exploring addition and subtraction with numbers to 10.   It is hard to believe that the end of the school year is fast approaching. Many activities will be occurring so please check the orange communication folders nightly.   Ms. Durham jdurham@wayne-local.com

CHASING THE DRAGON-The Life of an Opioid Addict   High School Showing and Community Showing MARCH 16, 2017   As part of our drug prevention program, we feel a strong need to address the profound downward spiral that can be caused by Opiate addiction.  On March 16th all students grades 9-12 will be viewing a documentary made by the FBI and DEA agencies. The documentary is called “Chasing the Dragon- The Life of an Opioid Addict.”      After the showing, a panel discussion will occur. Members of the panel will include but are not limited to: the Warren County Drug Task Force, Medical Professionals, and Prevention/Mental Health professionals.  Panel members will share statistics, prevention and resource materials for all students.   At 6:30 pm, also on March 16th, a showing of the documentary will be held in the high school gym for all parents and community members. An identical panel discussion will also follow this showing. The event will end at 8pm.   The video can be graphic. It is very realistic and may contain inappropriate language.   We would like to share the video with you ahead of time. This will give you the opportunity to preview it.    Again, this video is extremely truthful, and the message is clear. If you would like to preview the documentary please go to one of the following links:      YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqdmWRExOkQ   FBI Website https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/newss-chasing-the-dragon-the-life-of-an-opiate-addict/view   The description below is taken from the FBI website about the opioid epidemic.   “An opioid and prescription drug abuse epidemic is sweeping the country, impacting all segments of society. To help raise awareness of this epidemic and to help educate young people on the dangers of addiction, the FBI and DEA have released the documentary Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict, a compilation of heart-wrenching first-person accounts by addicts and family members of addicts about their experiences.    Again, the film includes strong language, intense content, and graphic images.  If you feel you do not want your child to view this documentary please click HERE to get the opt out form, otherwise we will assume that we have your permission. Please return this opt out form to the office before March 16, 2017.  If your child opts out your child will be allowed to study in a quiet location during the programming scheduled for that day. Thank you for your participation in becoming more aware of the ease at which Opioid Addiction occurs. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Cathy Joefreda at cjoefreda@wayne-local.com  (3/11)

NEWS FROM MRS. SYVERTSEN’S SPANISH CLASSES   Spanish II is currently learning city and country vocabulary.  Throughout the year the students have learned about hobbies, pastimes, health, medical, travel, and food vocabulary to name a few of the themes covered this year.  Spanish II students can use several tenses to communicate using their notes.  They can use the future, conditional, present, past, and present progressive.  Fourth quarter they will focus on the command tense.  This will allow them to understand and provide commands.  This year we have added a new program called Yabla where students listen to native speakers speaking about themes related to their vocabulary. This provides students with the opportunity to listen, understand, and compare different Spanish accents.     Spanish III is currently reading a book called “El joven don Quixote de California” base on the character Don Quixote de la Mancha written by Miguel Cervantes.  In this book a teenager named Tomás goes on typical high school adventures but his adventures fail due to his mischievous and egotistical personality.  Spanish III is also constantly reviewing grammar and vocabulary to prepare them for their Spanish placement test at Sinclair on May 15th.   Spanish IV is also reviewing grammar and vocabulary to prepare them for their Spanish placement test at Sinclair.  Spanish IV took the placement test last year and their objective this year is to improve last year’s score.  It has been impressive to watch the progression of knowledge from Spanish II-Spanish IV. They have become bright and wonderful young adults.     Thank you for your support of your child’s education.  It is truly a pleasure to be your child’s Spanish teacher. Maria Syvertsen msyvertsen@wayne-local.com

WHAT WILL YOU CREATE THIS YEAR?? That's RIGHT it's time for the CARDBOARD CHALLENGE!!   The Third Annual Cardboard Challenge will be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2017. This year the event will be held in the middle school gym to allow for more space!  The event is open to students in grades K-8, at no cost. Individuals and groups of students are challenged to create and build using cardboard, recycled materials and their imaginations. All entries must be completed before the event. Prizes will be awarded at the event. Registration required.  Find out more and register at: http:www.cardboardchallengewaynesville.com   (3/3) WAYNE LOCAL HALL OF FAME   The Wayne Local Hall of Fame exists to recognize individuals who exemplified excellence in two categories: 1) Academic Leadership (accomplishments while a student in the Wayne Local School District, and/or 2) Success and Citizenship (accomplishments after graduation from Wayne Local School District, or while an employee of the school district, or for other significant contributions to the school district). Nomination forms may be picked up in the Superintendent's office or found on the Wayne Local website “Hall of Fame form”.  Deadline for forms is March 30, 2017. The recipients of the Hall of Fame award will be announced at the 2017 Wayne Local Alumni Dinner Saturday, May 27.   Mail the nomination form to Wayne Local Schools, Attn:  Pat Dubbs, 659 Dayton Rd. Waynesville, OH  45068.  Forms may be emailed to pdubbs@wayne-local.com  please cc hvoiles@wayne-local.com  

WHS IS PROUD TO OFFER AN ACADEMIC LAB AFTER SCHOOL ON MONDAYS-THURSDAYS FROM 2:35-3:30. Students can access a Chromebook  or just enjoy a quiet space to do homework.  Because the Academic Lab will rotate through the core academic departments, students will also have access to different teachers and potentially tutors throughout the week as well. Mondays in Room 14 (English)        Tuesdays in Room TBA (Science)    Wednesdays in Room 25 (Math)      Thursdays in Room 17 (Social Studies ) *Students can be given a pass for the late bus.

