District News

Project Excellence Nomination Forms are Available and Due Feb. 28th

Posted on: January 18, 2023
project excellence forms

Project Excellence Mail-In Form


2023 Excellence in Teaching Educator Award Nomination


The Project Excellence Committee of the Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc. seeks to recognize and honor excellent teachers within the public schools in Warren County. We ask your assistance in identifying exceptional educators who demonstrate excellence in instruction or innovative teachers who have pioneered a teaching method. The educator must hold a current teaching certificate and work for the public school system.

Consideration of your nominee will be based on the information you supply. Characteristics of an excellent teacher might include but are not limited to the following:

  • Demonstrates consistency and high commitment.
  • Puts research into practice through their own initiative, is a discretionary risk taker.
  • Implements creative instructional strategies.
  • Focuses on raising the bar for all students.
  • Possesses a full understanding of the subject and has the ability to challenge students at all levels.
  • Is seen by others as genuine, authentic and sincere.
  • Is a caring, thoughtful person who extends him or her self to make a positive difference.
  • Shows understanding of others -- parents, children, etc.
  • Continues to improve personally and professionally.
  • Demonstrates that he/she is committed to continuous improvement. (i.e. constantly looking for new ways to do what they do)
  • Influences others to improve by modeling the way.
  • Other positive characteristics may include: motivational, shares ideas, inspires others, supportive, enthusiastic, creative, etc.

Provide as much information as possible about your nominee. Identify the qualities and characteristics that make him/her excellent. Give examples and state specifically how he/she has had special impact on the lives of his/her students.

Submit online application at: http://www.apcwc.org/project-excellence OR

Mail completed nomination to:

Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc.
Project Excellence Committee
Post Office Box 802 Lebanon, Ohio 45036-0802

Completed nominations are due by February 28, 2023

Please see the below ineligible list for previously recognized Excellent Teachers:

Wayne Local Schools: Peggy Becker, Kelley Bricker, Lora Schafer, Patrick Hardin, Nancy Lukasavage, Jenae James


Project Excellence is a non-profit foundation made possible by the volunteer efforts of visionary business leaders who are interested in the quality of public education in Warren County. It is funded solely through the generous contributions of supportive Warren County individuals, industries and businesses.