District News

Wayne Local Schools and the Plan to Move Forward

Posted on: December 1, 2017
school kids with backpacks heading into school

Full Story at Dayton Daily News

The Wayne Local Schools plan to begin issuing bonds in December financing more than $26.5 million in community development.

Funds from a bond issue and the Ohio School Facilities Commission will be used to build a new Waynesville Elementary School, turn the 1915 Building, a former school building, into a community center and improve parking and other infrastructure on the Wayne Local Schools’ complex off Dayton Road.

Voters passed a 4.68-mill, 37-year bond issue by eight votes, according to final results tallied in Warren and Greene counties.

“The results of this ballot were very close. We appreciate our supporters and respect those who chose to vote no. In the end, we are a community which is a vital part of a truly successful school. We will work together to make this vision a reality and one that everyone can be proud of,” Superintendent Patt Dubbs said in a statement

thank you letter



Earlier this week the ballot recount in Warren County confirmed that Issue 19 passed. Today the vote will be certified in Greene County. Issue 19 for Wayne Local Schools has officially passed.

We are thrilled with the results of our bond issue. We are so thankful to have a community that supports the work we’re doing and values education. The next few years will be incredibly busy but will be worth it. We are excited to move forward with this project and provide our students and community with significant facility improvements. Our future is going to be bright.

The process of issuing bonds will begin in December. The district will partner with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC); OFCC guides eligible capital construction projects for state agencies, state supported universities and community colleges including Ohio’s comprehensive public K-12 school construction program. Wayne Local Schools is eligible for 4.5 million dollars of state support for the project.

The results of this ballot were very close. We appreciate our supporters and respect those who chose to vote no. In the end, we are a community which is a vital part of a truly successful school. We will work together to make this vision a reality and one that everyone can be proud of.


As stated in the headlined article from Dayton Daily News, “2-vote margin:  Waynesville anxiously awaits decision on $26M bond issue.”  Please click here for the article. 

Thank you to the community for voting.  We appreciate our supporters and respect those who chose to vote no.  In the end, we are a community which is a vital part of a truly successful school.  As the outcome of the election is still unknown due to the very close results, we want to express our gratitude to residents of Wayne Local School District who came out and voted!