WAYNE LOCAL PRESCHOOL PROGRAM APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED MARCH 1, 2017 FOR 2017/18 SCHOOL YEAR   Wayne Local Schools offers services to both special needs and typical children with curriculum and settings tailored to the science of early childhood education.   The Wayne Local School preschool provides both center-based and itinerant (visiting) teaching for children ages 3-5 who are identified by the district as children who would benefit from specific interventions to address delays or needs.  Teachers, aides and therapists work with children to achieve goals specified in their Individual Education Plans (IEP’s).  Typical children are also an important part of the preschool classrooms, serving as peer models and sharing in activities based on Ohio’s Early Learning Content Standards.   Please visit the Wayne Local website to find out about our Preschool application process, timeline, enrollment packets, screenings and cost.  Applications are onlineApplications will not be accepted until Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. in the Superintendent’s Office.  Applications must be hand delivered. (Applications will NOT be accepted prior March 1.)

WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND AND CHOIR PREPARING FOR CONTEST   The Waynesville High School Concert Band has been preparing three pieces since early January—Rifle Rangers (March) arranged by Gene Milford, The Dark Waters by Matt Conaway, and Incantations by Robert W. Smith.  Our musicians have been working very hard to polish the music, and on Friday, March 3, the Waynesville High School Concert Band will be taking the stage in hopes of earning a Superior rating (I) at the OMEA District 13 Large Group Adjudicated Event.  This annual contest gives area bands and choirs the opportunity to polish three pieces of music and then perform in front of three judges, who rate the performance on tone, intonation, interpretation and technique.  The judges then award a score of I through V, with I being Superior, II Excellent, etc.  After the ensemble’s performance on stage, they are then directed to the sight-reading room where music that has never been seen before is passed out to the group.  The students and director are given four minutes to look over the music silently, and an additional four minutes for the director to talk the students through the piece.  After that, the ensemble then plays or sings the piece of music, trying to perform it with as few errors as possible.  The sight-reading judge then awards the group a rating as well, and all four judges’ ratings are added together.  If the combined scores are between 4 and 6, the band receives a Superior rating (I) and is eligible to perform at State Large Group Adjudicated Event.   The band will be traveling to Madison High School on Friday, March 3rd and the choir will be performing at Kettering Middle School on Friday, March 10th or Saturday, March 11th.  As of now, the performance times have not been set, but please mark your calendars to come out and support these fine organizations!  

MIDDLE SCHOOL CONCERT COMING SOON   Mark your calendars for Monday, March 13th at 6:30pm – it’s time for the next Middle School Concert!  All middle school bands and choirs will be performing in the high school gym.  In honor of the month of March, all three middle school bands have been working on marches, learning about the style and form of these unique pieces of band literature.  In addition, each band will be playing a thematic piece that has posed new challenges for our young musicians.  Come support the hard work these students have been making – you will notice a huge difference from December’s Winter Concert!  

UPCOMING DATES FOR WAYNESVILLE BANDS: Friday, March 13: HS Large Group Contest            TBA at Madison HS Monday, March 13: Middle School Concert          6:30pm in the HS Gym Sunday, March 18: Festival of Fantasy Parade at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom 2:30pm   Leslie Schleman Band Director lschleman@wayne-local.com

PASTA FOR PENNIES CONTEST   The High School Student Council members are bringing PASTA for PENNIES contest to Waynesville High School!  This will be a 7th period contest Feb. 7th-28th.  The winning class with the highest per student donation average will earn an Olive Garden pasta lunch!   We have a high school goal of $1500, and students and parents are both encouraged to donate their spare change to the donation boxes in their 7th period classrooms.  There will be donation boxes in the High School office and the Media Center.    The Pasta for Pennies contest benefits The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  Every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, or dollar donated means so much to patients affected by cancer, and these donations will help to save lives!!!  So, please help support this worthy cause!  Checks can be sent in and written payable to WHS or The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  Thank you, Kelly Miller Student Council Advisor kmiller@wayne-local.com

ONE CALL NOW One Call Now is Wayne Local School’s Emergency Notification System.  It is used to contact students and school staff quickly and effectively by phone, email, and/or text message. You can receive phone calls, text alerts or emails regarding School Closings, Delays, or other Special Events/Circumstances. Text messaging and emails will be received faster than phone calls; so we always encourage subscribers to sign up for text and/or email.   To register, please send the following information to Kelly Miller at kmiller@wayne-local.com :  

  • If you are Subscribing or Unsubscribing
  • Phone number that is being contacted
  • Parent’s name and student’s name
  • Phone number that you can be reached at if we have questions
  • State your preference of notification:

                  Phone call and text and/or                   Email You may also call Kelly Miller at 513-897-2776 X3007 or email her if you have any questions.

