District News

High School Exam Schedules

Posted on: May 10, 2021
exam schedule

WHS Final Exam Schedule

Tuesday, May. 18 

Period 1   7:30-9:00AM                                                              

Period 2   9:15-10:45AM

Lunch 10:45-11:30 in gym                                                                      

Make-up & Intervention 11:30-2:22

Wednesday, May. 19 

Period 3   7:30-9:00AM                                                                   

Period 4   9:15-10:45AM

Lunch 10:45-11:30 in gym                                                                      

Make-up & Intervention 11:30-2:22

Thursday, May 20              

Period 5   7:30-9:00AM                                                                   

Period 6   9:15-10:45AM

Lunch 10:45-11:30 in gym                                                                   

Make-up & Intervention 11:30-2:22

Friday, May 21              

Period 7   7:30-9:00AM                                                                   

Period 8   9:15-10:45AM

Lunch 10:45-11:30 in gym                                                                    

Make-up & Intervention 11:30-12:22

Early Dismissal at 12:22PM


  • Final Exams will not be given prior to Tuesday, May 18. Teachers may schedule an exam with a student at a different time during Tuesday-Friday, May 18-21, if the student has an acceptable request permitted by the teacher. 
  • With parent permission, students may leave if they do not have an exam the next period, (once a student arrives at school, they must stay until last exam).
  • Students do not have to stay for the intervention period unless they need help and have scheduled it with a teacher.
  • Student may work with an individual teacher to determine a time for a make-up exam.
  • Double blocked classes are only one of the two periods. The teacher may decide which period the exam will be given. The exception to this is the Biology EOC Exam.
  • Students must stay the entire 1 1/2 hour exam period in the classroom.
  • If students stay for lunch and the afternoon, they must report to a study hall in the library until the buses arrive at 2:22PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 12:22PM on Friday.