District News

High Schoolers Spreading Messages of Encouragement

Posted on: October 17, 2018
pipe cleaner animals with notes attached

Mrs Applegate's senior English Classes are reading the book The Five People You Meet in Heaven 
by Mitch Albom.  It is a book about a man, Eddie, who dies and awakens in heaven. He then embarks on a heavenly journey to meet five people whose lives he influenced in ways he never knew.  It’s a story about underestimating the impact we have on others.

Mrs. Applegate’s students discussed the connections Eddie made with many people in his life and how making pipe cleaner animals was just one way he showed people he cared. 

Each senior English student made a pipe cleaner animal and attached it to a positive encouraging note.  One group of students sent their pipe cleaner messages over to an elementary classroom and the other group gave the rest to the counselor to hand out to students who needed encouragement.  What a wonderful way to pay it forward.  

Thank you Mrs. Applegate and Senior English students!  


pipe cleaner animals with notes attached
pipe cleaner animals with notes attached
pipe cleaner animals with notes attached
pipe cleaner animals with notes attached
pipe cleaner animals with notes attached