District News

Waynesville Art Show 2021

Posted on: April 30, 2021
art show 2021

The Waynesville Art Show was a huge success this week as the gym was transformed into an art gallery showcasing the works of art of our students, and even some from our staff members!  As you can tell from the photos below, there was a ton of art to show off, and the setting up, display arrangements, and tear down took a lot of work!  We were impressed and awed at the talent of our students, and truly thank our Art Department for bringing this event to our district and community this year.

Our Art Department is amazing and we thank them for their dedication, encouragement, and inspiration to our incredibly talented students.  

arrt show 2021
art show 2021
waynesville art show

The Waynesville Art Show will be held Thursday, April 29th, 2021 from 4-7 in the High School gym. 

Students and families are welcome to attend.

This art show is a traditional way of showcasing the works of creativity of our amazingly talented young artists and teachers too!

Grades 6-12 will be represented and featured works of art using paper, wood, clay, metal, photograhy, textiles, and paint, just to name a few.

Classes will be invited to walk through the art exhibits and be inspired by the talented youth of Waynesville.