District News

Senior End of the Year Activities & Underclassmen

Posted on: May 11, 2020
gray box with orange corners and a spartan head


Monday, May 11 (time 10AM-2PM)
(More details on parameters/restrictions next week)

  1. Seniors will pick up cap, gown, and diploma cover, as well as returning books, pay outstanding schools fees, and hand in final assignment letters in addressed envelopes (maximum of 4 assignment letters & 2 roses will be given to each student).  The school will mail the assignment letters. 

Seniors will report to the bus garage parking lot and remain in their car until they are permitted to drive and park in front of the central office building.   A staff member will come to their car to collect textbooks, student fees (if any) and final assignment letters.  The staff member will then bring the cap, gown, diploma cover, and roses to the car.  No one will be permitted to enter the high school. 

After the senior receives their graduation materials, they will drive to the front of the elementary school to do the walkthrough - 6 feet spaced out.  The seniors will remain in their car until a staff member permits them to enter the elementary building.  They will put their cap and gown on and walk through the elementary one by one (spaced out) so it can be videotaped.  This is a tradition we are trying to keep with guidelines set.  Staff members (K-12) are invited to attend and will stand in each classroom doorway.  Parents and family members are not permitted to enter the elementary building.


  1. Senior parents are working on a senior slide show for Facebook- Please contact Christy Baker at chillybolt@gmail.com.  Please send as soon as possible; deadline is Friday, May 8th.    Any group pictures of the seniors (from Kindergarten through 12th grade) would be greatly appreciated. 


  1. Ron James, School Treasurer, is purchasing senior signs for each senior. Many thanks to Ron for purchasing them! Sharon Vogel is helping with the distribution of the signs and getting the senior pictures. More information will be sent out concerning deadlines, etc. These senior signs will first be strategically placed in front of the middle school before given to each senior.


Tuesday, May 12

  1. A virtual Scholarship Awards ceremony is being put together by Cathy Joefreda. 


Saturday, May 16 (Time to be determined) Jamie Manley & Jennifer Royalty

  1. Red Carpet Event at the high school (details being developed now). Students (any student who planned on attending Prom) will be video tapped with their Prom attire on as they walk the carpet.  All participants will be required to maintain a social distance.  Only red carpet participants and staff members will be permitted in the building.


May 18-20

  1. If possible, a virtual Baccalaureate will be created (TBA)  
  2. The “sunset senior event” will be scheduled on Thursday, May 21 in the park monitored by police after the graduation parade. All participants must stay in their cars. This special event was planned by the class of 2020 seniors. They did a sunrise gathering in August 2019 to start the school year and wanted to do the sunset event to end the year.


Thursday, May 21 at 6PM - Virtual Graduation

  1. We are developing a virtual graduation video with an actual parade (one senior per car, the car must be a registered vehicle with no attachments). This parade will follow a map, to be provided before May 21, through town with an announcer at an appropriate place who will read the senior names over the sound system. The parade will be set to processional and recessional music. The parade will start from the high school (bus garage area parking lot) and the entire parade will be live streamed.  Seniors will park by alphabet in the school lot (time to arrive before 6PM will be posted by alphabetical order). Once the parade ends, cars should proceed to the bus garage area parking lot to return cap and gowns and receive their diploma.


The parade will be spliced together to develop the virtual graduation video.  The video will follow the graduation program which includes student speeches, songs, administration speeches and the reading of the graduating senior names by their Senior Connect Teacher. The entire video will be spliced together and placed on the WLS Website by May 24 which is the original date of graduation.





May 12-14 (Tuesday-Thursday) at high school:

  1. Tuesday, May 12 juniors will be scheduled to return books to the high school (high school entrance) 10AM-2PM
  2. Wednesday, May 13 sophomores will be scheduled to return books to the high school (high school entrance) 10AM-2PM
  3. Thursday, May 14 freshmen will be scheduled to return books to the high school (high school entrance) 10AM-2PM



  1. Underclassmen Awards for the 19-20 school year will be scheduled next fall in September
  2. Spring Sports Awards- Ryan Hill & Jamie Manley
    1.    Letters, awards, recognition and signing- TBA