District News

Spartan Fun Run 2018 for Elementary School RESULTS!

Posted on: November 15, 2018
girl holding hover board box


Congratulations to all of the PTO Elementary Fun Run Event!!

Sylvia Moffitt is the top prize winner and received a Hover Board!!

The 5th Grade Team received $1000.00 as a whole grade level!! 


girl and teacher holding box
four women holding sign board
colorful people running

Here are the results of the Fun Run!!!!!!

  1.  Total Raised:  $33,085.00
  2. Top Class Overall and winner of a Kona Ice Party!.....Mrs. Ferguson's 4th grade
  3. Top Grade Level Overall and winner of $1,000 prize!..... 5th grade!!
  4. Individual Winners:
    • First Place:  Sylvia Moffit, Mrs. Bunn
    • Second Place:  Ava Constable, Mrs. Scott
    • Third Place:  Dean Burgess, Mrs. Fergson
  1. Top 5 Classes overall: Winners of a popcorn/movie party!
    • Mrs. Ferguson
    • Mrs. Bunn
    • Mrs. Scott
    • Mrs. Huber
    • Mrs. Muterspaw


On behalf of the PTO, we want to thank all of the students, parents and staff for making this fundraiser such a success!  We are blown away by the support!!


UPDATE:  10/4/2018

Due to weather concerns for Thursday, the Elementary Fun Run event will be held on Friday, Oct. 5 for grades K-5 including Young Fives. Times for grade levels will stay the same as originally posted. For our Preschool students who are not here on Fridays, the Fun Run will be held on Thursday as planned, but will be moved inside to our gym depending on the weather.

Thank you for your support of this event! Please dress your child appropriately for their Fun Run day.

Spartan Fun Run 2018 for Elementary School

Thursday October 4, 2018

High School Track


Please register your child online at:


See attached for more information. 

Sponsors for Spartan Fun Run:  Jamie Gabbard Realty, Waynesville Pharmacy, Waynesville Veterinary Clinic, Club 51, Joseph Brown Artisan, Christopher Coleman D.D.S., American Insurance Strategies, Turn Out Dance Academy, LCNB National Bank

colorful people running