District News


Posted on: October 29, 2021
superintendent's message


October 29, 2021


Wayne Local School District is proud to have been one of the leading partners in the Test and Stay Pilot Program.  The four week program, implemented by school districts in Warren County, collected an impressive amount of data that was recently used in a communication from the Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Governor DeWine. 

Most recently, there are new options when it comes to quarantining and masking with the Mask to Stay, Test to Play Program.  The guidelines help keep healthy kids learning in school, and participating in the activities they love. The program is another step in ensuring that our children stay connected to their educators and classmates - a crucial component for children’s mental wellness. The new guidelines are for students who were exposed to COVID-19 in a classroom setting or school-related activity. Those exposed to COVID-19 outside of school should continue to follow standard quarantine guidelines. 

Below is the updated school quarantine guidance released by the Ohio Department of Health.  Wayne Local Schools will follow these guidelines effective immediately. 


  1. Mask to Stay: 

Under Mask to Stay, students can continue with in-person learning after being directly exposed to COVID-19 in a school setting if they do the following:

  • Wear a mask for at least 14 days after the initial exposure date
  • Self-monitor or have a parent monitor for symptoms of COVID-19
  • Isolate and get tested if they show symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of the severity of symptoms
  • Students may discontinue the quarantine procedures after seven days if they do not develop any symptoms and if they test negative for the virus on days 5, 6, or 7 from their exposure.


  1. Test to Play

Test to Play permits students to participate in extracurricular activities after being directly exposed to COVID-19 in a school setting if they:

  • Wear a mask when able, such as while on a team bus, in the locker room or while on the sidelines or bench
  • Get tested for COVID-19 once they learn they were exposed to the virus
  • Test again between days five and seven following the initial exposure. 
  • Students may discontinue the quarantine procedures after seven days if they test negative for the virus on days 5, 6, or 7 from their exposure.


Strong data About the Pilot

Ten (10) Warren County school districts participated in the 4-week Test & Stay pilot program with the Warren County Combined Health District and with assistance from the Ohio Department of Health. Participating districts included Carlisle Local Schools, Clinton-Massie Local Schools, Franklin City Schools, Kings Local Schools, Lebanon City Schools, Little Miami, Mason City Schools, Monroe City Schools, Springboro, Wayne Local Schools, the Warren County Career Center and the Warren County Educational Service Center.

During the pilot, the following data was obtained: 

  • 790 Warren County students were identified as direct contacts at school
  • 457 Warren County students participated in the program
  • 335 Warren County students completed the 7-day program with negative tests and no symptoms
  • 106 Warren County students are still in the program 
  • 12 Warren County students had a positive test result after the first test (2.63% of program participants)
  • 4 Warren County students had a positive test result after the second test (0.88% of program participants) 
  • 3,370 days of in-person learning were saved