District News

Thank You for your Continuous Support of Wayne Local Schools

Posted on: September 14, 2020
chart with gray blocks and spartan heads

 With our creative push to ‘Let Them Play’, we are now looking at advertising in a different way. We will be advertising one season at a time.
With limited amount of fans and spectators eligible to be in our facilities, we will now be reaching out to our fans differently. We will be Live-Streaming all our home High School Football, Soccer, and Volleyball events. Introducing our YouTube Channel: Waynesville News.
With this unique advertising opportunity your sponsorship will provide your company/business a different avenue to be seen and heard by our Spartan fans and followers.
Friday night football games will have a live broadcast team- “Spartans Live”. You can submit an ad to be read on the air during these games.

Contact Anna Garafolo at agarafolo@wayne-local.com or Jamie Manley at jmanley@wayne-local.com to sponsor or for more information. 

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