District News

Power Lunches with the Superintendent

Posted on: May 23, 2019
pizza and a spartan head

Mr. Dubbs, Superintendent, was asked by several elementary teachers to eat lunch with them and some elementary students who exemplified outstanding student habits.  Mr. Dubbs accepted and decided a “Business Power Lunch” with an agenda would be a good example to the students of how a business meeting is conducted.  Of course, it was a fun way to ask questions and hear responses from the students.  The agenda had questions such as “What did you enjoy most about this school year, what is your favorite subject, what do you like to do in your spare time?” The luncheons were a success and the pizza, chips, cookies and drinks were a highlight!   Mr. Dubbs plans on continuing the “power lunch” in the upcoming years with more teachers and students. 


people around a table giving thumbs up

4th Grade Power Lunch Players

group of people around a board table

2nd Grade Power Lunch Players