PROJECT EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORMS DEADLINE FEBRUARY 24, 2017 It’s that time again to nominate an excellent Educator or an Innovative Teacher.  Remember the educator must hold a current teaching certificate and work at Wayne Local.  You can access the nomination form 2 different ways. 

  • You can nominate deserving teachers by completing the on-line form on the www.apcwc.org website – just click on - http://www.apcwc.org/project-excellence/ and click on “PROJECT EXCELLENCE NOMINATION FORM” to open –  complete the requested  information and when you hit “submit” the document will be emailed to Project Excellence in Lebanon. NOTE: nominations received that have the text area left blank will be discarded  “Text Area” What does this educator do that exemplifies excellence in teaching? Please be as specific as possible.  
  • If you prefer you may print the Project Excellence form for 2017 by clicking here.  This document can be mailed via US Mail – send to Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc., Project Excellence Committee, P O Box 802, Lebanon 45036 or scanned and emailed to apcpe@ohioinfo.org .   Nominations will close Friday – February 24, 2017.

SUB PARAPROFESSIONALS NEEDED   WLS is in need of sub paraprofessionals to work with our special needs children.  If you are interested please fill out the WLS Non-cert application.  You must have both your BCI and FBI background checks on file with WLS.  Please turn in the application at the Superintendent’s Office. *************************************************

GUIDANCE COUNSELOR NEWS Cathy Joefreda cjoefreda@wayne-local.com ACADEMIC PLANNING NEWS Abby Shinkle  ashinkle@wayne-local.com

State Funded ACT   On April 19, 2017, Waynesville High School will be administering the state funded ACT test. There is no cost to take this test, but all juniors in Ohio must take it this spring. This is the only “free” ACT test that will be offered once a year, and for juniors only. There are other testing dates that the ACT offers and registration information on those dates are available on the ACT website.   On the morning of April 19th, students are to arrive at Waynesville High School between 7:15 and 7:30 A.M. in the main lobby of the high school. They will be checked-in by staff members and directed to their assigned testing rooms. The testing room assignments will also be posted in the front entry way to assist them. The check-in process, passing out testing materials, and organizing students will take about 30 minutes with the start time of 8 A.M. for the ACT. Students will need to bring picture identification, two pencils, and an ACT approved calculator (check www.actstudent.org or call 1-800-498-6481 for a recorded message about the current ACT calculator policy if you are unsure if your specific calculator is allowed). Testing will conclude at approximately 12:30 P. M. and students will be released home after testing is complete if they have a signed permission slip.  If the student does not have a permission slip, they will remain at school, have lunch and will be dismissed at 2:32.

Ohio School Board Association Scholarship - Help us spread the word! Deadline is March 3, 2017 OSBA -Ohio School Board Association is accepting applications for the 2017 OSBA's Black Caucus Leo Lucas Scholarship, a program that provides graduating ethnically diverse high-school seniors’ funds for college. The program is named for the late Leo Lucas, a Dayton City school board member and educator who founded the caucus. The selection process for applicants will be evaluated on the following elements: Academic record, extracurricular activities, personal qualities, and provide a letter of acceptance to an accredited postsecondary institution of higher learning that they will be attending prior to award conferral. The application deadline is March 3, 2017. Applications available at: www.ohioschoolboards.org/ohioblack-caucus . For further information, contact Van Keating or Damon Asbury at (614) 540-4000 or vkeating@ohioschoolboards.org or dasbury@ohioschoolboards.org. (3/3) Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com

Middle & High School 2017 Summer Academic Opportunities: Exploring STEMM: Start Planning Now!     Wright State University offers Pre- College Summer Camps 2017. These programs offer enrichment and exploration of many interesting subjects.    The WSU office of Pre-College Programs in conjunction with the College of Science and Mathematics, College of Engineering and Computer Science, and Boonshoft School of Medicine are pleased to offer Exploring STEMM – Enriching Minds Through Science 2017.  Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine.   Students who are selected will participate in a variety of STEMM disciplines over a two-day period. Students will spend the night one night on campus under the supervision of residential Assistants.

