District News

Information About Scheduling Event 2020-2021

Posted on: March 12, 2020
spartan head and swirly dots

Posted:  3-12-2020


Arena Scheduling has been cancelled at this time.  Parent-Teacher conferences are still on as scheduled.  

More information will be coming out shortly.

Posted:  3-5-2020


Dear WHS Parents and Students:

We are about to embark on a different method of scheduling students for the 2020-2021 school year on Thursday, March 12 from 4-7PM in the high school gym. This process is for next year’s grades 10-12 (classes 2021, 2022 and 2023). Next year’s freshmen (class of 2024) will be scheduled individually during the month of March and will not need to attend the arena scheduling on the 12th.

The process will get started with the distribution of the paperwork (Program of Studies and course request sheets) on Friday, March 6 to all students during their Connect Class (Advisory). Please take an opportunity to review the materials before next Thursday.

Students and parents are invited to attend the night and meet with teachers as they complete their course request sheet seeking input from all stakeholders. This process will make scheduling more personalized to each student. While the student’s schedule will still only be tentative that night, the final student schedule will based upon enrollment numbers for all classes. The purpose of the arena scheduling night is to provide an opportunity for parents/students to know what is being offered and what their student has selected for the 20-21 school year.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday, March 12. The time it will take for each student on that night is dependent upon the number of students and parents attending.

Thank you and please feel free to call the high school office if you have questions. Again, your student will get the necessary information on Friday, March 6, please ask to see it.



Sam Ison, principal