District News

Real Money Real World

Posted on: December 2, 2019
blue and green image with words

 In October and November, the class of 2020 spent additional time with career research as well as the program Real Money, Real World. This programhas three primary goals: 1) how education level and corresponding career choice influence personal income and financial security, 2) money management tools used in daily spending for cost-of-living decisions, and 3) how income and lifestyle choices affect the amount of money available for discretionary spending.   Within this in-depth program, the students participate in a final spending simulation. Thank you Steve Brady and Laura Stanton 4-H Extension Educator for coming out to Waynesville Middle School and providing this wonderful simulation for our student.





Abby Shinkle

lots of people in a gym with tables
students around a table
students around a table
students around a table
a man and some students