  • Exploring STEMM (Grades 7-9) will include: Exploring Human Anatomy, Exploring the  Nano-world  of Precious Metals, Brain Plasticity, No Avatar Needed, DNA and Forensic Science, More than Books: How the Library Supports STEMM students, Demonstrations of Chemistry in Our Lives, Falling Waters (FREE) June 26-27 (females only) June 29-30 (males only) July 6-7 (co-ed)
  • Residential Camp (Grades 6-9) will include:  Architectural Engineering, Busted Physics Facts, Dramatic Theater, Leadership skills, Young Writer’s –Creative Mind. Neuroscience: Bridging the Gap (COST) (several different dates per program)
  • Residential Institutes (10-12) will include: Advanced Web Design, Engineering, Food Science: STEM, Forensic Science, Law and Government, Performance Theatre, Intensive Academic English (for ESL) and Take Action – Leadership. (COST) (several different dates per program) 

Deadlines are two weeks before each event that is offered (Beginning June 1, 2017).    Confirmation materials upon completion of application, which must include a nomination letter from a teacher, will be e-mailed.  Applications are taken on a first come first serve basis. This program will fill quickly; early registration is encouraged. Register online. For more information about each program offered visit: https://www.wright.edu/student-affairs/pre-college-programs Telephone: 937-775-3135, E-mail: precollege@wright.edu or brenda.dewberry@wright.edu  (4/28)   Abby Shinkle Academic Success Planner ashinkle@wayne-local.com

Manufacturing Day 2017, Sinclair College, March 7, 8, or 9 2017   2017 SENIORS - Sinclair College is offering “Manufacturing Days 2017” March 7, 8, or 9 from 8 a.m. to noon.  Select one date!   Focus on Operations Technology and Automation and Control Technology departments and the Science, Mathematics and Engineering Internship office. Great Work opportunities with this associates degree!  This campus visit is designed to engage students interested in manufacturing careers that plan on attending Sinclair. The morning will include hands-on manufacturing related activities, presentations by Sinclair faculty and staff, and the opportunity to meet with an academic advisor to register for summer and/or fall term classes. Please note this is not a field trip or career exploration day. This event will focus on the many opportunities that exist for manufacturing-related students via education and internships.  Registration is required and space is limited to 30 per day. Please complete the registration form in the WHS Office or you can find it posted  on your 2017 Career/Character Ed Google Classroom. Return it to Nina Allen at nina.allen@sinclair.edu  by March 1, 2017. Parents are welcome to attend an information session from 10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. with lunch provided from 11:15 a.m. - noon.) If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nina at 937-512-2275 or the Tech Prep office at 937-512-5146. (2/24) Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com University of Dayton

Educational Camps- High School Programs   Want to get a jump-start on your college education? The University of Dayton offers programs that allow you to earn college credit while you're still in high school. Open to rising Juniors, Seniors and College Freshman.   Entrepreneurship 101 Camp:  This program provides students with the skills to develop their ideas for a product or business.  Through corporate site visits, hands-on projects and networking, students can take the first step to becoming a successful entrepreneur.  Students will have the opportunity to earn three credit hours and complete up to $10,000 in UD Scholarships in an elevator pitch competition. Camp takes place June 18-30, 2017.   For more information, application and cost go to: https://udayton.edu/apply/undergraduate/hsprograms/entrepreneurship-101.php   Summer Sustainability: Food Systems Camp:  This program will focus on food sustainability, availability, scarcity and justice issues with collaboration of UD faculty, students and community partners to provide a hands-on learning experience including topic discussions, reflection and group-based learning:  Work with faculty and students from disciplines within the health and social sciences including dietetics and sociology.  Develop skills in preparing nutritious meals that promote environmental sustainability.  Learn how foods in your area are connected to your social and physical health.  See what access to food in an urban community is like.    You’ll experience a wide range of educational activities, including: Work with other peers to develop strategies to address food insecurity using local resources.  Connect local food to your health, as well as environmental and community health.  Work in a local, urban garden.  Explore conventional and alternative farms.   Trips to local markets and grocery stores, and prepare a farm-to-table meal.  For more information, application and cost go to: https://udayton.edu/apply/undergraduate/hsprograms/summer-sustainability.php  (3/24) Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com This month all students 6-12 will be exposed to

Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education from the www.loveisrespect.org and www.breakthecycle.org .  There are many parent and student resources available on both sites. This is an important topic because over 72% of 8th and 9th graders are in a dating relationship.  Less than 50% of their parents are aware their child is “dating.”  Help bridge that gap with your child by taking the time to talk about Healthy relationships. Click on the link for tips on how to talk to your child about a possibly uncomfortable conversation. Bridging the Gap: Youth and Adults Coming Together.     High school students “Chalked About Love” this week and that display is in the HS lobby.  More to come next week.  (3/3)

KNOW! Teachable Moment: Do you know someone with a  Smartphone Addiction? From Drug Free Action Alliance     We jokingly talk about students being addicted to their smartphones, but in reality, it is no laughing matter. Cell phone addiction is real and can be destructive to the lives of those who truly cannot control their use. New research released by Common Sense Media tells us that parents of teens and tweens are now spending as much time on their phones as their children. About 60% of these parents believe their teens are addicted to their phones, but less than 30% of these same parents believe themselves to be addicted. In this same study, 56% of parents admit to checking their mobile devices while driving in the car with their children, while 51% of teens say they witness it. Dangerous in so many ways!  Take the quiz located at the following link. Know! if You Have a Smartphone Addiction  For information on how to get help please click on the following link. 

