District News

Raptor Technologies Being Used to Manage School Visitors

Posted on: August 29, 2018

Wayne Local Schools is pleased to announce that Raptor Visitor Management System has been implemented to track visitors and contractors to our campus.   Upon entering Wayne Local Schools, visitors will be asked to present a valid driver’s license which will be scanned into the system.  The Raptor system will instantly check the registered sex offender database in all fifty states, retain records of all visitors and print a visitor/contractor badge that must be worn on campus. 

At this time, we will use Raptor for mostly contractors/visitors associated with the construction of our new facilities.  The system is housed in the Central Office.  It will eventually be setup in all three buildings for volunteers/parents entering a school to assist in a classroom, function or field trip.  Raptor will NOT replace BCI/FBI record checks.  All volunteers will continue to be fingerprinted. 

The safety of our students is our highest priority and the Raptor System provides a consistent way to aid in keeping away people who may present a danger to our students.  

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