District News

McDonald's High School Grant Challenge

Posted on: October 9, 2017

Round 2 - McDonald's High School Grant Challenge

The Waynesville Spartans moved onto Round 2! If you haven’t done so, please log on to https://highschoolgrantchallenge.com/ and vote for Waynesville in Bracket 2, Division 5. Today marks the opening of Round 2 and we are currently in 3rd place. The winner of the grant challenge receives $10,000 towards their district to offset pay-to-play costs. Please pass along word to friends and family as well.

high school grant challenge logo
mcdonalds golden arches


McDonald's High School Grant Challenge

The High School Grant Challenge will award $10,000 McDonald's® Activities Grants to two Miami Valley area schools to offset local pay-to-play fees or related expenses.
Please take a minute to vote for Waynesville Spartans....(hint.....we're currently in 2nd place!!  Let's make it 1st place!)

 High School Grant Challenge