District News

Third Grade Living Wax Museum

Posted on: April 29, 2019
cartoon historical images

It’s that time of year again.  It’s time for the Third Grade Living Wax Museum!  

Our third graders were recently given a selection of biographies and asked to choose one of these famous people to research.  They will spend the upcoming weeks learning about their famous person, and using their newly learned knowledge to create a postage stamp,poem, summary, and informational report on their chosen subject.     

For the “wax museum” portion of the project, each child will need to dress and act the part of their famous person.  On May 14  these notable figures from the past and present can be found visiting Waynesville Elementary School.  You never know who you will see!  You might find famous explorer Christopher Columbus or famous basketball player LeBron James.  It’s possible you could run into Wanda Coven who wrote the children’s series Heidi Heckelbeck or Steve Voake who penned the Daisy Dawson series. You might even run into the world famous American Zookeeper Jack Hanna!  It is never the same two years in a row! 

Please mark Tuesday, May 14, 2019 on your calendars!  The “wax museum” will take place from 2:00-2:45 in the elementary school.  This is an event that you will NOT want to miss!  Come join us and watch these third graders come to life!

Mrs. Pendergraff