Help for Smartphone Addiction   (3/17) ADULTS MUST LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Senate Page Program   Senator Portman has been offered the opportunity to nominate a Senate Page for Summer 2017 – Session 1, which would run from June 12, 2017 – June 30, 2017.  The application deadline is February 27, 2017. Requirements for Selection

  • Senate Pages must be sponsored by a Senator
  • Pages must be citizens of the United States or subject to agreements of the Department of State, and must have a social security number
  • Summer Page eligibility is limited to students who have completed the sophomore year and who will be 16 or 17 years old on or before the date of appointment
  • Pages must verify a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a home school transcript and a certification of immunization to qualify for attendance at the school
  • A general health assessment completed by a licensed physician is required, in addition to a certification of immunization
  • Pages are required to be covered by health insurance; if not covered, they will be required to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

The application and additional information about the program can be found at: http://www.portman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/page-program (2/24) Abby J. Shinkle Academic Planning 6-12 ashinkle@wayne-local.com

ACT –SAT PREP OPPORTUNITIES Waynesville High School JUNIORS are scheduled to take the ACT college admissions test on April 19, 2017 at WHS, within the school day, free of charge.  This is a new Ohio law this creates great opportunity and can cut the cost of college entrance in half to a third of what it was previously.  To help prepare the Juniors for this test, WHS has implemented an ACT Review within the school day during the ETEH time frame.  However, if you feel your child could use extra prep, WHS recommends looking into the LEAProgram.  http://www.leaprogram.com/.   The LEAP (Learning Environment & Assistance Program) is another avenue to help your child prepare for the ACT.    The LEAProgram assists students to help meet their individual goals. There are many different categories to investigate, however the ACT prep session is highly recommended.  There are currently sessions available in Mason, Ohio.  The course consists of four – 2 hour strategy sessions: English, Mathematics, Reading/Science and Essay taught by top-notch math and English teachers. Each strategy session includes introduction to the ACT and SAT tests, explanation of strategies for particular questions, group practice of strategies, independent practice and question/answer time. The class also includes the administration of a three-hour multiple choice actual ACT test that is scored and students can keep for review. At the conclusion of the course, students will have completed at least 3 full ACT's and 1 SAT. Students must purchase The Official ACT Prep Guide.   Note that the fourth of the five classes will be 4 hours in length to allow for a full-length timed ACT administration. This is an actual ACT that is scored and students get to keep for further review.  All courses limited to 18 students, but they offer several opportunities each time to accommodate many students and a variety of scheduling needs.  It would be important to check dates for availability. Sessions are filling up quickly.  For more information go to http://www.leaprogram.com/registration/free-act-practice-test.php   or e-mail info@leaprogram.com Abby Shinkle Academic Advisor/ Career Rep. ashinkle@wayne-local.com *************************************************

SPORTS NEWS Athletic Schedules:   www.wayne-local.com under Athletics  

All records and stats can be found at the SWBL website   swblsports.com

Boys Basketball Update The freshman team defeat Dixie last Friday Night by the score of 40-16.  They return to action the next day in the Preble Shawnee Freshman Tournament losing their opening round game by the score of 50-40.  They returned to action in the consolation bracket Monday defeating Milton Union 40 to 29.  On Wednesday they played host Preble Shawnee in the 3rd place game and lost 47-35.  They finished the year with a 13-7 record. The JV team lost to Dixie by the score of 51-43 last Friday.  They finished the season with a record of 16-5. The Varsity team defeated Dixie in overtime by the score of 67-66 on Senior Night.  A huge thank you to the 6th Man, Pep Band, Cheerleaders and all Youth Teams in Attendance.  The gym was rocking and that was the difference!  The Spartans finished the regular season with a record of 7-15, 6-6 in league play 3rd place behind Co Champs Carlisle and Preble Shawnee. Highlights of Noah Price 3 point shot to force overtime and Cory Clark game winning shot in overtime can be seen here.  http://www.hudl.com/v/1PLztz Dixe Box Score http://swblsports.com/bkGameStats.aspx?gameid=261537 TONIGHT the Spartans travel to Trent Arena at Fairmont HS to play CJ in 1st round of the OHSAA state tournament.  Tipoff is 5:30pm!  

Lady Spartans end season with tourney loss!!   The Lady Spartans basketball team was defeated by Purcell Marion by a score of 63 to 46.  The Spartans end their season with 22 wins and 2 losses and a state ranking of 7th.  The team set a record for the most wins in a regular season with 21 and another SWBL Championship.   The team will lose two outstanding seniors in Brianna Barton and Kerstyn Purkey both 4 year letter winners.  They are going out a record of 40 and 10 and two SWBL Championships the last 2 years. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to the program over the past 4 years.  You will be missed!!  

