District News

Mr. Roy Lutz from “Safe on Main” visits with the Sixth Grade

Posted on: December 12, 2022
roy lutz

What is the POWER UP program?  

This week our sixth-grade students participated in a special program called, POWER UP. As part of the Ohio Department of Education Social Emotional Learning Standards, POWER UP provides a prevention approach to healthy relationships. Through scenario and discussion driven presentations, students gain awareness of what constitutes healthy and unhealthy relationships. The areas of focus are feelings and emotions, healthy communication, education on bullying, and what it means to be a citizen in their school. 


How will this be beneficial for our students?

This 3-day presentation is drawn from the evidence-based curriculum Safe Dates, Expect Respect, and Search Institute 40 Developmental Assets. There are intersections between this curriculum and the Ohio Department of Education’s Social/Emotional Learning skills (ODE SEL). Mr. Lutz has gone through extensive training to be able to present this information in a trauma informed way. This also meets the suggestions from ODE for schools to have trauma informed resources. 


In addition, this curriculum meets the requirement of OH Sub HB 19 of the 128th General Assembly, or the “Tina Croucher Act.” This act requires Ohio schools to incorporate teen dating violence prevention education in the health curriculum. This program is approved and paid for through the Ohio Department of Health.

safe on main program