District News

The Writing Center is Open

Posted on: September 7, 2017
image of inkwell and pen

Mission Statement: It is our job to help fellow students focus, organize, develop, and revise all kinds of writing.  Our role is to question and redirect while leaving control of the paper in the hands of the student-writer.

The tutors have been selected and are all advanced writers with the training to offer guidance and constructive advice on any stage of the writing process.  The 2017/2018 tutors are as follows:  Katie Feldmann, Madison Fry, Kayleigh Gleason, Abigail Highley, Evelyn Schroeder, Chase Thompson, Tara Todd, and Kate Von Handorf.

The Writing Center is located just inside the main doors of the HS Media Center.  If you need help narrowing your topic, writing your paper, or putting finishing touches on an assignment, please visit the Writing Center. The tutors can assist you at any stage of the process.

Please bring the following so we may have a productive conference:

  • A hard copy of your draft or pre-writing
  • The assignment sheet or prompt
  • The rubric
  • Any form your teacher has given you
  • A pen or pencil
  • An open mind
  • Your questions or concerns about your draft