District News

PSAT 2020 Registration - Due Sept.11

Posted on: August 12, 2020
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Waynesville High School students are offered the opportunity to take the PSAT test on Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 7:45 a.m. The cost of the test is $18.00.  Please fill out the registration form by September 11. 

2020 PSAT Registration Form 

As a junior in high school, scoring well on the PSAT test gives students a chance to enter the National Merit Scholarship program and gain access to college and career planning tools.  Taking the test earlier than Junior year may provide a valuable learning experience.  For more information on the PSAT, potential scholarship opportunities associated with the PSAT, and preparation materials, go to the website: collegereadiness.collegeboard.org

**If Wayne Local School District goes remote and is unable to administer the PSAT on the original test date, the College Board has agreed to allow a winter administration of this test.

Questions?  Please contact Sarah Snyder at ssnyder@wayne-local.com.