District News

Join the conversation

Posted on: January 20, 2017

The Wayne Local Schools Board of Education and Administration has embarked in a process to assess and develop a master facilities plan that addresses physical deficiencies, redefines and modernizes our educational facilities.  We completed four (4) community forums designed to educate and elicit feedback on potential options that range from short-term components replacement, building renovations to full building replacement.  The master plan becomes an intentional way to map the future of our facilities.  The public feedback gathered during the forums will be embedded in our master facilities plan.


Forum Feedback:

  • Participants agree that something needs to be done to address our current facility issues.
  • There is not a “zero-cost” option with our current facilities.
  • Participants prefer that all of our school buildings remain here on the Waynesville campus instead of looking to acquire land.
  • The size and price tag of the task to upgrade and modernize our facilities requires we use a “segmented approach” that prioritizes and establishes an order of implementation to be determined.
  • In a “segmented approach;” participants agree that Waynesville Elementary should be addressed first.
  • After viewing the professional findings and recommendations from the Ohio School Facilities Commission’s assessment of Waynesville Elementary; participants favor replacing the elementary with a new building.
  • Participants support saving or incorporating historical elements of the 1915 building into new construction
  • In order to maximize square footage and programming; participants support the District potentially moving the 6th grade back to the elementary in a new building solution.


By closely assessing our current facilities, gaining input from the community and incorporating assistance from the Ohio School Facilities Commission and other professional entities our facility solutions will shape the future of education in Waynesville for generations to come.  This is going to be an intense process; we will continue to update our school community on the progress of our master facilities plan, its contents and ultimately the decisions made as we move forward.


Yours in Education,

Pat Dubbs, Superintendent of Schools