District News

Waynesville High School Blood Drive Results

Posted on: November 5, 2021
arm giving blood

Blood Drive Results

Did you know that nearly 40% of all blood donations that are collected come from high school drives such as ours?  Waynesville is PROUD of our student and staff donors, as well as the High School Student Council who help organize and run the drive, for yet another successful Blood Drive! 

Overall, we had 37 successful donations, including 28 first-time donors. WOW!  As a result, the total of blood donations can positively impact over 111 lives!!!  Students who donate 3 or more times prior to graduation will be recognized at the graduation ceremony by wearing a red cord on their graduation gown.  


For each time a student has donated blood, it counts as one community service hour!

Proud of our Students and Staff who gave so selflessly for our event!



  • 42 people registered to give blood!
  • 37 were successful! (35 was the goal)
  • 106% percent of goal!
  • 28 First Time Donors!  WOW!
  • Over 111 lives will be positively impacted as a result of total donations!
blood donation

Coming Friday, October 29th!

Posted on: October 18, 2021
Waynesville High School Blood Drive

Friday, October 29th, 2021

Download Consent Form

Schedule your appointment with Mrs. Miller by October 27th.