State Swim Update Kierstyn Cassidy punches her ticket to the finals in the 200 Free and 500 Free for today. Owen Conley also punched his ticket to the finals in the 200IM and 500 Free for today. Boys 400 free relay placed 21st. Great job Max, Will, Owen and Tanner!

HARLEM WIZARDS vs. WLS STAFF Monday February 27th 7:00pm Doors will open at 6:00pm Tickets in advance  $7 (Available at the WES, WMS, WHS offices.) Tickets at the door $9

Athletic Boosters Dodge Ball Tournament Date moved to Saturday, March 11. Information is in the High School and Middle School office.  

YOUTH VOLLEYBALL CLINIC and MINI-SEASON – REGISTER NOW! Open to all 2nd-6th grade girls

FREE CLINIC: Fri. March 10, 2017, 5:00pm-8:00pm LSYVB Mini-Season Practice Dates: Apr. 19, 24, 26, & May 1, 3. (Mondays & Wednesdays afterschool) 6th Grade Practices: 2:45-5:00, Grades 2-5: 3:30-5:00 in the HIGH SCHOOL gym Flyers/registration papers have been handed out at the school, so if your daughter didn’t bring one home, check our website (below) or contact us, and we can send you one via email. Questions Contact: Lisa Harvey, volleyball@waynelocal.net  

SPARTAN STADIUM BLANKETS! We have Waynesville Spartan stadium blankets for sale:  $20, proceeds benefit Waynesville Volleyball. Questions Contact: Lisa Harvey, volleyball@waynelocal.net   Follow us on Twitter  & Instagram @VBSpartans https://sites.google.com/a/waynelocal.net/vb/   If interested in purchasing a season pass, visit the high school office or contact the Waynesville Athletic Department at (513) 897-8756.  

Contribute to Waynesville Community Field: Our students have a high quality, outdoor artificial turf system available for practice and events.  Our durable surface provides superior playability with an excellent drainage system.  The natural looking aesthetics with long lasting performance will enhance our outdoor programs for years to come.  You can still support this project by making a lasting contribution.  $10,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes recognition on larger slot yard lines and 8x8 brick, in game recognition announcement, field signage $1,000 & Up Sponsors *Includes Name on a yard line recognition sign and 8x8 brick.  Be a Brick Sponsor:  One 4X8 brick with a minimum gift of $250 =3 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces.  One 8X8 brick with a minimum gift of $500 = 6 lines of laser text having 18 letters/spaces. Your personalized brick can be in recognition of students, alumni, families, corporations and organizations, in our honorarium brick yard by the scoreboard area. Brick Sponsors can use PAYFORIT and pay online https://www.payforit.net/MakeItemPaymentEx.aspx .  Brick text can be emailed to  fundraiser@wayne-local.com    Advertise with Us There are numerous ways in which you can partner with the athletic department to promote your business or group. If you’re interested in connecting with people though Waynesville Athletics contact 513 897-8756 for details on available opportunities. Athletic Director Mr. Chip King  cking@wayne-local.com WLS resident senior citizens (age 62 and over) are eligible for a free pass for all home sports events - Senior citizens who live in the Wayne Local School District can contact Helen at the central office for the passes. 897-6971 *************************************************

TRANSPORTATION  SAFETY TIPS Students must wait for the bus at their assigned point of safety each morning and remain there until the bus has come to a complete stop. Safety points are usually10 giant steps (approx. 20 ft) into the driveway on the residence side. However, the driver may assign a specific safety point for your child’s bus stop. In the afternoon, students must again walk to this safety point and remain until the bus pulls away. This enables the driver to know the location of your child at all times  

INFORMATION ABOUT SCHOOL CLOSING FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER   As we head into winter it is very important for parents to have back up plans in place for delays, early dismissals and closures.   We understand that our decision to open or close schools in bad weather has a big effect on families. We also understand that our students are better served by being in school. As always, our top priority is the safety of our students.  We will always try to make our decisions as early as possible.  Your child will feel safer if they know what they are to do in these situations.

BUS ROUTES For your convenience an alphabetical street name list with bus numbers is located on the Wayne Local website. *************************************************

