District News

Honors Assembly & Senior Farewell

Posted on: May 5, 2017
image of honors assembly with a graduation cap

On May 16th, there will be a Senior Breakfast followed by an Honors Assembly & Senior Farewell at 8:00AM.  

All seniors are required to be present and will participate in the assembly (WCCC - optional).  Seniors please meet in the cafeteria at 7:15 for breakfast and to line up for the assembly.  You must wear your cap and gown!  No jeans or tennis shoes!

During the program there will be recognition of academic awards, athletics awards, and a variety of other club awards.  

The morning will conclude with our traditional Senior Walk.  Seniors will journey through the buildings and a stroll through their memory banks, while they complete their final walk through the halls of Waynesville Elementary, Middle and High Schools....the next phase of their journey in life is about to begin.