District News

Student of the Month

Posted on: February 9, 2018

Student of the Month is an award bestowed on student stand-outs who show exemplary student behavior with their studies, work ethics, and determination. 

The chosen Student of the Month is a hard worker in all aspect of academics, has a positive attitude towards their classmates and teachers, and is well-behaved in both a structured and non-structured setting.  This student also shows responsibility in their work and their attendance, as well as in their actions.  

The student of the month is based on nominations and voting by staff members and we congratulate each and every one of our winners for their positive role-modeling for peers.  

four people holding sign

Ray Davis, Hunter Wiseman, Sam Ison, Clair Young

February Student of the Month ..... Hunter Wiseman!!   Hunter is happy to have been chosen and states..." I thought I was in trouble, but was pleasantly surprised."  

Congratulations Hunter !! 


four people holding sign

Ray Davis, Elijah St. Pierre, Sam Ison, Clair Young

January Student of the Month ..... Eli St. Pierre !!  Eli states... "I did not know how the student of the month worked so I was surprised!"

Congratulations Eli !!


student holding sign with two adults

December Student of the Month ..... Breanna Maher !!

Congratulations to Breanna who was voted as December's Student of the Month.  Breanna says, "I was a little nervous because I thought I was in trouble, but once I realized what it was, I was really happy and honored."

student holding sign with two adults

November Student of the Month ..... Sarah Hartman !!

Congratulations to Sarah who was voted as November's Student of the Month.  Sarah commented that "it was pretty cool because it just lets you know that your hard work is appreciated."

Gracie Cooper student of the month

October Student of the Month ..... Gracie Cooper !!

Congratulations to Gracie who was voted as October's Student of the Month.  Gracie says "I was surprised but Super Thrilled and honored to have received this award."



Anthony Curry student of the month

September Student of the Month .....Anthony Curry !!

Congratulations to Sophomore Anthony who was voted by staff members as September's Student of the Month.  Anthony says, "It was really great!  I really wasn't expecting to be student of the month and was very honored to have been chosen for it.  My mom was pretty excited too!  Haha!"