WELLNESS Wayne Local Schools Wellness Policy WC Combined Health District Newsletter Feb. 2017 HAS YOUR HOME BEEN TESTED FOR RADON GAS?   Seatbelts, Sunscreen, Low-sodium diets.  There are many actions that we can take to stay safe and healthy.  Some of them, like cutting back on chocolate cake and carefree days under the sun, require a little bit of sacrifice.  Others, like quitting smoking, can require a huge amount of effort.  But there’s one big action we can take to help protect our health that requires very little effort or sacrifice:  radon testing.   Radon exposure kills an estimated 10,000 people in the U.S. each year – a number that could be dramatically reduced by easy, inexpensive home testing and repair.   Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas that can accumulate in your home and can cause cancer in you and your children.  Radon usually comes from the surrounding soil and can enter through cracks and openings on the lower levels of your home.   Many people don’t know about radon because you can’t see, smell, or taste it.  But exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers.  Although lung cancer can be treated, the survival rate is one of the lowest for those with cancer.   Radon levels vary around the country, but no home is free from risk.  The only way to know if you are at risk for radon exposure is to test your home.  Conducting a radon test is as easy as opening a package, placing the detector in a designated area, and after a set number of days, sending the detector back to the lab for analysis.  Many kits are available at your local hardware store for under $25.  If your home does have an elevated level of radon, a qualified radon mitigation contractor can make repairs to solve the problem and protect your family.   The U.S. Surgeon General recognizes radon as a health risk and recommends that all homes across the country be tested for radon.  Testing your home, and making repairs if necessary, is a small price to pay for the health of your loved ones.  The world is full of unknowns and potential hazards like radon, but thankfully, we can eliminate it before it can hurt us.  Life is short enough – don’t let something as easy to fix as radon make it even shorter.  For more information visit www.epa.gov/radon

GUIDELINES FOR KEEPING CHILDREN HOME FROM SCHOOL DUE TO ILLNESS   It is sometimes difficult to decide when and how long to keep an ill child home from school. The following guidelines represent the more common childhood illnesses.   CHICKEN POX: A skin rash consisting of small blisters, which leave scabs. A slight fever may or may not be present. There may be blisters and scabs all present at the same time. Your child should remain home until all blisters have scabbed over, usually 5-7 days after the appearance of the first crop of blisters. COMMON COLD: Irritated throat, watery discharge from the nose and eyes, sneezing, chills and general body discomfort. Your child should remain home if symptoms are serious enough to interfere with your child’s ability to learn. Medical care should be obtained if symptoms persist beyond 7-10 days, fever develops, or discharge becomes yellow to green. FEVER: If your child’s temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater (or 1 or 2 degrees above the child’s normal temperature) (s)he should remain home until (s)he has been without fever for a full 24 hours. Remember fever is a symptom indicating the presence of an illness. FLU: Abrupt onset of fever, chills, headache and sore muscles. Runny nose, sore throat, and cough are common. Your child should remain home from school until symptoms are gone and the child is without fever for 24 hours. HEAD LICE: Lice are small grayish-tan, wingless insects that lay eggs called nits. Nits are firmly attached to the hair shafts, close to the scalp. Nits are much easier to see and detect than lice. They are small white specks, which are usually found at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. Following lice infestation, your child may return to school after receiving treatment with a pediculicide shampoo. PAIN: If your child complains, or behavior indicates, that (s)he is experiencing persistent pain, (s)he should be evaluated by a physician before your child is sent to school. PINKEYE: Redness and swelling of the membranes of the eye with burning or itching, yellow or green drainage coming from one or both eyes, or crusts on the eyelids. Your child should remain home from school until receiving 24 hours of antibiotic therapy, as determined by your physician, and discharge from the eyes has stopped. SKIN RASHES: A physician should evaluate skin rashes of unknown origin before your child is sent to school. STREP THROAT AND SCARLET FEVER: Strep throat usually begins with fever, sore and red throat, possibly pus spots on the back of the throat, tender swollen glands of the neck. With scarlet fever there are all the symptoms of strep throat as well as a strawberry appearance to the tongue and rash of the skin. High fever, nausea and vomiting may also occur. Your child should remain home from school until receiving a full 24 hours of antibiotic therapy and until without fever or vomiting for 24 hours. Most physicians will advise rest at home 1-2 days after a strep infection. VOMITING AND DIARRHEA (INTESTINAL VIRAL INFECTIONS): Stomach ache, cramping, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea, possible fever, headache, and body aches. Your child should remain at home until without vomiting, diarrhea or fever for a full 24 hours. If your child has had any of these symptoms during the night, (s)he should not be sent to school the following day.   Jen Royalty jroyalty@wayne-local.com Wayne Local School Nurse *************************************************

GENERAL INFORMATION CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT Ohioans who suspect child abuse or neglect now have one phone number that can put them in contact with child welfare or law enforcement officers in their county. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) launched 855-OHCHILD (855-642-4453), where reports can be anonymous.

CHILD FIND A Search for all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21. Child find is the process of identifying, locating and evaluating children with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services. Contact: Mr. Pat Dubbs, Superintendent at 513 897-6971.

2017/18 School Calendar This calendar was adopted at the February 13, 2017 BOE meeting. 2016/17 School Calendar  This calendar was adopted at the February 8, 2016 BOE meeting.

TWO-HOUR DELAY AND EARLY RELEASE SCHEDULES  Plan “B” – Two Hour Delay School Schedule  & Plan “B” – Two Hour Early Release Schedule 844-SaferOH (844-723-3764)

SaferOH Tip Line Read more.

PAY FOR IT Student fees can be paid online by signing up for Pay For It.  If you are interested in paying fees online visit our website and enroll.

