District News

Red Ribbon Week

Posted on: October 20, 2022
red ribbon week

October 23-31 is Red Ribbon Week, which is a national drug prevention campaign. This year, the theme is, "Celebrate Life, Live Drug Free." Each day during announcements this week, students will learn some surprising facts about the impact and destruction caused by drugs in our country. Classrooms will also have an opportunity to earn prizes for participating in our Q & A contest. Parents, the Drug Enforcement Administration hosts a "Drug Take Back Day" on Oct. 29. On this day, you can safely dispose or/remove medications from your home as a measure of preventing misuse of drugs. Nearby locations that will accept unneeded drugs between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM are the Bellbrook Police Department and the Kroger stores in Springboro and Lebanon. Please check other locations at www.DEA.gov