District News

Senior Yearbook Ads

Posted on: March 22, 2021
colorful block letters


Contact:  Kristen Elton, Yearbook Advisor  kelton@wayne-local.com

Senior Ad Information: 

We are offering ad space for you to place a senior ad to celebrate your 2021 graduate! We love for these to be as custom as you would like them to be. You can create your own ad or we will create the ad for you in our class. 
Here's what we need for the ad and everything can be emailed to Kristen Elton
  1. Pictures - as many as you want! Bring on the baby pictures. You can also send in photos to be scanned & returned.
  2. Message - a message that you would like for your senior to read once they receive their book


Ad Sizing Options:
Full Page $50
Half Page $25
Quarter Page $20
Business Card Size $10
Ad orders must be placed in the high school office with a cash or check to WHS Yearbook. Senior ad orders are due by May 7th.