District News

High School Theater Auditions

Posted on: February 22, 2021
dark gray chalkboard with writing

Auditions for GAME OF TIARAS for interested High School students have been delayed due to weather.  NEW:  Any high school students that are interested in being a part of the production need to go to Room 114 in the middle school Monday and Wednesday after school from 3-4:30.

Story synopsis:

“When the aging king of a Magical Kingdom (England) decides to split his empire between his three daughters, Cinderella, Belle, and the Snow Queen (who in no way resembles a copyrighted character), terrible tragedy ensues. Terrible, hilarious tragedy. Combining the gut-wrenching plot twists of Game of Thrones, and the soul-numbing despair of Shakespearean tragedy, this adaptation of King Lear will leave you dying with laughter as the body count mounts. When you play the Game of Tiaras, you win or you die.”



Alex Fernandez, Drama Teacher