District News

Wright Scholar Research Interns

Posted on: April 19, 2021
brad sisk and landon stricker

Landen Stricker (12th Grade) and Brad Sisk (11th Grade) have been accepted to the Wright Scholar Research Internship.
The Wright Scholar Research Assistant program is a program for stellar high school students (juniors/seniors when they apply) who are competitively selected and matched with an AFRL scientist/engineer during the summer following their junior/senior year of high school.  During their 8-week internship, students not only gain meaningful experience working with their mentors on a research project, but will also be exposed to various STEM disciplines through classes/workshops/tours through the University of Dayton, Wright State University, and The Ohio State University.  They also tour places of interest like the AF Museum, as well as host weekly lecture series speakers including prominent scientists/engineers who share their expertise.  At the culmination of the program, students give a presentation on their project work to their mentors and Wright Scholar peers.  The program truly brings a wealth of information regarding future careers in engineering/science fields. 

More on Opportunities Outside the Classroom

Wright Scholar Internship Program