District News

Waynesville Idol takes the STAGE!

Posted on: May 22, 2017
image of waynesville idol event

On May 11th, students from Waynesville High School showed their classmates some of their talents....some well-known, while others not so known.  Either way it was a fantastic afternoon of student performances and entertainment by our panel of judges made up of high school teachers and administrators.  

Mrs. Jamito's 7th period Theater class organized this project from the prep work, the set up, audio equipment, and general logistics as their end of year class project.  With combined efforts from both Mrs. Jamito's supervision and Ms. Schleman on ticket sales, this project serves as a fundraiser as well. 

Whether or not students have spent 10 years on their talent or 2 weeks in preparation, this program was highly entertaining.  Waynesville has an incredible bunch of super talented students!

See our facebook page for all of the photos!   Facebook