District News


Posted on: August 14, 2017



Waynesville, Ohio – August 14, 2017:


When a classroom is sweltering, it is difficult to be productive; cooler temperatures in a classroom improve focus and productivity.  It allows teachers to build lesson plans around student needs instead of the weather forecast.  As our community is well aware, the Waynesville Elementary building does not have climate control technology.  We want our students in a climate controlled room however it’s not as simple as putting a window unit air conditioner in each room.  Our concerns are much broader than room temperature.  The age of our elementary building with no new classrooms built since 1956 has many infrastructure challenges.


Wayne Local partnered with Ohio School Facilities Commission to do a total physical assessment that included electrical, plumbing, mechanical systems, infrastructure and a learning space assessment.  The physical assessment of the building revealed cost estimates of over sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000) to renovate Waynesville Elementary School.  Our elementary building has been well maintained, which has allowed it to be used for multiple generations; however a large portion of the building systems and materials are past their expected efficient useful life span and should be replaced.  This will require an investment in significant building renovations.


Elements identified as needing immediate attention included:

  • Heating System


  • Roofing


  • Electrical Systems


  • Plumbing and Fixtures


  • Interior Lighting


  • Old Coal Bin Structure


  • Handicapped Access



Other elements not meeting current building standards:

  • Life Safety/Automated Fire Suppression System


  • Fire Alarm System


  • Emergency/Egress Lighting


  • Security Systems


  • Exterior Doors


  • Technology


  • General Finishes



The primary concern for our learning spaces is classroom size.  Our typical classroom is 600 square feet; considerably smaller than the current standard and best practice of 900 square feet minimum.  Newer elementary buildings also include larger physical education and fine arts spaces, multi-purpose areas, and collaborative spaces for students and adults to work in. 

Small classrooms limit the number of possible student configurations, overall flexibility, and reduce organized storage opportunities.  Already small classrooms become cluttered with learning materials; creating distraction, congestion and an overall cramped feel. 

Today, our school needs more space to support technology, incorporate project based learning, and encourage students to collaborate in flexible spaces that use flexible furniture. 

We have many ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) challenges:  it is important that we recognize special education students and meet their unique needs while being compliant under standards established by ADA.  Waynesville Elementary has narrow and long corridors that increase congestion and travel time to shared spaces.  Our food service configuration increases time to acquire food and for students to sit and eat. 

Modern elementary buildings place an emphasis on daylighting and acoustics.  Daylighting has been linked to better performance of students.  Good acoustic design in a school building improves the effect on children’s performance in literacy, numeracy and memory tasks. 

Waynesville has produced excellent results that everyone can be proud of but it is time to pursue excellence in a more modern environment; one that supports learning for all our students in a safe, clean, comfortable, collaborative, creative, flexible and engaging learning community.  Wayne Local Schools will be on the November 7, 2017 ballot with a 4.68 mills bond issue that will place our elementary students in a new building solution.