District News


Posted on: August 19, 2020
orange and white spartan head

Posted:  August 19, 2020

On August 13, 2020, the Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health (the “Director”) issued an order requiring use of facial coverings in K-12 schools (“Order”).  The Order which became effective on Friday, August 14, 2020, wields control over any conflicting provisions of the Director’s July 23 statewide mask order and will remain effective until the Governor declared state of emergency no longer exists or the Director rescinds or modifies the Order. The Order requires that, with limited exception, all students, faculty, and staff in any child care setting, school building, or other location that provides care of education to any child in kindergarten through twelfth grade wear a facial mask. 

Universal masking is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infectious disease and lessen the severity of the illness. At the same time, we know that teachers and students may not have access to surgical grade masks that studies are based on. Cloth masks vary widely in construction, quality and maintenance. Given those factors, the protocols are framed accordingly.

A mask is defined as any material that covers an individual’s nose, mouth and chin.  Facial masks are to be worn at all times.  The Director’s Order also sets forth very limited exceptions for circumstances in which the requirement to wear a facial mask does not apply.

The Interim Director of the Ohio Department of Health on August 13, 2020 (the “Order”), also provides that school-wide use of face shields instead of masks is not appropriate and does not meet the requirements of the Order. Instead, ODH states that a face shield is only appropriate in circumstances where an allowable exception to the Order applies. ODH’s guidance acknowledges that certain circumstances may require an alternative to a mask, and that in those instances, if a face shield is used, it should be worn against the forehead with no gap, wrap around the sides of the face, and extend below the chin. Further, ODH notes that when a face shield is being used as an alternative to a face mask, social distancing of at least six feet should be maintained, as well as other preventive measures, such as frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer and increased cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.  Documentation of the use of a face shield as an exception to the general facial coverings mandate should be maintained.   

Everyone is responsible for their own face covering (mask) and all face coverings shall be in accordance with the applicable Student Code of Conduct/Student Discipline Code, Staff Code of Conduct, and with policies of the Board.  Face coverings shall not be masks designed to be worn for costume purposes, etc. All face coverings shall meet the requirements of appropriate dress as determined by Directing Entities or District Administration.  


Click here for the Amended Use of Face Coverings Policy

Click here for the Amended Re-opening Plan


Tips for wearing a mask:  Click here

How to clean your cloth masks:  Click here


If you would like to make a change to OPTION 2 (from in-school/in person to VLA) for your child(ren), please contact the building secretary at your child’s school by FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2020


  • HIGH SCHOOL:    


Superintendent's Message 8-19-2020 - download here