District News

Graduation Parade Details

Posted on: May 17, 2021
Parade parking lot lineup

see below for enlarged image

Waynesville High School Class of 2021 Parade

The class of 2021 is getting an extra benefit as a result of last year’s successful Graduation Parade. Seniors of 2021 get both a parade and graduation ceremony!

Date: Friday, May 21 at 6pm

Where: Seniors will meet in the high school parking lot at assigned times.

Preparation for the Parade: Seniors will be advised of arrival time - between 4:30 pm to 5:50 pm. (also those who participate in the optional Baccalaureate will arrive earlier).  The vehicles will be arranged so that seniors will be in line alphabetically throughout the five-mile parade. Seniors should wear their gowns during the parade.  Seniors’ names will be announced as they pull out the Spartan Way onto Dayton Road.

Students will arrive according to a preset schedule in one vehicle per student household (by alpha). As they arrive, they will be checked in, arranged in parade order and then moved to the new “backlot” near the bus barn.  Once all the groups have arrived and loaded in, the parade will depart from the school on a route approved by the Waynesville Police Department.  The parade will return to the lot in front of the Middle School where students may get an official picture.

Safety Rules: In order to conduct the parade safely, there will need to be a number of safety rules for the event.

Traffic flow will be a “one way” traffic pattern during the event. 

All participants will remain in their vehicles at all times once on school property and throughout the parade.

Vehicles for the parade: Must be a registered vehicle with no attachments (trailers, etc.). Only one (1) senior permitted per vehicle Family members may ride in the vehicle (parents and siblings, if room). The vehicle cannot stop throughout the route and no one may leave the vehicle nor can anyone come up to the vehicle as it passes.  A WLS bus will lead the parade with Officer Mermann in front. The Waynesville Police Department will have officers and Waynesville Fire Department will help monitor the route.

Observers: Family, friends and community are encouraged to remain off to the side throughout the parade route.  The Waynesville Police Department will have officers stationed throughout the route to help with traffic flow.

End of Parade: Vehicles will enter Middle School Parking Lot and will get an official photo. The vehicle then turns left onto Spartan Way, then to Dayton Road (at stop sign) and turn right to leave. Wayne Local School staff members will be standing along the Middle School Sidewalk and Spartan Way (as the vehicles turn left out of MS lot) waving to the seniors as they pass and leave the parade. The parade is officially over.

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Parade parking lot lineup