District News

Open Enrollment for 2019-20

Posted on: April 29, 2019
street signs

Any CURRENT open-enrollment students should have received an open-enrollment application to complete for the 2019/20 school year.  The applications were sent home with each student several weeks ago.  Any questions, please contact jdworetsky@wayne-local.com

Wayne Local Schools will be accepting applications for NEW open-enrollment students on May 1, 2019 through electronic submission.  The link will be available at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1st to complete and submit.   If you are unable to submit electronically, an open-enrollment application may be hand delivered to the Superintendent’s Office beginning on May 1st, HOWEVER, the application will have a time-stamp starting at Noon on May 1st as applications electronically received in the morning will take precedence.  Click here for additional information which is available on our website.