District News

Thank You Day City Hospice, Designs Now, and PTO

Posted on: March 20, 2023
therapy dogs

It has been a difficult week at the elementary school with the sudden passing of Wade. The school has provided counseling and other support services to students affected by this tragedy. On Wednesday, therapy dogs were brought in from "Dogtors" and Dayc City Hospice to help students and staff cope with grief. Thank you PTO for coordinating this.

Thank you to Designs Now for the quick turnaround of green t-shirts purchased by students, staff, and community members in memory of Wade.  Wednesday was Wade Boswell Green Day (his favorite color). All proceeds of t-shirt sales are being donated to the Wayne Local Schools Project Fund.

We are deeply grateful to the following organizations and individuals who provided support for our students and staff in the wake of this tragedy.  Your generous donations, kind words, and comforting presence have been deeply appreciated and invaluable in helping our students and staff cope with this difficult situation.  If there is anyone we missed, please understand we are very grateful for everyone's support. 

Counselors, Psychologists, Therapists and Staff at Wayne Local Schools
Bridge Community Hub and Brandon Larson
Crossview Christian Church
Day City Hospice
Designs Now
Domino's Pizza
Elementary PTO
Lytle United Methodist Church
Morningstar Baptist Church
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Waynesville Community Church
Waynesville United Methodist Church


We encourage any student or staff member who needs help or someone to talk to to reach out to our teachers, counselors, and administrators.

therapy dogs