ONE CALL NOW One Call Now is Wayne Local School’s Emergency Notification System.  It is used to contact students and school staff quickly and effectively by phone, email, and/or text message. You can receive phone calls, text alerts or emails regarding School Closings, Delays, or other Special Events/Circumstances. Text messaging and emails will be received faster than phone calls; so we always encourage subscribers to sign up for text and/or email. BCI AND FBI BACKGROUND CHECKS

BCI & FBI Background Check Information 2016/17 STUDENT INSURANCE  If you are interested in Student Insurance, please click here SCRIP BENEFITS WAYNE LOCAL WLS Spartan Scrip Central is here for your gift giving needs. Scrip is a win-win for both you and WLS. Here is how it works – you purchase gift cards for various retailers at face value and WLS gets a percentage back from the sale.  Read More.

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM PLEASE RE-REGISTER YOUR CARD – IT ONLY TAKES A FEW MINUTES SEE LINK BELOW. Please forward on to anyone you think may be interested. Thank-you for partnering with Kroger for your fundraising efforts. The 2016-2017 Kroger Community Rewards Program begins May 1, 2016 and enrollment officially opened April 1, 2016. All supporters must re-register their card for the new program year. Re-enrolling only takes a few moments and is completed in a few simple steps. To have your current supporters re-enroll: 1. Visit our website at www.krogercommunityrewards.com . 2. Sign in using your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, just click on "forgot password" and a link will be sent to your email to change your password. 3. Enter your organization's five digit 82139 Wayne Local Schools number or the first three letters of the organization's name, click search. 4. Select your organization by clicking on the circle to the left of your organization's name. Thank you for your support! ************************************************* 

PTO NEWS ELEMENTARY PTO wespto@wayne-local.com * The Cardboard Challenge is coming up!  This event will be held on Wednesday, March 8th at the middle school gym.  Doors open at 4:30 with judging to begin at 5:30.  Please see www.cardboardchallengewaynesville.com for more details, to register your child, and to volunteer for the event.   *

Boxtops for Education will be collected through Thursday, February 23rd.  Please remember to send in your Box Tops as this will be the last collection for this school year.  * Mark your calendars!  Elementary skating party will be Thursday, April 13th from 6-8 pm.  More details to follow.    2016/2017 PTO Officers  President: Jen Pond Vice Pres.#1 Mindi Squire Vice Pres. #2 Jamie Manley Treasurer: Courtney Buck Secretary: Jessica Dupps *************************************************

COMMUNITY NEWS Community announcements are provided as a courtesy for the community. WLS does not endorse or promote any activity.

2017 Polar Plunge Join Special Olympics Ohio for some Freezin for a Reason in 2017! All proceeds from the Polar Plunge support athletes of Special Olympics Ohio. Caesar Creek State Park, Waynesville, OH Saturday, March 11, 2017 For more information and to register go to OhioPolarPlunge.org

Progressive Women’s Club Foundation Taking Applications for Scholarships Deadline: March 29th, 6 p.m.   Graduating high school seniors residing in the Wayne Local School District may apply for a Progressive Women’s Club Foundation Scholarship. Applicants may be enrolled in Wayne Local Schools, private and parochial schools, vocational school or may be home-schooled.  PWCF awards multiple scholarships, usually for $1,000 each. Applicants must demonstrate strong community service, leadership and scholastic merit.   The foundation also will select a recipient for the Quaker Heights Care Community Scholarship, to be awarded to a student who wishes to enter a health care field, with special interest in serving seniors.  Applicants for this scholarship use the same question form as for the PWCF. All scholarships—PWCF and QHCC—will be awarded at the PWCF dinner, May 3rd, 6:15 p.m. Recipients will be notified by April 24th.  Recipients and two guest are invited to attend the Progressive Women’s Club dinner meeting, Wednesday, May 3rd, at 6:15 p.m.     Obtaining Applications:  Wayne Local seniors may obtain the application from High School Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Cathy Joefreda-Wells, or they may email Lisa Gooding, PWCF Scholarship Chairperson, at lagooding22@gmail.com.  Forms also will be posted at the Mary L. Cook Library.  

DEADLINE for submitting applications to Lisa Gooding is Wednesday, March 29th, no later than 6 p.m.  Ms. Gooding’s address is listed in the application form.     The Progressive Women’s Club Foundation is dedicated to strengthening our community through service, philanthropy and education. Members raise funds to distribute to local nonprofit charities and to offer educational scholarships.  Members also contribute their time and talent in support of other community needs.   

Hear Ye, Hear Ye…  Calling all the Princesses in the Land You are cordially invited to attend the

Waynesville Father/Daughter Princess Ball at Waynesville Middle School on Saturday, February 25, 2017.   Princesses and their escorts may arrive at 6:00 p.m. for pictures with Kevin Reynolds and socializing. Pictures can also be taken at your leisure during the Ball.   Dancing will begin at 7:00 p.m. and conclude at 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Price to attend: $20.00 per family Tickets can be purchased at the elementary school or at the door the evenin