District News

Mock Crash - April 15th

Posted on: April 19, 2021
mock crash actors and actresses


You may have noticed two "crashed" cars with police tape over the weekend in the parking lot next to the tennis courts.  These cars were staged there as part of a Mock Crash demonstration for Juniors and Seniors of Waynesville High School this past Thursday. Juniors/Seniors observed the mock crash with WHS students as actors & actresses.  The goal of this fictional scene is to show the reality of drunk driving and to bring awareness of the destructive decision to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.  Ultimately, we want to prevent such a tragic ordeal from ever happening.  

The event was timed to occur before Waynesville High School Prom on Saturday, April 17th.

The mock scene also provides the emergency responders to the situation for a full sense of the drill.  

Many thanks to Ryan Hill for organizing the event, and to the Wayne Local School Administration, Wayne Township Fire Department, Wayneville Police Department, Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home, Case Towing, and Atrium Medical Center who all provide support for the event.

two cars crashed
image of a car with a spartan head

The Mock Crash for seniors & juniors will be to Thursday, April 15 at 1PM. (This date was changed so please mark your calendars with the new date and time).

Where: Bicentennial Park parking lot

Community members welcome

Thank you to the Wayne Local School Administration, Wayne Township Fire Department, Wayneville Police Department, Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home, Case Towing, and Atrium Medical Center who all provide support for the event.